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Old 01 September 2013, 15:55   #1
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Sha-my-sha-my
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How big a job to change my 4m deck layout?

Below is a picture of what I have right now. Bench at the back, offset console in front and a coolbox which I could happily lose.

I take my two children out on it (5/6). They love it but tube seating is out of the question for them. It's the bench seat or nothing! I'm left standing on the left. It's doable but a bit awkward to reach across to the throttle.

Ideally I'd like to move the console to where the coolbox is and have a single jockey behind it for me. That would also give the kids an extra grab handle at the back. Do you think it would all fit? Is it a big job? I would need to run new engine and steering controls, as well as extend the gauge wiring.

I haven't even investigated how everything is fixed to the deck. Must be pretty substantial I'd think?

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Old 01 September 2013, 16:06   #2
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There are a variety of ways to attach deck furniture.
  • The deck could be custom moulded. Not sure anyone does that on RIBs but they might. That pretty much rules out customisation
  • The components could be screwed down with self tappers and probably some adhesive like silkaflex. This is probably the easiest option for removal assuming the screws will come out. Remove screws, carefully release adhesive. Lift out, clear up with scraper. Fill screw holes. Challenge may come depending on what there is to fix to at the new location - you wont know where any supports are under the deck... so you risk screwing to think fibregalss deck
  • The bottom of the components may be fibreglassed in place. Means removal is an angle grinder. Means getting a flat surface later is harder. But means you aren't worried about there being no supports to screw into...

Coolbox seating for 1 and the other on the port side of the bench?
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Old 01 September 2013, 16:18   #3
Country: UK - England
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Ahh that's brilliant info, thanks so much. Armed with that, I'll take a closer look. I don't think it's option 1 as quite a few variations of the deck were sold. Don't remember seeing any screws so could well be fibreglassed. Sounds quite messy for a DIY job.

Coolbox seating for 1 and the other on the port side of the bench?
Did try that but a couple of issues:
a) coolbox too high for little legs, and there's a lot more slamming there than the back. Could replace with a little jocket seat, but:
b) I'm not actually comfortable between the seat and console - not enough room for my size 12s when standing!
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Old 01 September 2013, 17:08   #4
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I would expect its glue and screwed.

You'll probably have to move the console even further forward that the cool box which may affect the balance of the boat. There is no side support on that bench so I'd be nervous about putting two youngsters on there on their own. You may have to seal/plug a whole in the deck where your cables currently go?

Jockey seat, upholstery, backrest suitable as handhold etc - easily £250
New cables for steering, throttle, electrics etc - probably £150
Sikaflex, screws etc £50
Adding some side support to the bench £50-100?

And 2 days of your time with a lot of swearing - is it worth it - compared to selling and buying a boat that does what you want? Bearing in mind unless you go to a load more hassle and/or are very skilled you will likely leave marks on the deck which will detract from resale value.
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Old 01 September 2013, 18:22   #5
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Try giving Two Stroke Mick a tug on here. He did a 490 this year:

Your cables are above deck which is easier and will mean no hole to patch.

I suspect you are standing when your boat was rigged to be driven sitting. My PB2 instructor had appaplexy when I stood on his boat...

Where's your fuel?
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Old 01 September 2013, 20:19   #6
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Thanks very much for the replies chaps

Interesting Poly, food for thought certainly. Although I dont know of any other 4m RIB with the layout I'm after. And it does have to be 4m as that's all I have room for ashore. Deck marks are a concern though, might have to paint the whole thing?

Shiny - yes, standing. It's quite lively at just 4m - I don't feel comfortable sitting on the bench, far too low. Fuel's under the bench currently. Weight is way too far astern even with just me on board, so the jockey would give me the opportunity to play around with things like that.
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Old 01 September 2013, 20:39   #7
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Originally Posted by jlanng View Post
Although I dont know of any other 4m RIB with the layout I'm after.
Does that mean you are an inovator? Or does it mean others have tried and failed!!?
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Old 01 September 2013, 20:57   #8
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Thats a nice RIB. My old caribe had the same basic layout. I'd be worried about detracting from resale value by making too many mods to an already nice package. You could sell it and look for something else more suited? I wondered if something like a SIB would be better for you and the kids - you could easily fit a jockey console to a alloy floor model and get it rigged exactly to your specification. Some (esp. zodiac / bombard) have crossbar steering which might make life easier.
Alternatively a 4m searider might be more what you are looking for - they have so many variations to deck set up I'd be surprised if you couldnt find something that fits the bill.
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Old 01 September 2013, 20:58   #9
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The way I see it, it all comes down to fitting everything in and getting the weight distribution correct, don't see any other way it would fail.

I'm painfully aware those sound like famous last words in the making...
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Old 01 September 2013, 21:09   #10
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Originally Posted by jlanng View Post
The way I see it, it all comes down to fitting everything in and getting the weight distribution correct, don't see any other way it would fail.

I'm painfully aware those sound like famous last words in the making...
Other than making a poor quality job of it - the other thing which would impact on resale is putting a layout on it which nobody else wants. It doesn't sound like that is your plan - but beware for example putting the jockey so close to the seat that the ONLY people who can use it are kids!

I don't normally go in for the promoting your own brand of boat nonsense that people on here do - but there is an advantage to the "tube" arrangement on mine which provides secure seating for plenty. (Not mine - but shows the setup: Fun Yak 390 Video by funyak | Photobucket)
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Old 02 September 2013, 09:30   #11
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Can you adapt the lid of the cool box? Thinking of a child's bike type seat with side grab and some where to put feet (fairground ride without safety bar). This would give a good level of support and allow them to be secure when sat.

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