Originally Posted by willf_ie
I want to find out how much it should cost to get Threadmaster wear patches put all along the tops of a Tornado 5.8m? I know it's not a DIY task, but I'm sure others here have got it done and would know how much it should cost to do it? Looking at it, I'm sure the life lines would get renewed at the same time.
I'm not looking for a retube, or advice on a retube. I'm helping out fixing a boat for a friend and running it for him based at my harbour. The boat was an ex dive boat so people sitting on the tube tops wore it back.
If it's a tornado its likely its polyurethane & if the tube tops are degraded you might struggle to get anything to adhere for very long, a bit more info or pictures might help.
Best folk to speak to would be rib retubes in hull, they built the boat and are the probably the best uk experts in polyurethane.