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Old 25 November 2002, 13:45   #1
Country: Ireland
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How Good are Gecko Helmets????

I am just about to buy a Gecko Helmet, But I have heard some negitave reports about them and I want to check them out.

1. The full face visor foggs up,

2. Visor clips get loose, and it falls down on its own

3. They are very uncomfortable to wear for long periods....

So Before I go and spend the best part of €250 please tell me what you think....and experience
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Old 25 November 2002, 15:06   #2
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Have you done a search on previous threads here? I seem to recall some discussion!

FWIW I think they are great - keep your head warm, visor keeps the spray off etc BUT cos I have a big bonce I found I couldn't wear one for more than an hour or so.without getting a headache.

And a woolly hat and goggles is a damn sight cheaper!

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Old 25 November 2002, 15:16   #3
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Woolly hat for me - I hate helmets!
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Old 25 November 2002, 16:18   #4
Country: Ireland
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I started a similar thread a while back about head gear, and geckos got a resounding yes!!!! But the comfort thing is what I am trying to find out and the visors.....

What about ski goggles????
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Old 25 November 2002, 16:25   #5
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Again, been discussed before, but cheapo ski goggles or motorcross goggles etc are a godsend. I have a pair of Oakley H20 Goggles that fit over my specs. Cost me about £30 off iirc via online store. Keep the spray and wind out of your eyes and the salt water of my specs! In my experience much more comfortable than wearing a Gecko for an extended period. But as previously stated thats cos I've got a big head. (No jokes plse)
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Old 25 November 2002, 18:45   #6
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I can confirm that the full-visor DOES mist up, havent yet found a solution (havent tried either) but it's not that bad.

Alan - You must have a really BIG head since i always have trouble getting hats/caps etc. to fit yet the Gecko poses no problem with the small thin set of pads in it - worn it for several hours at a time.


PS: Wait 'till boat show when there WILL be a special offer - there ALWAYS is!
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Old 25 November 2002, 19:24   #7
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Check on which version of the Gecko you are about to buy.

I almost bought one at the Southampton Boat Show (a Version 9), which still has the velcro inserts to adjust for size etc. However, they showed me the Version 10, which has a pneumatic insert, sort of like ued on the forces Respirators,where you put the helmet on, open the valve to adjust to size / comfort, and it is an excellent fit. This version is liely to be £10 or so more expenive, but, in my opinion, far superior.

As for the fogging visor, buy some 'Anti-Dim' from any army surplus store (about £1 per tube - lasts forever) - apply to visor - no more fogging
Carpe pm
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Old 25 November 2002, 23:44   #8
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I've used the Geko helmets only on a couple of runs...

1. The full face visor foggs up? - I haven't have a problem with this, but being an ex-biker I am in the habit of moving the visor up a tad when conditions permit.

2. Visor clips get loose, and it falls down on its own? - can't comment, I haven't used one for long enough, although a well used one I borrowed seemed unaffected by this.

3. They are very uncomfortable to wear for long periods? - this is a bit subjective - I found that after ten minutes I was a bit (no, actually very) uncomfortable, but after a potential drenching by a few waves over the boat, and a spell of concentration at the helm this was forgotten. After an hour or so, perhaps my head was numb - all I can remember is that it was a relief to remove it! (helmet, not my head!)

Graham's comments about the Mk10 very interesting - their MD told me that the inflatable-lined version should be released for the London Boat Show.

Are you planning to buy a helmet direct? €250.00 = £158.44 which sounds a bit expensive... mine was on offer at £85 at the So'ton boat show, although this is less than rrp. And it's already saved my head from a nasty nock.
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