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Old 13 September 2002, 13:06   #1
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Homecoming for Spirit of Cardiff

I've just spoken to Alan Priddy who is in Newfoundland making final preparations for Spirit of Cardiff's return. Despite gale force winds last night, conditions are improving and they look set to depart on Sunday.

Barring any more unforseen calamities (there's no guarantee, but we've got to start somewhere!) they will be back in Cardiff on Saturday 28 September.

It doesn't look like Cardiff will be organising any festivities, but that's no surprise after the general lack of support over the last 2 years. So it's down to us to give Alan and the rest of the crew a fitting welcome home.

I'm not sure whether or not Nadia will be organising boat things again, but I hope we can get a good flotilla to meet Spirit so try to keep a space in your diary . . .

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Old 13 September 2002, 20:31   #2
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I am going to stick my neck out here, since I have had a good couple of bottles of Chateau Le Plonc and this has been bugging me for a while. Many people, all over the world have supported Alan and his crew's incredible attempt to break the world record in circumnavigating the world. The UK ribsters and in particular forum members of RIBNET have given time, money and general support (actively or otherwise), yet there has been absolutely no mention of a thank-you from any of Spirit's skipper or crew.

Maybe I am completely off the mark here, but not even an acknowledgement has been forthcoming. I am very disappointed, not for myself, but for many other people who I know have given lots of money money freely to the cause. Others have attempted to spur the press into action by way of cajoling friends or acquaintances into covering the story. Many other means of support for the attempt were tackled, some we might never hear about!
It is SO important these days to acknowledge your supporters by way of a public thank-you as, who knows, next time around you might need them even more.

BTW, what has happened to Nadia, seems as though she has disappeared off the face of the earth!
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Old 13 September 2002, 20:50   #3
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I have decided to also 'come out of the closet' following the brave leadership from Charles.

I wrote several threads after the Easter Weekend we spent in Cardiff to see of the Spirit, but never actually completed them.

I, and many others, travelled a long distance, and gave up a bank holiday weekend to see of the Spirit, and hopefully be a part of something to be remembered for years to come.

We arrived early Friday, launched and cruised around Cardiff, eventually finding the Spirit on her berth.

We welcomed in Pride of Bristol, and helped her berth, then met the many others who arrived over the weekend. It was great to put faces to names.

As a Ribnet event it was great, and we made some new friends who we have kept in touch with.

On the Spirit side however, things were not as good. The Spirit travelled back and forth from her day berth to Penarth Marina, and not once did she deviate to call and see the POB, and the many RIBs that had gathered at Cardiff Yacht Club.

On the eve of the sailing we gathered in the Waterfront Pub, and eventually (about an hour and a half after their announced arrival time) the crew arrived.

We sat there for the rest of the evening, being totally ignored by the SOC Crew. If my memory serves me well the only time Alan Priddy came anywhere near to us was to apparently ask the 'Crazy Canadian' for some support in St Johns.

There was apparently bitterness amongst many of the people there that weekend, though they, like me, have never voiced this - in the spirit of supporting the venture I guess.

Perhaps I speak out of turn, but I feel it important to say my piece - even if it is a little late now.

A little warmth and a brief thank you would have gone a long way - and feel that the SOC crew let down the many Ribsters who had made the effort to travel to Cardiff to provide the 'guard of honour' for their departure.

Ventures such as this are great - and should be supported - but the participants should appreciate the people who gave up time, and money, to make their event possible.
Carpe pm
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Old 13 September 2002, 22:23   #4
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I have always owned up to my faults and Charles you are right, I have not thanked people for their help in helping me. There are two reasons for this.
The first one is beacuse of what happened to Steve the trip is not over and until I bring the boat back to Cardiff it is not finished.
Secondly, It is only very recently I felt well enough to even think about bringing the boat home. The mental strain of spending so long in a small boat with all the problems have had a dramatic event on all of the crews lifes. Part of me feels a failure for not finishing on time, and the first four weeks that I was home I did not deal with any business or home matters and on many weeks my life was just a blur. It was always going to be a difficult time to contact evryone and thank them for the help.
We will always be in the debt of everyone who help get us around the world and our thanks to you all will be shouted from the rooftops when we have finished what we started. For that you have my word.
I must say I think you are being a little unfair in your critisim. Having spent 3.5 years of my life organising the trip the last week leading up to the leaving day were slightly difficult to say the least.
The entire weekend unfolded on this forum with Nadia as co ordinator I had little knowledge of what was acutaly organised.
Friday was spent speaking to media and making final arrangments.Spirit was never going anywhere on the Friday.
Saturday she was floated into the bay for her blessing. The only time she left her mooring was late in the afternoon to be fueled for the leg to Gib. This can take up to 1.5 hours with a slow pump like the one in the marina. The extra time taken meant I was running late for a dinner date with my family to say my good byes.I am sorry if my late attendance annoyed you.

As for ignoring everyone in the room.The Four crew were evenly spread around the bar all evening, trying to mingle as much as possible while trying to spend that "last minute" with our families. After all we were going on an expedition that we might not come back from! Did you introduce yourself to me or any of the crew?
I was one of the last to leave the pub after drinking and dancing the night away.

I take great exception to your remarks about the "Crazy Canadian" that I am supposed to have asked for help. I was introduced to Alan Winetts girlfriend who just happened to come from St John's and it was her who offerd the help of her father who just happened to be a member of at the yacht club. As it happens because we hope to leave St John's on Sunday I invited everyone who helped us out to dinner last night to repay their hospitality.
Your last comments have been answered in my comments to Charles And once again, I am sorry if it seems that we appear to be ungratful, I can assure you that we are not and our thanks to you all will be on the completion of the circumnavigation later this month.
As for Nadia, she is still around and working part time on the project but along with everyone else involved she is trying to catch up with her life after spending 3 months with little sleep or rest. You can email her on this forum if you want to touch base.
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Old 13 September 2002, 22:38   #5
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One of the reasons I had previously refrained from posting on this forum was to avoid getting into a war of words - and in the end I perhaps should have held my peace.

I have read your coments with interest. I understand that you had a busy week prior to departure, and that on the last weekend you were possibly distracted. As for not knowing what was organised, as the overall event organiser surely you knew that a number of people from Rib.Net were to attend. The arrangements had been clearly posted on the forums - and I know that you had added your comments at times, so must have had some idea of the extent of your support from this area.

From our berth in the Yacht club we saw Spirit head towards - and from - Penarth Marina - a short detour to say hello - or a quick 'sail past' would have been most welcome.

On the last evening we sat in a large group - and we could possibly have made more of an effort to come to you - I guess we will have to agree to differ on that subject.

I wish you well for your return to Cardiff. We will not be there, as we will be in France.
Carpe pm
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Old 14 September 2002, 11:58   #6
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I am sorry Graeme and Charles, but I don't agree with you.
I thought we all went to Cardiff to support Alan and Co. not to have OUR egos flattered!
I am amazed that Alan and co had time to spare us even a few minutes of their precious last minute time. Surely they were busy with a million and one things? No time certainly for swanning around the harbour saying hello and thank you!
I went up to Alan at the party, introduced myself and received nothing but kindness and thankfulness for my humble presence in return. I may flatter easily but I was genuinely proud to have shaken the great mans hand and surprised that he would be prepared to stand idly chatting to me when he could, quite justifiably be tucked up in bed, checking the boat, saying goodbye to his family etc etc.
Nadia was helping the SOC team out. It isn't her fulltime "day" job. She sure must need to earn her living/get on with her life and not be hanging around just waiting for one of us to want something from her?
Just an aside here but.....I did notice she was visibly upset at that party by some injudicious words from "one of us"-she subsequently left the party crying. Are you sure the boot in on the right foot here Charles and Graeme?
I personally had a fantastic weekend. Met loads of new faces, characters, some really nice people and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I am sorry if some others feel they had a grumpy time. But have you thought who's fault that might be?
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Old 14 September 2002, 14:28   #7
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Brian and anyone else following this thread:

I am most certainly not one to have my ego stroked or otherwise......the issues raised in my comments were not intended as you have made out, I cannot speak for Graeme. I stand by what I have said and was disappointed for the fact that there was absolutely no acknowledgement from the crew on this forum for all the support they had received. Alan, in particular has added many comments and anecdotes on this forum since returning (I realise the trip is not over)and a couple of words would not have gone amiss. It takes nothing...........
I have met Alan on a number of occasions and have always found him to be kind, interesting and a pleasure to be with, my comments are therefore even more valid.
BTW , I could not give a damn about me being thanked or not, that is not the point, its all the people that have made an effort in very different ways. Surely people were not seeking a gilt-edged thank-you letter, they did it because they got in to the 'SPIRIT' of the venture. This was merely an observation not a calculated 'swipe'at anyone, unfortunately the way these things sometimes turn out suggest my comments were misconstrued.

The last issue surrounding Nadia is interesting, because I walked her out of the pub and escorted her most of the way home. She was in floods of tears, by her own admission she was exhausted and someone made a jibe at her closely connected to the venture,nothing at all to do with ribnet people.

I had a great time in Cardiff, Brian, my comments are nothing at all to do with the departure etc.
Alan's words were good enough for me:
[I have always owned up to my faults and Charles you are right, I have not thanked people for their help in helping me. There are two reasons for this. ]
I would like to move on and forget I ever said anything, I was merely echoing some peoples passing comments.[B]
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Old 14 September 2002, 22:52   #8
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I have just posted a long reply to Brian's comments but decided to delete it.

I stand by my prevous comments, and am certainly not one who needs his ego stroking, but as a 'sponsor' of the venture, and taken time t trave to the send off, a quick hllo and thanks would have been most welcome.

As for Nadia bein upset - when we saw her last she asked us to cut the cake, and seemed perfectly fine. I was not ven aware tha she was upset. If Brian has some further comments to make that directly affect me or anyone with me please do so by PM.

I do not intend to make any further comments on this subject

Carpe pm
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Old 15 September 2002, 08:09   #9
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"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

I really was not going to add my two-pennarth to this thread until Brian posted. But I cannot let it pass that I endorse everything that Brian has written.

I will add just one thing from my own experience. After the physical and mental beating that Alan, as leader of his expedition, has subjected him self to, he is wrecked.

Sure, he doesn't sound it when you talk to him. Bright and breezy as ever, of course. But under that Priddy camouflage he is emotionally drained.

His project is not over and because it unravelled in the way it did he is confused.

I'm not surprised there are a fair few who feel that he doesn't appear to have been as graciously thankful to his supporters as they might have expected. That's a perfectly understandable reaction.

But I ask you, please try and understand. Right now Alan is one very tired, lonely man, struggling with himself...
Mike G
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Old 15 September 2002, 09:33   #10
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I love these forums!

This is the nearest we've got to a row in two and a half years, and people are still being civilised

Thanks everyone for making this place the success it is

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Old 15 September 2002, 19:20   #11
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Hello folks. I thought I would put in a quick (some hope) word here, as I feel a little responsible for all this. You may recall that Ribnet's biggest ever thread with 6841 views (massive) SoC Send Off was actualy started by me. So here goes.

It was a fantastic weekend. Just take a look at the spin off threads afterwards. It was the first time I'd ever met up with real Ribbers. Everyone was great to me, Bill and little Quicksilver. Or should that be me little Bill and Quicksilver?

Anyway we all had a great time. I enjoyed everyone's company. Due to a rather bad headache, caused by that smack on the head in PoB (I still have the scar), I left the do in the evening early. I did go over to Alan and Crew, shake hands and wish them well though.

On the Saturday afternoon after the service I went over to speak to AP. And you know what. He recognised me from Ribnet. That made me feel good. He took the time to chat and pose for photos. During the run up to SoC AP had taken the time to correspond directly with me about his Atlantic crossing. That was kind.

I can hardly imagine just how much was on his mind that day, but he took time out to chat to me and Bill (now I can tell you chatting to Bill takes courage).

Yes, I would have liked it if SoC came over to us at the marina but they must have been very busy, so I forgive them.

We must all remember that it is not over yet. It is not all over until SoC is SAFELY back in Cardiff. That is the time for AP and crew to dish out their thanks, at the moment it is a bit premature. They still have a dangerous voyage to go.

I have met all the people in this thread and I liked them all. They are all good and kind people, well that is how I found them. (Some of the people at the CBYC were a bit snotty though - but that's another thread!).

If any has let any one down it is the city fathers of Cardiff. They did not make much effort as far as I can tell. The send off was down to Ribnet and Nadia. So cheers to Nadia and cheers to Ribnet. Best of luck to AP and the crew of SoC.

If we feel angry do not direct that anger inwards amongst ourselves. Lets direct that anger outwards at those who did not come up with the goods to support SoC and at those who let them down badly whilst on route.

Keith (it ain't over 'till the fat sibster sings) Hart
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Old 15 September 2002, 20:58   #12
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Heroes or Villains

There are very few people in this world who have the drive to attempt the voyage that fell before Spirit. Sometimes the drive can lead to obsession but without it the voyage will not start let alone finish.

The UK has a history of explorers and if you research you may find that many are considered arrogent rude uncaring - but of course that has often made the press as a way of showing (some of ) the qualities without which a person could not start continue or envisage the completion of their particular mission.

I am more than happy to say that I have the utmost respect for the bravery and commitment of the crew but did not make a contribution; had SOC needed a grand to make it home with no other takers then I would have coughed.

Confused ? Its all set out in the posts above.
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Old 16 September 2002, 13:06   #13
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Hi folks,
Just to add a quick reply and stick my 2p worth in, on the Saturday of the departure weekend, Nadia and Clive did come round to the sailing club to see us. I know a few boats had gone to meet the POB and I was still on the slip with engine problems, but Cherie and myself had a long chat with Clive. Can't remember who else was there still.
I guess it was just bad timeing in an immensly busy weekend that more of were not about to see Clive.
But anyway, good luck guys and hope to see you all soon, and this time with the boat!!
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Old 16 September 2002, 13:40   #14
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Little man with big mouth would like to say:-
'Thank You Nadia for your "Hurculean" efforts with regard to SOC coverage. Thank You Alan for giving us something interesting and adventurous to follow with the round the world trip. I would just like to finish by saying that those of us with terminally ill children have better things to do than to criticise the great crew and supporters of the SOC.........................
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