15 June 2009, 17:04
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How the hell do i remove the steering wheel?
I need some urgent help please, but how the hell is one to remove a teleflex steering wheel?
Tried levering, hitting and still no joy. Is the woodruff a key play a part in why i cant get the bloody thing off?
15 June 2009, 18:01
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Remove the centre piece of the steering wheel (may need a screwdriver to pop it off) and the retaining nut is behind it. Remove the nut and it should just pull out. If its stiff try rocking it from side to side while pulling.
15 June 2009, 18:05
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Originally Posted by Waterman
Remove the centre piece of the steering wheel (may need a screwdriver to pop it off) and the retaining nut is behind it. Remove the nut and it should just pull out. If its stiff try rocking it from side to side while pulling.
Thanks but tried that!
It really is tight just wondering if that woodruff key is preventing it from coming off?
Need to get the thing off tonight if possible. Any other suggestions or advice?
15 June 2009, 18:06
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hi if you losen the nut but never take it off all the way (so if the wheel comes off it doent hit you in the face ) and then start moving the wheel up and down,try and soak the shaft with wd40,if still no good do the same and get somone to hit the shaft with something that wont damage the nut if none of this works then it will have to be a puller!!
15 June 2009, 18:08
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As waterman has said wiggle hard whilst pulling hard, if this doesnt work try getting someone to apply steady pressure upwards whilst you tap the shaft just be careful not to damage the threads. Give a good spray of wd40 too.
Oh and whilst pulling and rocking and swearing your head off be careful the bloody thing doesnt go all of a sudden and you land on your arse!!!! ( as it did to me)
(Tim can type faster than me!!)
15 June 2009, 18:18
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Try This
Having removed the nut securing the wheel put it only just back on to protect the top of the steering shaft and it's threads. This prevents damage to the shaft and prevents the wheel from flying off into your face when it breaks free!!!! (Hopefully)
Next apply constant even force to the wheel pulling it off (this may need 2 of you)
Using a soft faced mallet or a hammer and wood (Again to protect the nut and the shaft) hit the nut with a good sharp below whilst maintaining the pulling force on the wheel.
2 or3 blows will usually do it
I have used this method succesfully many times on cars and boats.
If you have some from of pulling device you can use this to apply the pressure, the key to the removal is the impact of hitting the protected shaft to break it free with the wheel under force.
A liberal soaking with WD40 or something similar can also help.
Hope this helps.
15 June 2009, 18:52
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Cheers for all your advice.
Had to concede after trying everything as i think the steering wheel is going to snap before it budges. Will try get a hub puller tomorrow and try again.
Why is nothing ever easy?
15 June 2009, 20:28
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Pouring boiling water over the outer has worked for me
I went alongside the carrier, I survived and didnt even get shot at!!!
15 June 2009, 20:42
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Originally Posted by gibbo500
Cheers for all your advice.
Had to concede after trying everything as i think the steering wheel is going to snap before it budges. Will try get a hub puller tomorrow and try again.
Why is nothing ever easy?
Can you give us a pic of the wheel shaft mounting so we can see whats holding it ? (just incase it isnt as obvious as a siezed shaft) in case a remedy might be forthcoming, .. just trying to think of a way of getting it off without removing it from the console, before that becomes inevitable
15 June 2009, 20:57
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Originally Posted by tim2658
(so if the wheel comes off it doent hit you in the face )
After this i use that  Works great!
15 June 2009, 21:32
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Can you give us a pic of the wheel shaft mounting so we can see whats holding it ? (just incase it isnt as obvious as a siezed shaft) in case a remedy might be forthcoming, .. just trying to think of a way of getting it off without removing it from the console, before that becomes inevitable
The thing is bloody brand new, never seen water- that is what is so annoying!!!!
Cheers for all your help, as i said i will try a hub puller and let you know how i get on.
16 June 2009, 15:30
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The shaft is tapered, so it gets pretty well locked on with normal tightening of the nut.
17 June 2009, 14:51
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I had a similar issue and posted solution on a previous thread. Basically put the hub puller on it tightening it up and good doses of WD40 or other penetration oil, over a period of a few days with the occasional shock and making sue the puller was as tight as I could. one morning went to check it and found it off.
have patience
good luck
17 June 2009, 15:57
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I leathered hell out of mine with a big hammer, it came off but I shagged the shaft as the nut went down it stripping the threads!
I bought a new unit in the end.
Anyone need a steering wheel for free?
17 June 2009, 16:33
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Originally Posted by chewy
I leathered hell out of mine with a big hammer, it came off but I shagged the shaft as the nut went down it stripping the threads!
I bought a new unit in the end.
Anyone need a steering wheel for free?
What shape is it?
17 June 2009, 17:32
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Why dont you mount it on the rack that goes across the bath ?
17 June 2009, 21:36
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I have managed to get hold of a bloody big hub puller, now if that doesn't get it off not sure what will?
Thanks again for the advice.
17 June 2009, 21:42
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by JSP
What shape is it? 
The wheels fine, it was the nut on the shaft I hit, lol.
18 June 2009, 10:04
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Originally Posted by gibbo500
I have managed to get hold of a bloody big hub puller, now if that doesn't get it off not sure what will?
Thanks again for the advice.
once you have the puller on tight ....if it doesnt go give the puller a few shocks with the hammer and spray the shaft with wd and leave for 1/2 hr .....doesnt need to move much to get it off the taper ....but can be a bas*** ....we used to take huge washing machine drums off like that ....never got one that was easy
good luck
my other toy has T*TS
20 June 2009, 06:44
Country: UK - England
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It's off
Finally got the it off however because the claws of the puller wouldn't reach the metal hub it literally pulled the plastic wheel clean off the hub.
I have managed to put it back together although the steering wheel base is a bit messed up.
Any suggestions how i can tidy it up....some sort of sleeve or tape maybe?
Hopefully i see no reason to remove the wheel again apart from when the helm needs replacing but is it good practice to put some grease on the shaft, as is it not the woodruff key that prevents the wheel from spinning on the shaft?
I am probably wrong though
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