01 August 2013, 16:55
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Originally Posted by ashbypower
A back up system for the kill cord !!! Guess cars will be having back up systems for brakes next..... perhaps a parachute to throw out to help slow us down, !!! 
Well granted its not really that, more a more practicable system for all round control, or another option, I personally have no complaint over the traditional kill cord system. It works when used but by your statement you could argue its no different to carrying a spare "get me home engine", why bother ? A car doesn't carry a spare engine so why should a boat.
Before I get the usual tripe, no I'm not suggesting you shouldn't bother with an aux outboard. Its just an exaggerated point.
Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ www.BoatsandOutboards4Sale.co.uk ~ 07930 421007
01 August 2013, 18:03
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So CoastKey works three ways - a manual on off, an out of range and contact with water.
Does everyone where one and if one goes Out of Range the engine stop? If not you still run the risk the helm changes and the previous helm has the kill cord. Yes they can stop the engine once they've worked out whats going on and that they still have the CoastKey. Still allows you to sit it in a locker or on the console while you are doings something and then forget to put it round ur neck
Contact with water? The RI13 guys have set off 2 EPIRIBS by accident!! So I'm imagining the coastkey would be very susceptible to false alarms on a rib in rough weather.
01 August 2013, 18:39
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
Interesting watch regarding kill cords from the powerboat & yachting magazine, found link via our facebook page. Neat little bit of kit they display as a secondary fail safe to the kill cord. Its called CoastKey.
so, you you throw throw fender into the water (where your legs would be easy in prop range) and in a few seconds......your ordering a wheelchair.... smart!
Without pointing fingers, had to chuckle at the YouTube comments, suggesting no life jacket on the presenter during his short trip over the river
Yep cos no one ever drowned on a short trip on a river did they?
Go pubic with a safety feature you should be up to scratch or face ridicule and completely loose any credence in anything you say.
01 August 2013, 18:43
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Originally Posted by Starovich
Yep cos no one ever drowned on a short trip on a river did they?
Go pubic with a safety feature you should be up to scratch or face ridicule and completely loose any credence in anything you say. 
That was my point, not chucking at the comment, more the deftness of the presenter making a safety video with the erm, safety equipment on display. Obviously if indeed he did in fact not wear one during the cruise.
Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ www.BoatsandOutboards4Sale.co.uk ~ 07930 421007
01 August 2013, 19:01
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
Ahh OK did seem a bit strange coming from you
01 August 2013, 19:31
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A pressure sensitive wheel maybe - I can see it coming...
Mark E
30 January 2014, 19:49
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Originally Posted by akirk
Part of the problem though is perception
- RIBs are known as safe boats so some owners don't respect them
- learning / boat trials take place in nice weather, so some don't respect the sea
- car engines are reliable and failure rarely affects you significantly, so some don't think through potential issues with marine engines, or see a need for a spare
- folks can swim, so don't consider a need for a life-jacket
- if you let go of the accelerator in a car the car will slow and stop - so some don't see a need for a kill cord
- folks don't understand forces in a boat / drive powerful vehicles before they have the skill / etc.
while we have a system allowing the freedom to just go off in a boat, it is balanced with accidents and deaths - the alternative, a licence as for cars, might save lives, but restrict freedoms - a difficult balance...
I'm sure it will lead to a licensing system like for cars eventually, but that will just push the costs through the roof and make it inaccessible to many.
Hopefully long after I'm out of it.
But it still won't stop all the people without a license using boats or people helming like an idiot.
The same as it doesn't with cars!
In addition to the kill cord, could a 'smart' control box be made with a chip built in to a lifejacket or something, if the person wearing the jacket is out of range, the engine cuts off!
Obviously this is assuming the life jackets are worn.
But could be an issue if the system gives up out at sea, which would worry me more.
30 January 2014, 20:22
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Originally Posted by Ribandmotorhome
In addition to the kill cord, could a 'smart' control box be made with a chip built in to a lifejacket or something, if the person wearing the jacket is out of range, the engine cuts off!
Obviously this is assuming the life jackets are worn.
But could be an issue if the system gives up out at sea, which would worry me more.
What if the lifejacket is stowed in a locker on board the boat then has no way of telling if the person is overboard or not.
I'm quite sure there are technologies out there that can replace the killcord in the future and also there are current technologies available to buy now which replace the killcord.
But the problem is it's still down to the human part of the puzzle to implement the safety device.
There are electronic devices out there that do a killcord a job but still entail the helmsman to wear it and not just clip it onto the steering wheel etc etc or leave it in the locker.
A chip in a lifejacket is not feasible as an example I have the use of possibly 4 different life jackets at any one time would I remember to change the chip to each of these. If one was in for a service.
The KILLCORD WORKS fullstop its a simple system that is fitted as standard to all ribs as far as I'm aware and there is no reason to over engineer a device that works.
Unfortunately there will be people that will not use the system or forget it that's the world we live in. If you look at road traffic accidents and how many of them happen every day with fatal circumstances it far outweighs the amount boating accidents. But road traffic accidents are a accepted way of life nowadays unless it happens to you, you're family you're fiends/colleagues I doubt you even bat an eyelid to a another crashed car at the side of the road.
It's a tragedy what happened but the masses will take a lot more than this to change there way of thinking as some people have said. Because the report has taken so long to come out unfortunately the impact of it is not so great as the initial incident so will no way near have as much impact on the publics opinion on boating safety.
30 January 2014, 20:32
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Yes the life jacket could be stowed in a locker.
Same as you can drive your car without a seat belt on, you shouldn't but you can!
I also said in addition to the kill cord, I agree it works fine and is more reliable than any electronics.
Just answering alistairs idea about technology.
As for using 4 different jackets, I have had the same one for 8 years.
Ours have our names on, so we use the right ones
It was only a thought as I said but prob not practical
30 January 2014, 20:32
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Oh not the Kill Cord Debate AGAIN
I also said in addition to the kill cord, I agree it works fine and is more reliable than any electronics.
Just answering alistairs idea about technology
True - but it relies on someone choosing to use safety rather than a default position where safety is built in... plenty of electronics on a boat, so shouldn't be an issue...
It would be very simple to replace the kill cord with active-run technology (where you have to actively keep the boat going)...
- pressure sensor in the driver's jockey seat (a la seatbelt warning systems in cars)
- while there is pressure on it engine runs - as soon as there is not, engine stops.
- for those with a standing position - a floor based switch / pedal would do the same
cost - I suspect sub £20
maybe simpler:
- pressure sensor in the steering wheel
- once there is no hand on the wheel - engine stops
the only issue would be if you think of times when you might want the engine running without driver at the helm (e.g. ticking over while single-handed mooring?)
but it is feasible to set up all boats with something which takes care of this issue...
as for 300HP on the back - I saw someone in the solent going off full throttle in a rib with 3 x 225HP on the back - with wife and two v. little children on her lap on the back bench! mmm
30 January 2014, 20:44
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Something like this? He even promises the money back if you get run over by your boat
reparere, kalibrere, konfigurere, destruere, protestere..."
- Pompel...eller Pilt ... eller https://geirmeister.net/gorgon.mp3
Gorgon vaktmester ... eller Geir
30 January 2014, 20:45
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Originally Posted by akirk
True - but it relies on someone choosing to use safety rather than a default position where safety is built in... plenty of electronics on a boat, so shouldn't be an issue...
It would be very simple to replace the kill cord with active-run technology (where you have to actively keep the boat going)...
- pressure sensor in the driver's jockey seat (a la seatbelt warning systems in cars)
- while there is pressure on it engine runs - as soon as there is not, engine stops.
- for those with a standing position - a floor based switch / pedal would do the same
cost - I suspect sub £20
maybe simpler:
- pressure sensor in the steering wheel
- once there is no hand on the wheel - engine stops
the only issue would be if you think of times when you might want the engine running without driver at the helm (e.g. ticking over while single-handed mooring?)
but it is feasible to set up all boats with something which takes care of this issue...
as for 300HP on the back - I saw someone in the solent going off full throttle in a rib with 3 x 225HP on the back - with wife and two v. little children on her lap on the back bench! mmm
I know what you mean but with the crashing about, movment of weight etc, at sea it would be easy for the system to be set off wrongly and possibly very dangerous.
Also electronics and water don't go to well, what if you had a big wave in and it shorts out, your stuffed!
The kill cord is reliable, simple, more forgiving and does what it says on the tin, tried and tested.
30 January 2014, 20:50
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Originally Posted by geir
Something like this? He even promises the money back if you get run over by your boat
That's the sort of idea I was trying to think of and get at.
But at the end of the day being sensible at the helm and use all safety things currently in use is the main thing
30 January 2014, 20:50
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Originally Posted by akirk
True - but it relies on someone choosing to use safety rather than a default position where safety is built in... plenty of electronics on a boat, so shouldn't be an issue...
It would be very simple to replace the kill cord with active-run technology (where you have to actively keep the boat going)...
- pressure sensor in the driver's jockey seat (a la seatbelt warning systems in cars) Most of the time I drive standing
- while there is pressure on it engine runs - as soon as there is not, engine stops.
- for those with a standing position - a floor based switch / pedal would do the same My missus drives sat down
cost - I suspect sub £20
maybe simpler:
- pressure sensor in the steering wheel I have autopilot, quite often I have both hands on the screen grab rail
- once there is no hand on the wheel - engine stops
the only issue would be if you think of times when you might want the engine running without driver at the helm (e.g. ticking over while single-handed mooring?)
but it is feasible to set up all boats with something which takes care of this issue...
as for 300HP on the back - I saw someone in the solent going off full throttle in a rib with 3 x 225HP on the back - with wife and two v. little children on her lap on the back bench! mmm
I have a killcord, it's cheap, reliable & works. Nothing is idiot proof, there's always a better class of idiot. This subject has been done to death & the conclusion...........................use your killcord, simples
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
30 January 2014, 20:55
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We've had this debate once guys...
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30 January 2014, 20:58
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
We've had this debate once guys...
You might have done! :-)
30 January 2014, 21:04
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Ribandmotorhome
You might have done!
And we won't be going there again unless you go and find that thread and continue it
This thread isn't an appropriate place for it.
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30 January 2014, 21:11
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I'm getting fed up of the admin people always moaning and having an attitude on here.
30 January 2014, 21:12
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Originally Posted by Ribandmotorhome
I'm getting fed up of the admin people always moaning and having an attitude on here.
'ere we go
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
30 January 2014, 21:21
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Originally Posted by geir
Something like this? He even promises the money back if you get run over by your boat
Like the killcord still relies on the driver actually wearing the tether and not just leaving attached to the console/wheel.
aint broke dont fix it, autotether, coastkey, deranged, improved, keyfob, kill cord, killcord, lanyard, mob, ramblings, rfid, tag, unrealistic, wireless  |
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