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Old 29 August 2003, 19:20   #1
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Humber Assault 5.0m

I've made some progress to get a new boat!

I've got a very reasonable offer from Humber considering Assault 5.0m model.

Humber owners, what do you think. Do I get a sea going boat or should I focus a different model/manufacturer. 5m is max lenght I'm thinking about.

And then the outboard. 4 stroke Mercury EFI or conventional 2 stroke Merc. Thinking 40-60 hp. According to Humber the power range is suitable and recommended for the 5m Assault.

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Old 29 August 2003, 22:17   #2
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Not a Humber owner myself, but we had a customer a few weeks back with a new Assult 5.0m. We fitted a Mercury 50hp 4\ to it. It seemed like a good solid boat. Build quality seemed good with no obvious faults\flaws and on board space was quite good for size of boat. They are great value for money to. £5000 for boat and trailer with 'A'-frame, Nav lights twin jockey console and some other bits and bobs.

I didn't get to test it myself but it is going to be used for beach rescue training and the like so will be in surf alot, and the customer selected that boat for the job.

Hope it helps
Brixham BSAC
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Old 30 August 2003, 16:31   #3
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Hi, Jari,

Well I've had no real problems with my Humber other than a few teething troubles and it takes the sea very well. (Better than I do which is why I'm not in Herm at the moment!). It's very good value and does the biz!

For my own opinion though, I would go for the Ocean Pro, (which I did!). It's wider than the Assault in the beam and so probably more stable in rough seas.... and gives you a bit more room to move around too. Ageing Youth has an attaque and I know he would like a bit more beam. (Not sure how that compares with the Assault though!)

They do a 5 Meter version of the Pro, but if you can spend a bit more, as always the bigger the better. I would say 5 Mtrs really is bare minimum for things like Channel crossing. At least try a 5.5 if you can!


Mike C

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Old 31 August 2003, 16:54   #4
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For my intended use and for the budget the Assault 5m seems to be the boat for me.

Seating arrangement is planned to be single person jockey console and two person jockey module inline.

Thank you for your replies.

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Old 31 August 2003, 18:09   #5
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Absolutely love my Humber.

Off the water due to hitting a submerged object, but both me and the family love the boat.

It can handle more sea than I can, and plenty of room onboard for the whole family and everything we need for a day on the water.

Its all got to go - make me an offer...............

Skype - alexgreig
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Old 31 August 2003, 20:38   #6
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Apart from my niggles (fuel tank sender breaking most recently - not Humbers fault tho), I am really liking my Humber now

I took on 8 adults (inc me total) from another rib that broke down yesterday, and we were able to happily cruise at 25 knots.
Although there were two people sat on tubes each side, there was plenty of room on board, and it didn't feel cramped at all really.

Mine (the Destroyer model) is sort of inbetween the Ocean Pro and Assault if I remember right. I did initally look at the Assault 5m too, to take a 60hp four stroke engine which would have been fine as a direct replacement from my last boat. However, wanting a bit more room on board, I made the step up to Destroyer for a bit more beam, and went one metre longer with a larger engine too. I think if I had the extra dosh, I may have gone for the Ocean Pro for even more room, plus perhaps the diesel inboard like Mike C, but I think I did pretty well out of this current setup as is

Jari, you will find the folks at Humber really helpful, especially Sue who deals mainly with the customers. If there is anything in the configuration that you need to clarify, they are always helpful with sorting it.
I don't know if the Assault model takes it, but the 'deluxe' single console unit would be well worth it if you can goto that. I looked at the sports console for mine, but it wouldn't take a great deal of electronic gadgetry in it for what I wanted.

Have fun hunting for the new rib


-added: wasn't there talk of a Humber Owners Club at one point on the forums?
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Old 02 September 2003, 18:31   #7
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I've also been looking at the Assault. Whilst I'd like more beam I think Humber have been clever. They've kept the whole range to a narrow beam which will fit in the garage. In the end the length I get will probably be dictated by its ability to seat 4 and allow enough space to weild a fishing rod. I'm also keen on keeping the weight down as I'v got a feeling that my enthusiasm is stronger than the families and I'll be launching and retrieving by myself sometimes.
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Old 02 September 2003, 23:06   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Iver, Bucks, UK
Boat name: Prime Rib II
Make: Humber Ocean Pro
Length: 6m +
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I can launch & retrieve my 6.3 Ocean Pro with a heavy lump of diesel engine in the back by myself. The secret is lots of rollers on the trailer and a steepish slipway!..... (and a long bit of string at the pointy end!)
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Old 03 September 2003, 14:10   #9
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Try this link for prevoius stuff on the Humber Assault (and others).
Good boat , very good value, a bit hard on the back in short, steep seas, otherwise excellent. I ahave bought 5 so far (club etc.)
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Old 03 September 2003, 14:34   #10
Country: UK - England
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as a seagoing boat the humber hulls are hard to beat .the ride is excellent and the boats are very stable since the tubes sit in the water at the rear; This avoids the twitchy ride (and movement at rest) some boats give with only the hull in
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Old 03 September 2003, 20:20   #11
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I love my humber

See my previous reply on this subject.

Compared to Mike C boat mine is narrower and only has two inline seating console. Which makes carrying 4 adults difficult as they do not feel confident sitting on the tubes at 30knots plus!!!!

Still a good sea boat and certainly take a bigger sea than I will ever go out in.
Aging Youth
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