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Old 12 July 2008, 06:30   #1
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Humber Attaque 5.3 - Deep Vee?

Hi - The guy I spoke to at humber recommended the Attaque over the wider, more modern Ocean Pro. Does the Attaque have a genuine deep V and is it a good sea boat?

Looking to fit an etec 90 and will be skiing and fishing and won't be out in silly weather but still want it to be comfortable in big chop.

Is this a good sea boat or should I go for the Ocean Pro? Also do humber still have the quality control problems I keep reading about?

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Old 12 July 2008, 11:26   #2
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Humber don't make the Attaque any more. The model you are thinking of is the Assault.
It is NOT a deep V hull and is a much poorer hull shape than the Attaque.
I had an Assault and have just sold it to buy a Destroyer as the ride with the shallow V hull was poor. I ordered my Assault after asking Humber the same questions and being assured it was a deep V hull comparable to the old Attaque which I was familiar with. As soon as I saw it I knew it wasn't and have been working until recently to upgrade to a better hull.
On the other hand if you can get hold of a good secondhand Attaque then these are excellent hulls but AFAIK have been out of production for some years (although the currenet Ocean pro is based on the same hull)
If you are buying new and are limited by funds to a size I would recommend buying a slightly smaller destroyer or OP than a larger Assault, they will both be better seaboats despite being slightly shorter.
Looking at your post on engine I would probably not put anything larger than a 70 on the 5.3m Assault just for weight distribution alone, the hull does not have a large freeboard especially at the transom.
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Old 12 July 2008, 14:43   #3
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Thanks Bruce. I think Humber started making the Attaque again when they released the Ocean Pro. They call it an Ocean Pro 2.0m beam rather than the 2.3m beam. I understand it is exactly the same hull as when they first produced it.

It sounds like you are familiar with the Attaques, would you say they have a deep Vee? I don't want something that slams in chop. I haven't seen one in the flesh but from the photos it certainly looks a deeper hull than the Assault but not as deep as the Ocean Pro or Destroyer. Have you been out in one?

Doing this to a budget and on paper the Attaque seems good value as long as it can handle south coast chop!?
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Old 12 July 2008, 16:21   #4
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Hi Chatts

I don't like the Attaque as they don't feel very beamy. They are good in a short chop.

Have you looked at the Destroyer? I think they offer a much better ride and benefit from being 23cm wider.

A few pics attached, if you want to come and see how they compare on the water give me a call on the number below.

Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	5.5 Destroyer top spec.JPG
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ID:	36256   Click image for larger version

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ID:	36258   Click image for larger version

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ID:	36260  

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Old 12 July 2008, 16:35   #5
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The smaller OP being the same hull as the original Attaque would make sense. I knew the larger version had been based on the original Attaque but it would make sense on the smaller version actually being the same moulding. As long as you avoid the Assault you can't go wrong with either the OP or the destroyer as a hull form.
I have used a 5m attaque quite a lot in years gone by, very nice hull and handled well. The only drawback was the small flat flooring area within the hull as the outer hull formed part of the inner floor and was obviously sloping. I assume that this is now not the case and the floor is full width on the current ones?
The pic is us diving off a 5m version, not a lot of room.
There are a number of new Humbers on the forum this year around 5m+ and they all seem to be destroyers, probably because they are slightly lighter, wider and cheaper than the OP at this length. The OP does have the reputation of being dryer and my impression is that above 6m the balance seems to be weighted to OP as far as forum members go.
My advice for what it is worth would be to buy either the destroyer or the wider beam OP, the narrow beam version is too narrow as it is the same width as the Assault which, from experience is too narrow for comfort.
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Old 12 July 2008, 16:43   #6
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Thanks Jono. Like the look of the Attaque and seems good value so hopefully will be able to make a more informed decision depending on what people say about it.

Has anyone else got experience of the Attaque?
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Old 12 July 2008, 16:47   #7
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Thanks Bruce. Think I might need to make a trip up north to take a look at them.
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Old 12 July 2008, 16:47   #8
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Originally Posted by Chatts View Post
Also do humber still have the quality control problems I keep reading about?

This can be avoided with a PBS RIBs fit out

We purchase about about 20 - 30 ribs a year from Humber and have only experienced one hull problem.

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Old 12 July 2008, 16:51   #9
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i had a 5.3 ocean pro,2 mtr wide, it was a very very fast hull, and good in the chop, but the customer services let it down,deal with Jono if you want a humber, good guy!!
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Old 14 July 2008, 08:41   #10
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I think I've got the original Attaque's grandad!

When I got it I phoned humber for some weight info on my 1978 vintage hull, and they told me it was what they beefed up the transom to take a 4- st 90 and now call the O-Pro 2m Beam. (mine's rated 60 max / 2- stroke weight) So you may find the Attaque is slightly lighter, but rated for a slightly smaller engine?

It's a fantastic sea boat, so far I've only had to throttle back once due to the state of the water, and even then not very much. It took the awful random lump you get at certian states of the tide off the bottom of Bute without batting a proverbial eyelid. Very positive feel, and I'll second the fast comments.

Bruce's comments on the sloping floor apply to the ye olde version too. I've never found it a problem, but then I don't carry diving gear.

If I ever manage to kill my currnet hull, I'd certianly have an O-Pro on the shopping list to replace it.
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Old 14 July 2008, 12:14   #11
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The Attaque in the pic above would be around 1980ish vintage and was 5m long.
As you can see we are sitting on the tubes knee to knee. I am with Jono on this one and would rather have the extra width
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Old 14 July 2008, 13:27   #12
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I wonder - was the Attaque the "non commercial" name for the Seasafe? Or did they rename it sometime in '79?

Agreed the extra width would be good, but any wider than 2m & I couldn't store it!
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Old 14 July 2008, 19:49   #13
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Thanks for the info. Pleased people think its a good hull. A bit more width would be good but would also mean quite a bit more cash so am still very keen on the 2m beam.

Think am going to go for a Tohatsu 90 TLDI as seem to have a good reputation and 1k cheaper than an etec.

Hoping to keep the weight down too so won't need a braked trailer too.

Is there anything in the fit-out I should spend a bit more on rather than just getting the standard/cheapest version - Auto bilge, better steering/throttle cables, etc?
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Old 14 July 2008, 21:22   #14
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Depends on whether you are getting the boat built or doing it yourself.
On a Humber I would recommend the anchor locker and wear patches on the tube tops. I also like getting the bow triple strake, had it retro fitted to the Assault and from new on the new Destroyer (see build thread for pics) it really reinforced the bow, handy up here when you sometimes need to buffer under power to vertical barnacled up rocks to get folk on and off the boat in remote areas, without puncturing the tubes! Its now a must have feature on any RIB of mine.
The standard console is very tight for space, would recommend the larger deluxe version and a console mounted fuel tank on a boat this size to save deck space.
If you are thinking on a 90, ribcraft were selling XL suzis very cheap, had mine will all rigging kit for less than 4.5k including PDI, plus an XL transom never goes wrong!
Bilge pump is £20 plus a £2 switch off ebay, With the supplied mounting bracket it just fits in the well, no need for anything more complicated in such a small boat unless you intend to leave it moored.
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Old 14 July 2008, 22:08   #15
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Probably going to get a local dealer to do the fit out as long as not too pricey. Was thinking something like these pics.

Think this is sports console and would potentially add a 70L console fuel tank and a second single jockey seat like in the pic.

Can tube wear patches be added yourself or is it worth getting them to stick them on?

That was a bargain on the suzuki! Want to keep the weight down so limited to 2stroke, both the Tohatsu and etec are 145kg and can hopefully get a tohatsu good price.
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Attaque 5.3.jpg
Views:	467
Size:	35.6 KB
ID:	36301   Click image for larger version

Name:	Attaque 5.3 2.jpg
Views:	454
Size:	28.0 KB
ID:	36302  
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Old 14 July 2008, 22:20   #16
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It a couple of hundred for wear patches from Humber, if going for a dealer then Jono is probably your man as you get the best of both worlds.
I wouldn't buy the Bramber trailer that Humber supply, you will get a much better trailer and price if you buy seperately, even the guys at Humber admitted they were pants to me.
De Graaf or Indespension would be my choice but others may have other trailer manufacturers to recommend as well.
If you are unfamiliar with the various hulls a visit to the showroom in Hull is recommended as they will let you try various seats and consoles in hulls to see what layout you want.
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Old 15 July 2008, 07:13   #17
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Originally Posted by Chatts View Post
Probably going to get a local dealer to do the fit out as long as not too pricey. Was thinking something like these pics.

Think this is sports console and would potentially add a 70L console fuel tank and a second single jockey seat like in the pic.

Can tube wear patches be added yourself or is it worth getting them to stick them on?

That was a bargain on the suzuki! Want to keep the weight down so limited to 2stroke, both the Tohatsu and etec are 145kg and can hopefully get a tohatsu good price.
Sports console is a nice console, most of our boats go out with a that console and a plastic 91lt console tank.

Any one can put your wear patches on but I would let humbers do while it is new.
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Old 15 July 2008, 11:48   #18
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I've got the two man version of this


console on mine - Not a lot of space for instrumentation. Not sure I'd go for it if I was buying new. be aware you can't get a Hulk 30L under it, but you can get proably 3 of the 22L (5 gallon) ones in. I find 2 30L's sit across the rear under the engine nicely, but then I am cruising & not carrying a lot of dive gear so it's not a space I particualrly miss, and is more useful as fuel storage to me.

As for the trailer, I could also go unbraked, but decded to go with brakes to future proof against some random super modern lighweight car I may buy in the future. Also brakes are useful down the hill to Largs! Snipe (now owned by Mersea Trailers) are another one I would recommend - they did me a shortened drawbar version of the R750 (smallest braked swing beam), so it fits in my garage! Worth giving them a look. If you want pics I'll need to wait 'till the end of the week.
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Old 15 July 2008, 21:46   #19
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Thanks for advice. Going up to humber to have a look round early next week. Are pressure release valves necessary on the orange tubes? Is it worth getting them fitted anyway? Think they are approx £200.
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Old 15 July 2008, 22:10   #20
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Originally Posted by Chatts View Post
Thanks for advice. Going up to humber to have a look round early next week. Are pressure release valves necessary on the orange tubes? Is it worth getting them fitted anyway? Think they are approx £200.
Taunton to Hull 267 miles Taunton to Pwllheli 223 miles!!!!! save the planet save some miles and speak to Jono you won't go wrong with him.
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