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Old 11 March 2005, 10:11   #61
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: WIZARD
Make: REDBAY 7.4
Length: 7m +
Engine: OPTI 225
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 417
Originally Posted by Andre
There has been a lot of criticism on Ribnet towards HMS and RIBEX but guys lets be honest - Where can you go to a boat show in the UK and take your own rib. LBS no chance for obvious reasons , Southampton Boat Show - well I tried that and got chased away by the security guys on ribs who were just waiting for people like me and I guess this has happened to many of you.

Say if Hugo was to pack up RI which I hope he never does then I do not believe anyone would follow and the Rib industry in the UK and beyond would be left without its magazine. Instead of slagging the RI why not write to Hugo and put forward some suggestions. We should be supporting our rib magazine and not hammering it. I am sure HMS would pay attention to us ribsters cos guys he for sure is not going to pay any attention to say a car forum when there is a rib forum and my I say A great rib forum .
I agree with whay most of what Andre says in here .... BUT I STIIL THINK HE IS A TIT
TIM is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 11 March 2005, 11:36   #62
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Port St Mary
Boat name: No room for a name
Make: Honwave 2.7 ie
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda 5
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 93
If HMS packed in Rib International you could always ask for a brochure from the rib builders, after all if he is asked to test and report on the latest Humber he is not going to slag it off because Humber are one of his regular advertisers in the mag. (sorry Mr Humber, you do make incredibly good ribs )

Most of the content of his mag is poor in my opinion, This web site is a better read.

As for instructing his solicitor, maybe over the top but to be called a thief would PI** me off, If it was true and I am not doubting anybody here, the same could have been said with out the provocative language, and to better effect.

I don’t buy Rib International because the editorial is ill thought out and poorly presented and above all biased in my opinion.

So if you wish to give HMS the bums rush don’t buy his rag.
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