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Old 16 January 2010, 08:42   #21
Country: UK - England
Town: Enfield/Switzerland
Boat name: Zonneschijn II/Vixen
Make: Shakespeare/Avon
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evin' 175 DI /Yam 90
MMSI: 235055605
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,436
Eugene, I guess this is the add:-

A couple of thoughts:-

Whilst all boats on the ribs for sale page should still be available (JK removes when informed they are sold), it is worth keeping the advert nearer the top if possible.

If I were looking to spend more than £40k on a boat, I'd want to see a lot more pictures

It may just be my laptop, but I can't get your link to work (either in Firefox or IE), that just irritates me, if the site doesn't work, remove the link

When I go onto the Redbay site, there is a similar boat (maybe not coded) with I think the same engine for less money. It's 2002, but your add does not state the age of yours, so I can't make a fair comparison, and it is obvious yours has been used commercially.

Redbay are advertising another like yours (again maybe not coded), for bit more money, 2003, but with a bigger engine and not coded

Then I found the Redbay Boats add for your boat, with more (although only 5, but they don't seem to use many) and I think better pics on the whole, and a fuller description, with a price of £37500, higher than the first I mentioned above and much lower than the second, but significantly, prices in sterling, not Euros, which is easier for most of the RibNet community. and interestingly, since you posted your add in June 2009, the exchange rate has changed between about 1.08-1.18 euros per £ (market rate), making your euro priced boat on RibNet range between £38.1k - £41.7k, almost a ten percent difference, it will be even more expensive in reality, cos I can't change money at that market rate .

I am sure that you'd probably sell privately through RibNet than through a broker, but then I question why a broker has the lower price, as selling priveately you can afford to lower the price a bit, not having to pay the broker fees.

If it were me, I'd check my pricing, maybe have a Euro price and a Sterling price, and take the exchange risk myself (or potentially limit my market to Ireland), add loads more pics to the advert, add as much description as possible, offer to collect serious parties from the airport etc etc
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