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Old 29 March 2008, 17:54   #1
Country: France
Town: caen
Boat name: labrax II
Length: 6m +
Engine: DF 140 SUZUKI
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 83
How far can you go with your rib?


There are a lot of laws since 3 or 4 years in France for safety equipment in our boats.

At first, there was 6 categories, with more and more safety equipment.

Now, there is two categories:

less than 6 miles;

more than 6 miles.

And the safety equipment that you must have on board depend on how far from the coast you are.

Is it the same in GB?

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Old 29 March 2008, 18:08   #2
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Not for leisure users in the UK. Anyone can take any object that floats and go to sea in it without actually having any safety equipment. Boats which are opperated for commercial purposes or chartered at all have different rules, where they must be approved (coded). the coding defines how far they can go, the type of kit they carry, number of people etc.
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Old 29 March 2008, 18:34   #3
Country: France
Town: caen
Boat name: labrax II
Length: 6m +
Engine: DF 140 SUZUKI
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 83
If you stay near the coast ( less than 6 miles), you must have:

Matériel de sécurité :
feux de route, de mouillage.
marques de jour : boule noire (mouillage), cône (voilier au moteur).
corne de brume.
pavillon N + C.
1 bouée de sauvetage avec feu de retournement.
1 gilet de sauvetage par personne.
1 compas magnétique pour une navigation au delà de 2 milles.
1 système pour la remontée à bord d'une personne tombée à la mer.
3 feux rouges automatiques à main.
1 miroir de signalisation.
1 lampe étanche.
1 ou des engins flottants, ou une annexe.
1 seau rigide.
1 système pour boucher un trou dans la coque (jeu de pinoches par ex.)
extincteur(s) pour les navires habitables (ou moteur intérieur).
1 trousse à outil.
1 système de pompage.
1 ancre et sa ligne de mouillage adaptée au bateau et au lieu de navigation.
1 sonde à main.
carte marine du lieu de navigation (papier ou électronique).
Règlement pour prévenir les abordages en mer (contenu dans le code Vagnon).
Livre des feux.
Annuaire des marées (sauf en Méditerranée).
1 trousse médicale recommandée mais pas imposée.

If you go far away (more than 6 miles), you need all the equipment above, and you must have too:

1 harnais par navire à moteur ou 1 harnais par personne sur un voilier.
3 fusées à parachutes.
2 fumigènes.
1 radeau de survie ou annexe gonflable par bouteille.
1 compas magnétique.
Matériel permettant de faire le point, de tracer et de suivre une route.
Matériel permettant de recevoir les prévisions météo.
1 journal de bord.
1 couverture de survie.

Sorry, it's in french...

The law is sometime very ...

French governement seams to considere us as not responsable people...

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Old 29 March 2008, 18:44   #4
RIBnet admin team
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Antoine -- most of the list is probably common sense (the bits my french managed are all the sort of thing you would be required as commercial vessel in the UK and therefore good practice here for those of us not required to carry them by law).

does this rule only apply to french registerred vessels? in theory if I took my boat to france it would not require this? therefore could you register your boat here (not sure if that is legal) to get round the rules?
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Old 29 March 2008, 19:38   #5
Country: France
Town: caen
Boat name: labrax II
Length: 6m +
Engine: DF 140 SUZUKI
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 83
It's only for french registerred vessels!

Don't worry, if you come in france, you will not have to buy all of this!

It's only for the french flag vessel.

More and more french vessels are registerred in belgium wich where laws are more "light".

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Old 29 March 2008, 21:01   #6
Country: UK - England
Town: Colchester
Boat name: Pamela
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Length: 5m +
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Posts: 38
Hmmm.. according to my online French-English translator, for going over 6 miles from shore you need:

"1 raft of survival or inflatable appendix by bottle"

I might be able to arrange the raft, but I have drawn a blank sourcing an inflatable appendix in a bottle!
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