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Old 13 June 2004, 14:33   #1
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HELP wanted buying 1st RIB!

Hello all,

I'm tentatively looking into the 'world of RIBs' to see what all the fuss is about.

I am looking at buying my first RIB with motor, to potter, pull doughnuts behind and possibly pull a water ski/wakeboard.
I am an utter beginner with regards RIBs but not new to open water or surf.

What im after is any direction regarding how much to spend on first RIB, what best, places to buy, clubs etc.

Any help or advice to set me off would be great.

BTW, I live in Plymouth, Devon, (God's Country!) Ride motorbikes and wonder if owning a RIB might move me away from biking, for a change.

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Old 13 June 2004, 14:52   #2
Country: UK - England
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Hi Tim, and welcome to RIBnet.

The first question has to be budget. You will get loads of advice on this forum, but most people are on the water this weekend.

Give us an idea of what you might be thinking of spending, if you will, and then we can try to help.


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Old 13 June 2004, 17:38   #3
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by timmy
I...Ride motorbikes and wonder if owning a RIB might move me away from biking, for a change.
I also ride motorbikes (Ducati 916) and as much fun as RIBs are, don't think for one moment they'll match the adrenalin fix of a Superbike regardless of what size outboard is fitted; but that's not really the point - after all there are no Volvos to pull out on you or cow shit to slide on when you're on the water and in that respect you'll find a RIB an altogether more relaxing experience! View them as a complementary hobby rather than a replacement for a bike.

Purchasing a RIB is an altogether more complicated issue than buying a new bike, because even if you've decided on a manufacturer you still need to ensure you pick the right length hull and appropriate size of engine for your specific requirements. This forum is full of people who wish they'd got a bigger engine on their RIB and getting that bit right first time will save you losing a load of money if you decide to change it later. The fact that you allude to skiing/wakeboarding makes the choice of a big enough engine even more critical.

As Bruce says, setting a budget is a prerequisite and if you're prepared to buy second-hand then your options are obviously much wider - you won't be surprised to learn that shiny new RIBs depreciate at much the same rate as this year's latest Superbike! Be wary, however, of buying some ancient relic of an outboard and don't be fooled into thinking that because your Suzuki GSXR1100 engine went 'round the clock' without incident your 20 year old Japanese outboard won't break down - it will, and you won't have the luxury of Norwich Union's Bike Assist breakdown service to get you home!

Difficult I know when you're new to the game, but bear in mind that although you might think that you just want to 'potter about' at the moment, you may well develop an interest in taking your boat further afield, so be wary of buying too small a RIB that you'll outgrow too soon. Having said that you also want to avoid buying something so big you can't handle or store it easily.

You will, over the course of the next few days, receive a mass of quality information from experienced ribsters on this forum and will become so confused that you'll wish you'd never asked the question in the first place. However, as someone who'd never even heard of the word RIB 18 months ago, the one piece of advice I would proffer would be to try out as many different sizes of RIB as you can before you commit to a purchase. Only in this way will you be able to formulate a realistic appreciation of what you want.

You are ideally situated on the South coast and there are a load of extremely friendly, helpful guys on this forum who'd be more than happy to take you out for a spin - even more so if you offer to buy them a beer or two! One thing's for sure, though - once you've bought one you'll never look back
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Old 13 June 2004, 22:03   #4
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I can only suggest you read the forums, get some advise then buy something cheap to see if you like it, with a view to moving on pretty quickly if you want more.

I also ride bikes, appears to be a common thing here, Boys toys etc. and get a different, but good buzz compared to the bike.

You could spend £40K on a new 8M RIB with all the toys and huge engines, or £2K on a 15 year old 4M RIB with a big engine for its size that will be great fun. Dependant on your budget you will find a good RIB anywhere between the two above.

Just happens I've a 4M Flatacraft with 55HP Suzuki for sale at the moment, but wouldn't want to influence you!!

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