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Old 29 March 2013, 20:47   #1
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how check leek on tank

as on my refit thead, i think my tank satrted leeking from driving it home on m3 to croydon
its 200 x 2 welded together
the whole console
how can blank off and presure test it
ideas please adrian
we all mad
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Old 29 March 2013, 22:22   #2
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Open the filler cap & have a sniff, if you can smell onions, you've got a leek
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Old 29 March 2013, 23:27   #3
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Originally Posted by falcon0310 View Post
as on my refit thead, i think my tank satrted leeking from driving it home on m3 to croydon
Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Open the filler cap & have a sniff, if you can smell onions, you've got a leek
Nah surely that would be more likely on the M4 than the M3?

its 200 x 2 welded together
the whole console
how can blank off and presure test it
ideas please adrian
Adrian - I have no idea what you are expecting anyone to do? It might be the absence of punctuation, or the various missing words but you already seem to realise that the easiest way to test it for a leak will be to seal all inlets/outlets, attach a footpump (don't use electric ), with a gauge and pump it up and see if it holds air. To be frank if you can't work out a way to do this standing looking at it better than someone on the internet who knows sod all about your boat then you probably need a professional to do it for you - mucking about with fuel is not for people who aren't sure.
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Old 29 March 2013, 23:48   #4
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Nah surely that would be more likely on the M4 than the M3?

Adrian - I have no idea what you are expecting anyone to do? It might be the absence of punctuation, or the various missing words but you already seem to realise that the easiest way to test it for a leak will be to seal all inlets/outlets, attach a footpump (don't use electric ), with a gauge and pump it up and see if it holds air. To be frank if you can't work out a way to do this standing looking at it better than someone on the internet who knows sod all about your boat then you probably need a professional to do it for you - mucking about with fuel is not for people who aren't sure.
yes i was going to presure test it
my spelling is poor i know thats cos i was in same english class as kate moss we dont turn out that bad
we all mad
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Old 30 March 2013, 00:32   #5
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don't worry - my ex-sailing club crane out dinner menu had

potato & Leak soup

I chose the patty instead that year!
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Old 30 March 2013, 00:50   #6
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How many litres of fuel are in the tanks?

Does the hull leak at all and is there ant chance the the tabks could have been under water.

Can you see the sender units and if so what are the flanges /units like there is up to three different metals in these could be a stainless fitting in an Ali tank so if they go under watter they can get quite fizzy.

how old are the tanks and are they Stainless or Aluminium

do you know how old the tubing is and is it the proper gear ISO 7840.

I had these problems twice with internal tanks one was a relatively inexpensive fix and the other was a project.

How much fuel is in the tanks and has it been to sea since you fueled it and if so what are your seperators like

Aologies to all for any typoos
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