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Old 03 November 2001, 17:02   #1
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Help with the FLASHER!

Right, time for another question.

I really have tried to find the answer to this one myself but now I have run out of steam and inspiration.

This is about those magenta flashes on the charts. I know that it is a light and I have read all about the characteristics etc. But my question is this. I have noticed that on my charts the flashes are shown in different directions on various lights. Does this mean anything in particular, or are the flashes printed in a certain way merely for the convenience of the cartographer?

Please help.

Keith Hart
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Old 05 November 2001, 09:17   #2
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You really do know how to ask them Keith, don't you?
I have consulted the UK Hydrographic Office publication "Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts" Chart 5011 (Int 1) Edition 2-1998 and studied carefully pages 43 through to 47 and can find no logic to the direction of magenta lights on a Standard Chart.
I therefore come to the conclusion, that because no specific mention is made, that there is no logic, other than the preference of the draughtsmen, to cause as little interference with other features on the chart as possible.
Of course, I could be wrong, it is rare, I admit, but I could be.
How about an e-mail to the H.O. to put all our minds at rest and perhaps to allow us to sleep tonight.
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Old 05 November 2001, 09:19   #3
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They are just to indicate that the mark has a light. That's all. There's nothing else to read into them!

Next . . .


OK so Brian beat me to it by 2 minutes!
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Old 05 November 2001, 15:49   #4
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Hi there, and thanks to Brian and John,

Yes, I read Admiralty Charts" Chart 5011 (Int 1) Edition 2-1998 from cover to cover about a dozen times and could not find mention of it. You see I was driven by the vague recollection of reading something about the direction of the magenta flash in some book or on the back of an Imray chart. It must have been in my all too active imagination! In the end I gave up and decided to pose the question to the experts in the RibNet forum.

Talking of e-mailing the Admiralty Charts people I am STILL waiting to hear from the Met Office about the 'Sea State' official ratings. That question was answered by forum members within a few days. We even had the 'Sea State Chart' posted. But, so far the Met office have not got back to me as promised.

I may try e-mailing the Admiralty to see just how long it takes them to come up with the answer!

Thanks again,

Keith (insatiable curiosity) Hart

PS Please excuse the questions, I only took up inflatable boating last year when I was 47 years old. I have a lot of time to make up!
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Old 05 November 2001, 16:05   #5
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Well I've thrown down the gauntlett, or should that be the neoprene drysuit glove?

I've just sent the following e-mail to
(the Hydrographic Office)

I have several Admiralty Charts and also Chart 5011 (int 1) Edition 2 - 1998 (the symbols and abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts book). I have noticed on the charts that the 'magenta flashes' that represent a light often are lined up in different directions. I can find no mention of this in the above publication. Does the direction of the 'magenta flash' have any particular meaning or is the direction merely for the convenience of the cartographer? Can you assist please?

Thank you

Keith Hart

So, lets start the clock ticking.

Date: 5/11/01 Time: 17.00 hours and counting........
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Old 05 November 2001, 17:33   #6
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Response times

Keith, Contrast this.
At 14.00 today, I e-mailed C-MAP USA regarding a question I had about the depth markings on their NT chips that I use in my plotter and on my PC. Some figures are in red, some in black. What is the difference?
At 18.00 today, I logged back on, to find an answer to my e-mail from C-MAP UK (spot depths versus contour depths respectively) and an offer of a FREE, yes FREE, booklet giving details of all symbols and abbreviations, if I gave them my postal address.
How about that for service!
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Old 06 November 2001, 16:17   #7
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Date 6/11/01, time 17.15 hours and still waiting.....

Keith (ho hum) Hart
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Old 07 November 2001, 15:20   #8
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Well, Keith, my FREE booklet from C-Map arrived in this mornings post. I'm mega impressed!!
How are you doing with the Hydrographic Office?
It did occur to me that maybe they are too busy doing VERY IMPORTANT things rather than satisfying the musings of anoraks like ourselves.
But after meandering down Cynisism Boulevard for a few moments, maybe the answer is that they are all jolly nice people in the H.O. but management hasn't put in an effective system yet for answering the e-mails of "customers"-so nobody does!
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Old 08 November 2001, 19:32   #9
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Date: 8/11/01....Time 20.30 hours and still waiting....

Keith Hart
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Old 09 November 2001, 19:14   #10
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TAAA RAAA.........

Here we are with the difintive answer from the UKHO:

Your query has been passed to me for attention.
You are quite correct in assuming that the direction of the magenta light flare is merely for the convenience of the cartographer. It is also for the benefit of the chart user, as it ensures that as little text etc. as possible, is obscured.

However, the exception to this is with Leading Lights, Lights in Line and Direction Lights. When these lights are charted, the magenta light flare lies in the direction of the pecked/solid lines. Ref 5011 (int 1) Edition 2 - 1998 (the symbols and abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts book) IP 20.1; 20.2;20.3; 21.

I hope this has assisted you with your query.
Please do not hesitate to contact this Office if you need further assistance.

Lynn Morley

Mrs Lynn Morley
Deputy Lights List Officer
Lights List Office
Tel: +44(0)1823 337900 3639#
Fax: +44(0)1823 334752

Good answer, not too long to get it either. So now you all know.

Keith (a leading light) Hart
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