05 March 2005, 22:34
Country: UK - England
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Wherefore art thou Hugo?
Is HMS a member of Ribnet? ...does one post here...... does one have anything one might like to say?
05 March 2005, 22:51
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Originally Posted by ribraff
Is HMS a member of Ribnet?
Sure is....under the name Hugo. He's made a total of 4 posts in the last 4 years.
05 March 2005, 23:08
RIBnet supporter
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I´m thinking of writing off going to RIBex in the future and not to continue bying RI
This is totally chicken behaviour of HMS (Hinn Mikli Stautur  )
06 March 2005, 01:19
Country: Canada
Town: British Columbia
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Originally Posted by Alan
Actually, thinking about Fjordrafting who started this all off, mebbe HMS owns the global RIBbing franchise? Do you think it covers Canada?
You mean us colonists are still subjects to the rule of His Majesty's Ship?
Originally Posted by DJL
Sure is....under the name Hugo. He's made a total of 4 posts in the last 4 years.
Maybe he's self conscious about his written communication skills.
06 March 2005, 18:30
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
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Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
06 March 2005, 18:38
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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This upstanding chap you're all talking about, wouldn't by chance be the same Hugo Montgomery-Swan who borrowed a certain sport rib for a weekend for a trip to Frog, and to do a boat test on it would it?
The same HMS who gave the (brand new) boat back a few days later, with untold damage to said boat, who then denied any knowledge of how the substantial damage occured, refusing to accept any responsibility.
The same HMS who for many weeks continued to deny any knowledge/responsibility.
The same HMS who when finally confronted with a witness's version, then suddenly managed to remember that actually, his son had done all the damage to said rib whilst 'pissed up' in france!.....nice bloke!..not
I can't imagine it is the same Hugo Montgomery swan, coz the one I'm talking about sounded like a right lowlife, where as this HMS sounds like he must be a very law abiding man, with extremely high moral standards, hence his wish to sort out this terrible mess, and get to the truth as quickly as possible (via the use of a lawyer)
As I said, I'm sure it must be a different person.
06 March 2005, 20:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Wilmslow
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Posts: 712
I have to say I thought trouble was brewing, Fjordrafting's comments were way over the top even if true. However to respond in this manner is equally over the top. I cannot see HMS coming out of this with a better reputation, it's a bit like throwing s**t whilst doing 40k in a RIB most of it lands back in your face. I have been an avid purchaser and reader of the unmentionable magazine for 2 years now, I'll save my money in future, oh well perhaps not I'll buy "Big Ones" instead, HMS has certainly not done himself any favours with this action perhaps more skeletons will come out of HIS cupboard. As for his Solicitors, any firm that allows a letter to go out in that state can't be up to much I wouldn't consider using them.
06 March 2005, 21:56
Country: Norway
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Posts: 68
I know Fjordrafting in own person and i know every thing about this story!
And fjordrafting is not doing this for the money- a deal is a deal
Fjordrafting did not say THAT HMS IS A THIEF!, he only did ask the question IS HMS - A THIFE? he allso warned others not to be fould by such people, but make sure that the agrement for payment are written.
So i have to say that in my eyes HMS is a big I.... and people like this make me sick and angry. If everyone that got a little critic should have acted like that, the solilicitors would have a lot of work. But of course some people fell that they are above other people and are more important than others in this world. Sorry dont you know how i am? im Hugo M S and if you say or publish somthing bad about me, i will sue your ass!
There is now wonder there is war in this world.
If only hafe of the stories on the board about HMS is true, i guess he has a good fanatasi making stories - it wasn't me - and i guess he has a good deal with solicitors firms.
Sorry to tell you HMS it seems like you are a unpopular man at this board at the moment.
And like other have said i will never again buy RI.
06 March 2005, 22:11
Country: UK - England
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'Taken from a well known thread'
"with a nasty hangover we trudged up and down eventually locating the Revenger and the Phantom. I was just across the way from the Phantom when it took off, in reverse with Thomas frantically trying to disengage the gear. After bouncing off 3 other boats, he managed to slam the throttle forward and bounced off another 4 boats before finally pulling out the kill-cord. I suggested, to a very ashen-faced, shaken Thomas, that I tow the Phantom out of the marina and start her up where there were no other boats around, just in case the throttle got stuck again. We did this and there were no further problems."
06 March 2005, 22:30
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
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Posts: 130
fit for the purpose
Originally Posted by jwalker
JK, can we have the Boatmad Hugegrin smilie please.
There are a few smiliesthat might be considered more suitable in the context of this thread !!
06 March 2005, 22:40
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
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Posts: 1,437
Tis easy, (if the evil Kennett won't give it to you)
Just place this url between IMG brackets
06 March 2005, 22:46
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Posts: 105
Originally Posted by searafting.no
I know Fjordrafting in own person and i know every thing about this story!
And fjordrafting is not doing this for the money- a deal is a deal
Fjordrafting did not say THAT HMS IS A THIEF!, he only did ask the question IS HMS - A THIFE? he allso warned others not to be fould by such people, but make sure that the agrement for payment are written.
So i have to say that in my eyes HMS is a big I.... and people like this make me sick and angry. If everyone that got a little critic should have acted like that, the solilicitors would have a lot of work. But of course some people fell that they are above other people and are more important than others in this world. Sorry dont you know how i am? im Hugo M S and if you say or publish somthing bad about me, i will sue your ass!
There is now wonder there is war in this world.
If only hafe of the stories on the board about HMS is true, i guess he has a good fanatasi making stories - it wasn't me - and i guess he has a good deal with solicitors firms.
Sorry to tell you HMS it seems like you are a unpopular man at this board at the moment.
And like other have said i will never again buy RI.
I agree.
06 March 2005, 22:57
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: Platypus
Make: Parker 630
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Posts: 130
Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller
Thanks Jon -oops wrong file (Sorry!!)
That's better???
06 March 2005, 23:14
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
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Thought I'd share the content of the email I just sent in reply to RIB Int. asking me to renew my subscription.
Dear Mr Riseley
I will not be renewing my subscription, I have been extremely disappointed with the publication for the following reasons.
No real world Ribs that most of us can afford.
Lack of technical features.
Content repeated and re-hashed, even over the 1 year I have subscribed.
How many times can that RIB be launched over the side of that slipway?
The amateur standard of the written articles.
The inaccuracies in the written articles. Somebody should purchase a map of Scotland etc.
The blatant misuse of feature boats for the editor and his family to go cruising in at MY expense.
I honestly feel a great opportunity is being missed by the team at RIB Int. to deliver a magazine that would be purchased regularly by many more RIB owners, I'd be very interested in how many subscribers do not renew their subscription.
In summery, I'd say my experience of RIB Int. has left me with the impression it is put together by a bunch of amateurs who are completely out of touch with the RIB scene, and are only producing the magazine to obtain the use of the boats they are lent for articles.
I'd imagine you will not want to publish this correspondence, or perhaps you will be asking your legal representatives to reply on your behalf.
Don't suppose I'll even get a response.
07 March 2005, 07:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
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Dear Mr Kennett,
A fine, upstanding member of this revered forum has drawn to my attention that, with malice aforethought, my reputation has been called into question in a thread that you published herein. Therefore, it is with the deepest regret that I must inform you that I have passed my complaint into the hands of the solicitors recommended by the Boatmad community.
I believe that Fleece, Grabbit and Sue will be contacting you shortly to explain my position in this matter. I can assure you that I intend to use the full weight of the English legal system to pursue my claim for damages.
I would like to make it clear that I am not and never have been a Nobba………….
07 March 2005, 07:35
Country: UK - England
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07 March 2005, 07:40
Country: Ireland
Town: Bandon
Boat name: Oisre
Make: Excaliber
Length: 7m +
Engine: O/B Evinrude 176hp
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 33
The world has offically gone mad.
I think Monday should be cancelled!
ps Dont give em a penny JK
07 March 2005, 08:07
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Originally Posted by Alan
BTW, JK, where's the published apology and have you suspended Fjordrafting's account?
There isn't one, and no I haven't.
I have very little tolerance of solicitors who have the arrogance to act as if they are the law, confuse their opinion with fact, and make silly unenforceable demands. To be honest, I think that DF&M Beckman Solicitors come out of this looking even worse than Hugo Montgomery Swan does.
Anyway, I think that this thread has probably gone on long enough as the comments do seem to be a bit negative. Probably better to go back to talking about RIBs!
07 March 2005, 08:26
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller
'Taken from a well known thread'
As always your forensic investigative abilities are impressive! CSI Shepperton or WOT!
Of all the demands that were made I think the Account suspension was the most outrageous and also futile!.
I gotta be honest however and say that if somebody indicated I was a thief I'd be well pissed off and the changing or deleting of the thread would have been the right thing for the lawyers to request! I am also sure that could have been sorted out with a phone call from Hugo to the JK albeit an irate one, but I can see why the Solicitors were involved. The fact that the solicitors came on so heavily just makes an unfortunate situation comical
If one is really really pissed off however with RI the the best way of registering your complaint is to explain why you have cancelled your subscriptions in a leter with a link to this thread and send it to the Ad managers of the companies that take out big adverts in RI. 42 registrered letters with contents similar to Nashers falling on Yamaha's desk would surely make Hugo think twice before he attempts to bully us again!
It would certainly enhance the politics of buying advertising space and cause Hugo some disruption which will make him think twice before he send the 'boys ' around to JK's again
JK if this input is inflamatory to the situation the please delete it
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
07 March 2005, 08:27
Country: UK - England
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Make: Phantom
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Posts: 1,437
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Probably better to go back to talking about RIBs!
Hear Hear!
Now.....I'm thinking about drillin an ole in my console, anyone got any suggestions?
< EDIT: Yeah, loads. JK >
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