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Old 30 September 2014, 07:14   #21
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Originally Posted by Chunk View Post
Yeh, looks to be £18ish each way at Corran according to Corran Ferry
Will phone ahead to see I can book a space. Thanks for the pointers
You can't book on the corran ferry - its turn up and join the (usually) small queue. Ferry is roughly every 20 mins IIRC and I've never not got on the first one - but if you have a really big trailer you *might* have to wait for the second one.
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Old 11 October 2014, 02:01   #22
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Not so sure

Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Anyone who claims a 5.4m rib won't slam in the rough stuff is talking pish. .
Define Rough Stuff? e.g Wave height, frequency, swell, sea state and wind speed
Define Slam?

Originally Posted by Wilk View Post

But I'd echo Poly's opinion about smaller RIBs and roughish water - they're all going to bang around once on the plane.
All! Whys that then?

RE the pounding on the round Ireland. The crew of the 4.7 Searider didn't seem to get too badly pounded, but they were sensible enough to seperate themselves from the main small boat group. That group had at least a 20 percent increase in sea time because one of the boats was entirely unsuitable for the conditions (Ribtec twin engines) and many times this reduced the avg speed to less than double figures and made the boat crews more vunerable to the sea.

Hugo and John Aldis/Paul were driving 5 ish metre boats and they were flying
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Old 11 October 2014, 09:12   #23
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
Define Rough Stuff? e.g Wave height, frequency, swell, sea state and wind speed
Well I think I covered the subjectivity in my original post which you part quoted:
Anyone who claims a 5.4m rib won't slam in the rough stuff is talking pish. Some boats are definitely worse than others (and some are really bad) but I think any RIB can be made to slam if you drive it badly enough in the right/wrong conditions. Its all subjective based on helmsmans ability, what else he has driven, the conditions - and what they consider rough.
However the World Meteorological Organisation say its significant waves* of 2.5-4m

I doubt there are many leisure ribbers who regularly go out in 4m Hs who specify a 5.4m boat, so I'd guess the OP's definition is somewhat more relaxed (a point I made in my post) but even in "Moderate" conditions a third of the waves are over 1.25m high. But as I implied originally, give me any 5.4m boat and I can make it slam off 1.25m waves.

* as you know significant wave height is a statistical measure and mean its quite possible to get waves double this height!

Define Slam?
I'd suggest that it is an onomatopoeic term so is landing loudly. Perhaps more importantly it is the sudden onset of the noise rather than the magnitude itself. Whilst the noise itself may be irritating (and the underdeck structure on some boats may even accentuate it) its actually the jarring through the crew that is more important.
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Old 11 October 2014, 09:17   #24
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
All! Whys that then?................
Hugo and John Aldis/Paul were driving 5 ish metre boats and they were flying
Flying is right! Maybe we have a different definition of rough.... and I seem to remember spending a couple of hours driving around Westport looking for a stainless steel welder to reattach your seatback....
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Old 29 October 2014, 10:39   #25
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Did you buy the Highfield if so how are you getting on with it


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Old 30 October 2014, 01:16   #26
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
Flying is right! Maybe we have a different definition of rough.... and I seem to remember spending a couple of hours driving around Westport looking for a stainless steel welder to reattach your seatback....

Apologies for not getting back to you earlier I've been on a platform with a terrible link could even use WhatsApp. I returned home a few days ago and I had to spend some time with my loved ones (my Audiolabs and my VSOP stash) before posting.

As you know I was astonished and extremely impressed by the huge and genuine effort that you offered to the whole event. No bull thank you once again for your efforts. Over and above that it was real pleasure to meet you and be in your company.

You may have noticed since then (out off respect for your efforts) and exercising great restraint I haven't had a pop at you for being a Redbay pimp or a Landy owner etc etc

Not much of an answer to my question really there buddy suffice it to say I I think your boy (Wilkfish) would be very impressed by the way you used Jurgens misfortune to avoid answering my question.

Re definition of rough- I genuinely don't think the WMO definition applies to ribbing. When I am instructing I tell my trainees that if the wave height is more than a third of the length of their boat and the wind speed is force 5 and above then its rough weather for ribbing and that a moderate sea state (as per the weather forecast is very challenging to a novice. That works up to about 7.5 metres

Thanks again for all your help and don't hesitate to ask if I can ever reciprocate your assistance in some way
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Old 30 October 2014, 09:02   #27
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What is WMO?
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Old 30 October 2014, 18:11   #28
Country: UK - Wales
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My Apoogies

World Meteorological Organization. I was being a lazy typer
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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