09 November 2011, 11:20
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Humber Attaque any Good ?
I am new to ribbing , I have just been offered a Humber attaque 5.3 for what I feel is a good price
Its is quite an old boat but it appears in excellent condition for its age , holds air very well , just needs a bit of a clean and tidy.
Does anyone have any knowledge of these ribs , there is very little on the internet about them.
Are they any good at seakeeping ? , How does it compare to say a Humber Destroyer ?

09 November 2011, 11:32
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There's an earlier thread from RIBnet here: http://www.rib.net/forum/f8/humber-a...vee-25511.html
Incidentally there was one on Ebay earlier this year, pictures useful for reference. HUMBER RIB 5.3M ATTAQUE | eBay
Is that with or without VAT?
09 November 2011, 17:59
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Thanks , some good info there , Does anyone actually own one or used one In rough weather?
Who crossed the Atlantic in one?
09 November 2011, 18:08
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Shallow V ? Ok if it's got a lot of weight on it, seems similar to the assault 5.3 which is good fun but again not ideal or rough waters.
Destroyer is a different ball game.
Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
09 November 2011, 18:13
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Originally Posted by ribber duck
Who crossed the Atlantic in one?
In 1984, Enda O'Coineen (an Irishman, obviously) crossed the Atlantic singlehanded in a 5.3m Humber Attaque.
09 November 2011, 18:27
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Just don't mix up Assault and Attaque. Get it wrong and you will either pay double what it's worth, or end up in a bad situation in bad weather.
09 November 2011, 18:43
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It is definatly an Attaque , Definatly Not an assault , Humber have confirmed this with the serial number.
It appears to be virtually Identical to the new 2.0m beam Ocean Pro , Just with a slightly different tramsom design , But has the same Hull.
has pedigree then
Thanks Willk , Just found this :-
Back in 1985, in a Humber Attaque 5.3, an Irishman called Enda O'Coineen successfully crossed the Atlantic single handed using sail and a 55hp Suzuki outboard, surviving the tail end of hurricane Hannah along the way. Enda started his journey on July 17 and arrived in the UK on Aug 21.
and a pic on the humber website Bottom row , 3rd in
10 November 2011, 09:08
Country: UK - Scotland
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....previously (or possibly in the commercial catalougue of the time) known as the Seasafe!
Excellent boat, and yes, it did evolve into the O-pro. I also have a slighty different transom design - mine was built when 2 cyl premix reigned supreme, so is only rated for 110 KG - whicgh doesn't give much scope for engine choice these days! (hence the Clamshell rebuild). I bet the attaque is somwewhere between mine (60Hp / 110 KG) and the O-Pro, whioch is rated for a 4- stroke lump of lard.
It strikes me if you buy it then there will be a complete evolution of the hull on ribnet!
10 November 2011, 10:22
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
Shallow V ? Ok if it's got a lot of weight on it, seems similar to the assault 5.3 which is good fun but again not ideal or rough waters.
Destroyer is a different ball game.
Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
Hi ,
Its definatly not an assault , Humber have confirmed as an Attaque , but refused to give an age.. , as for the hull it appears the same as the 2.0m ocean pro at the front ,
The Manufacturesrs plate says This one is rated to 150hp , ???, so This must be different.
10 November 2011, 10:45
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
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Or it's a bigger hull? Mine is the 5M... and really old.
That certainly looks a similar shape & arrangement to mine.
14 February 2022, 07:47
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL
Just don't mix up Assault and Attaque. Get it wrong and you will either pay double what it's worth, or end up in a bad situation in bad weather. 
Do you mean that the Attaque is the better boat/hull to get?
Thanks for your help.
14 February 2022, 19:02
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Originally Posted by FlyingDutchman
Do you mean that the Attaque is the better boat/hull to get?
Thanks for your help. Pieter
Yes. However, note that it is a very narrow hull before wider designs became popular. We would regularly travel 30 miles offshore for diving on one with 4 divers and lots of cylinders.
Don't put a big 4 stroke on it, a smaller light 2 stroke is an ideal engine for this boat. Dive club has a Yam 85 on an Attaque which is a great combination.
Some of us met Enda in about 2006/7 at the Blue Bird cafe in Lee on Solent for breakfast following a late night party. He is into the Irish sailing and racing scene now, or was. He did explain that the choice to wear a wetsuit for the crossing was a huge mistake and rubbed him badly.
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14 February 2022, 20:15
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Originally Posted by willk
In 1984, Enda O'Coineen (an Irishman, obviously) crossed the Atlantic singlehanded in a 5.3m Humber Attaque.
...on purpose??!
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14 February 2022, 20:28
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Maximus
...on purpose??! 
Yes and succeeded on his second attempt.
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