22 July 2002, 22:18
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Hot Nescafe in a can ?!
So - has anybody seen these? Seems like a good idea to take some with you in the RIB!!
Basicly a new idea from Nescafe is a can of coffee with a built in chemical heating system - it works like this....
1) Buy can from shop (Moto services £1.35 - apparently available in Tescos)
The can is the same size as a Coke can. It is available in Black, White, and White with Sugar
2) When you are ready - ie after getting cold on your rib - Turn can upside down and press button on bottom of can to release red liquid.
3) Shake can from side to side until red liquid disappears
4) Turn can right way up and wait 3 mins
5) Pull the ringpull - and drink nice hot coffee
Simple - and great on a rib - just store a few and have them when needed - no nead to make that flask that you don't drink, or long for a flask full when you forgot to make one.
Anyway - maybe worth getting a couple of cans next time your in the services.
One word of warning, because of the heating bit in the can you dont get 330ml like a can of Coke, but only about 200ml of coffee - not realy enough to share, and as the empty can is quite heavy you don't know when you've finished!!
Anyway - not much in the way of web sites - its not listed on the nescafe site, but here are some reviews (Ours was plenty hot enough!)
23 July 2002, 07:00
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Great idea for an emrgency but not very nice if you like coffee...............
The female of the species is more deadly than the male ........
23 July 2002, 08:41
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I have two questions:
1. According to some reviews, it does not heat up enough ESPECIALLY if the ambient temperature is low. Did you find this?
2. Given that travelling in a RIB can be a bit like living in a violently minded tumble drier, is there any chance of "the button" being pressed accidentally or other damage caused to the product?
23 July 2002, 09:39
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We bought 2 cans before the Thames trip
Yvonne had one can out in the middle of the Medway/Thames - and that was hot
Our can travelled on the Thames/Medway Cruise, and then got bumped arround on the Severn at the weekend and wasn't "activated" - It takes a firm push on the bottom  to release the heating fluid - so I don't think they would get activated by mistake
We had kept it under the seat and after 3 mins it was hot.
I wouldn't say it was burning hot - but definately hot enough. - Also usefull to heat your hands on a cold day!
I thought the coffee tasted OK too!
All I can suggest is you buy one and give it a try!
Anyway Brian - I thought Cyanide had a stove so you can make us all fresh coffee!!
23 July 2002, 12:17
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So maybe a "blind tasting" could be in order?
23 July 2002, 15:16
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The restorative nature of a hot drink.......
cannot be underestimated ever! Particularly on a long passage, perhaps when its raining etc etc. I usually take a flask but have seen these cans and thought them a useful alternative - particularly when its peeing with rain, you have several hours to go and crave something hot! (I can recall several points like that on the Hebrides cruise.) The trouble with Brian's stove is that you need to a) been in completely calm seas b) be stopped and c) be able to manouevre through the mayhem of luggage & kit that invariably is lying in one big mess in Cyanides cabin on a long cruise
I guess taking things a step further, anybody ever used the self heating cans of food - stew etc. What do they taste like?
23 July 2002, 15:34
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I've used the self heating cans of food and found them okay. They sure aren't gormet food but they are hot  and they do taste alright. Mind you I'll eat anything (as you can see - I ate one of my crew once, but I was VERY hungry at the time)!
Keith (not fussy) Hart
23 July 2002, 15:39
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Wait for it folks.....
Here are the very cans of self heated food that I used:
Like I said, I enjoyed them!
Keith (you name it, I'll find it) Hart
23 July 2002, 16:32
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Nice one, Keith!
I failed in my mission to find the self heating coffee in Tesco this lunchtime... so I'm wondering if I should chance a visit to a Moto services on the way home. Wherever one of those might be. Now, a detour on the way home - that's not going to happen!
23 July 2002, 18:03
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Like Keith I have tried the self heating cans of food - and generally they are very good - especialy when cold and wet and in need of a hot meal.
The Nescafe self heating coffee however, is, in my opinion,as much like coffee as the old coffee / chickory mix that was available during the coffee shortages a few years ago. A good stainless steel unbreakable flask serves the same purpose as far as I can see - and the coffee is of your own choice.
Carpe pm
23 July 2002, 18:53
Country: UK - England
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Yeah, but...
Something like this takes no planning - just chuck it into a bag with the rest of the stuff, just my style!
23 July 2002, 22:29
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Well after I dropped Nescafe an e-mail last night asking why they didn't have any info on the "Hot Cans" on their website I got this reply...
Dear Julian
Thank you for your recent email.
Samples of Nescafe Hot When You Want were distributed in the Birmingham area first to ensure that this exciting new technology fully meets with consumer expectations and, due to it's success, it was extended to the midlands area early last October on a trial basis.
This trial has now ended and the product is no longer being made.
A long process of evaluation now begins and hopefully the product will return sometime in the future.
Thank you for the interest you have shown in our company.
Consumer Services
Nestle UK Ltd
So there you go! - They tested the product in Birmingham! a city famed for its campers, hikers, and boaters - and they wonder why it didn't take off!
Anyway, this still doesn't explain why the Reading M4 Moto had shelves and shelves full of the stuff.
All I can say is - if you like it and you see some you better buy some while you can!!
ps mayby we should all bombard Nescafe asking where can we get it
23 July 2002, 22:54
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I have been buying this stuff in various service stations in Kent, London and the South East for a couple of months, and last time i asked the GPS that was a fair distance from Birmingham - shows what Nescafe know!
23 July 2002, 22:56
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Well it's a quick hike down to Reading services for me then! I'll go and give it a try as I'm absolutely intrigued by this - caffeine addict and serial junk food muncher!
24 July 2002, 05:14
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We saw these cans only last week in both Chieveley and Membury Services on the M4 - in the Petrol Station part.
Must be heading South for the Winter!!
Carpe pm
29 July 2002, 22:08
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OK... for those who havn't seen them - Here are picss from this weekends trial...
First the can
29 July 2002, 22:10
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Turn can upside down and press bottom to release red liquid.
Shake from side to side
29 July 2002, 22:11
Country: UK - England
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..... Wait 3 mins .......
29 July 2002, 22:17
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And enjoy hot coffee!
29 July 2002, 22:18
Country: UK - England
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Definately, the cans we've tried have all worked well and produced nice hot coffee.
Only problem was some of the crew were fussy and wanted the can with no sugar
So I'll have to stock up with a choice of cans before our next trip
ps - Moto services still seem to have loads at the moment!
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