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Old 30 October 2007, 14:48   #1
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How to rescue your phone after a dunk

I saw this on another forum and thought of you guys. I tend to think saltwater would be the end of anything delicate, but you might be able to wash it, and dry accordingly and salvage something, as long as its not in Davy Jones locker of course, ....but I've had plenty of phones get wet and been nowhere near the sea, so I thought it might be of some use :

"" In the event that a non-waterproof cellphone/PDA/digcam accidentally gets immersed in water, you should follow these steps:

(1) IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE BATTERY. VERY VERY IMPORTANT! 60 seconds later and it may be too late. The battery is usually the source of damage, not just the water alone. Water+Battery = Short Circuits! So REMOVE the battery! And DONT TEST the cellphone after it's been dropped in water!
(2) As soon as possible (preferably within 20-30 minutes). dissassemble the phone using Torx T6 screwdriver. (Get this off eBay or service depots, etc) Make an emergency trip to Sears/RadioShack/ACE/service depot/etc.
(3) Clean/dry as much as you can, using Q-Tips
(4) Dry the electronics components under a desk lamp on a paper towel for 24 hours. A drop of water may have gone under chips and components where you cannot dry, so you need to dry under a 40/60w desk lamp, or 24 hours under a desk fan pointed down at the disassembled components.
(5) Reassemble the phone
(6) Put back together
(7) Only now it's safe to put the battery back in.
(8) Phone may be good as new.

Try not use a hairdryer, unless with heat turned off or at very low settings. You do not want to scorch the electronics. A hairdryer may help in some cases, but more often than not (especially with clean water), a hairdryer will usually cause more damage caused by the stresses of expansion-contraction caused by all the heat. It's best to keep things cold, to keep any contaminants in the water as chemically inactive as possible.

If you follow these instructions, you have a reasonably good chance of a working phone after a non-waterproof phone was thrown into water.

Yes, make that emergency trip to buy the Torx T6 if you have to. You have to disassemble the phone. Although reports some devices such as a PalmPilot, has survived in a snowbank for 7 days (luckily, its batteries were dead) after being lost in a snow-filled driveway, it is generally best to disassemble the device quickly. Clean snow/water usually means you can wait a bit longer, but pool water (chlorine) or ocean water (salt) will make is VERY URGENT to dissassemble the phone.

SALT WATER TIP: If exposure was salt water; you may need to clean the salt water with water. (salt water is far more dangerous). This may actually mean washing the circuit board very briefly under filtered water, in order to save its life from salt water (ocean water) before immediately drying it out. This is a last resort, but NECESSARY if your electronic device was immersed in salt water (unless you have access to special electronics cleaning fluid solutions that can get rid of salt water on short notice. Sometimes filtered water is the only thing you have access to, for cleaning salt water ASAP)

Yes, one must get rid of fear of dissassembly! RESIST trying to test the telephone -- keep the battery away -- until the phone/PDA is disassembled and dried first!

FACT: Water almost never instantly kills a cellphone. You usually still have time to save the phone's life, especially if the water is clean!

Water is usually never usually the source of damage in a PDA/cellphone/pager/etc that has been immersed into water. The source of damage is usually the combination of Battery+Water which causes short circuits. If there are any backup batteries inside the cellphone/PDA, those preferably must be removed too. Removing all sources of power immediately (all batteries) is the most important step in rescuing water-logged electronics!

Also, phones that have already been exposed to water for longer periods even with the battery, are more likely to permanently stop working. For example, having been inside pockets of damp clothes or wet bags, or fallen in a rain puddle for an hour without you noticing until too late. However, remove the battery immediately anyway and dissassemble anyway. Sometimes you can still rescue electronics that has been wet with the battery for longer periods, especially if the water was clean and the electronics shut off the battery before it did any short-circuit damage.

I've had a good success rate in rescuing waterlogged electronics by following the above simple instructions. But to improve your odds, you must act quickly to remove the battery and resist the temptation to reinsert the battery to test, not until at least 24 hours later and after disassembly. If the cellphone/PDA is still wet inside -- ZAP. It can take weeks for the inside of a cellphone/PDA to fully dry if you do not disassemble. It can take less than 24 hours to dry if you diassemble first. So dissassemble first! ""

..... Cue Codders and Zip Lock bag tip .....
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Old 30 October 2007, 14:56   #2
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I dropped my 2 week old LG phone into the sea when launching a rib..... 'in my top pocket as i leant over the bow to unhook!
I managed to get it out of the water pretty quick and disassemble the battery, i took it home and washed it through with deionised water having taken it all apart, i left by the log burner for a week, reassembled and all was well!!

I think the deionised water rinse is ultimately what saved it.
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Old 30 October 2007, 15:02   #3
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Same goes foe engines and anything else that gets dunked in salt water - soak in fresh for a while first.

If you want to be really clever you can open your phone up BEFORE it ever gets wet and spray it with something like "damp start" which is a sealer/varnish.

None of this helped my brother when he dropped his phone in the harbour - the water may only have been 6' deep but the mud is about 10'!!! I phoned Orange to get a new phone and told them what happened - the operator said "have you reported it to the Police in case anyone uses it?". I told her I would let them know if we started getting fishy phonecalls and she still didn't get it..........
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Old 30 October 2007, 15:30   #4
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I currently get through 2 phones a year & reckon if I don´t I am in the money. Strangely neither phone flood this year has been through boating as I have been really careful, dropped one in a puddle last week & another got soaked in a recent storm.

Anyway, hairdrier did not work, obviously too hot.

I just get the cheapest replacement pay as you go package, currently 39e for a samsung so I get a spare battery, charger & sim card. In fact I now have 4 spare spanish sim cards if anyone wants one for future holidays.

Anyone tested a waterproof one in UK? if so, which model as I may pick one up on my next visit.

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Old 30 October 2007, 16:20   #5
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I have successfully salvaged 2 phones from salt water. Rinsed with lots of fresh water then tossed it on the dash of the car and cranked the defrost heat. Then took it home and popped it in the oven at lowest temp for about 15 minutes. Powered it back up and it was good to go.

I like codders idea of pre-sealing Boeshields would work well. It is awesome for all electrical connections. Do you have it on your side of the pond?
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Old 30 October 2007, 18:16   #6
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My girlfriend took her phone out in an AquaPac. Was an old one and leaked water into the case, causing the phone to get wet. As the 2nd driver on the sailing clubs safety boat, I put it in my Bouancy Aid. A while later I went in the water to sort out a boat, forgetting I had it. It killed the phone, which even though it worked soon after, non of the buttons worked.

Nokia wouldnt repair it (Buggers) and so the old phone came out the cupboard!!

Moral, dont go out with your phone!!!
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Old 30 October 2007, 19:33   #7
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Lol, there must be at least a grands worth of phones, sunglasses, keys and torches below my mooring....

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Old 30 October 2007, 19:53   #8
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This doesn't work on Nokia N95s - I've been there twice recently.

Dito here with stuff in the drink - for me its mostly sunglasses and tools. I gave up buying nice sunglasses until I discovered Gill do floating ones.
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Old 30 October 2007, 19:58   #9
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Freezer bags with the ziplocks really do work well - better than an aquapac and only about 5p each - and you can choose how much air you can have in them for floatation!!!
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Old 30 October 2007, 20:06   #10
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With my n70 I did what OceanEco did and put it in the oven on abut 80` worked a treat, then sprayed with wd40. Still have the phone a year later.
Politicians, like nappies, have to be changed frequently - and for the very same reason.
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Old 30 October 2007, 20:47   #11
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
..... Cue Codders and Zip Lock bag tip .....
Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Freezer bags with the ziplocks really do work well - better than an aquapac and only about 5p each - and you can choose how much air you can have in them for floatation!!!

Ah .. such restraint codders ... a whole 8 posts
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Old 30 October 2007, 21:56   #12
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I thought I would keep you in suspenders...........
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Old 01 November 2007, 12:53   #13
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When using our 1050 Ribeye up at the Yamaha Trade conference, my phone which is a LG Prada (Good phone, came in contract but looks rather camp) smashed against the deck while doing 65mph for about 10mins. After which I noticed what had happened and used this method. Works fine again now, just scratched to hell which is no big deal.
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Old 02 November 2007, 00:02   #14
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Most electronic circuit boards are washed with water as part of the manufacturing process to clean off the flux (IPA is not friendly apparently so is no longer used and most flux can be washed off with water).

As highlighted, the real issue is salt. Not only is it highly corrosive but it forms crystals that short out the phone circuitry. I have successfully recovered one phone that got dunked in the sea by thoroughly washing it in water then drying it slowly in an oven at 50C. Another one I had no luck with.

Some of the smaller phones (razr style) with multiple screens have many intriquite connectors that simply don't get on well with salt and it's really difficult to get the copper sulphate off them once it's formed!
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Old 02 November 2007, 01:41   #15
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Lost 2 phones so far (lose another the"ole lady" going to de*ut me). The last one had it lashed to the console, hit a nice wave, launch the rib and it broke the lanyard and it sailed never hitting the deck, it was so cool. We thought about looking for it but it is in 90 ft. of water. Wanted to take it back to nextel and tell them fix this. had bought replace insurance after losing the first one but when I went to replace the phone was told only had repair coverage. 2 weeks later and some hassle had a replacement, now I stow it below
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Old 02 November 2007, 14:06   #16
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An ounce of prevention...

The pelican microcases come in a variety of sizes and are reasonably priced - definitely worth every penny. You probably won't be able to hear incoming calls with the phone in them though.

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Old 02 November 2007, 14:44   #17
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Originally Posted by al40 View Post
As highlighted, the real issue is salt. Not only is it highly corrosive but it forms crystals that short out the phone circuitry.
Its worst property is that its hygroscopic IMO
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Old 02 November 2007, 15:01   #18
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What's wrong with plastic freezer bags??? They cost almost nothing - they make your phone float and they are waterproof - what more do you want?

Even better the phone stays in your pocket where it belongs so if you are thrown from the boat you still have some sort of comms with you.
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Old 03 November 2007, 00:38   #19
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
What's wrong with plastic freezer bags??? They cost almost nothing - they make your phone float and they are waterproof - what more do you want?

Even better the phone stays in your pocket where it belongs so if you are thrown from the boat you still have some sort of comms with you.
I find that they tear/puncture a little easily for my liking, but they do make alot more sense than the aquapacs.
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Old 03 November 2007, 01:54   #20
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Something I gave done in the past. But most of the time I just bung my phone in a locker when I'm on the boat. I use a blue tooth headset and keep the phone in a locker. Then its only the £20 headset that gets ruined.
I have ruined a phone with just wet hands getting saltwater in to the keys.
I've also lost a mega expensive camera that was in a drybag because my son behind my back had been using the said drybag to store his chewing gum. Each time he opened the bag to get a piece of chewing gum he got more saltwater in the bag from his soaking neoprene gloves. I just couldn't believe it when I went to get the camera and my nice drybag was full of water. Luckily the insurance company paid for that one.

And for what its worth I think Aquapac should be called Aquacrap. There products of which I have bought a few last less than a year.
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