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Old 16 March 2008, 13:14   #1
The Grocer's Avatar
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Hunterston Channel

OK Clyde types, here's a question for you.

How come the biggest chop around yesterday was in the section between Largs and Gt. Cumbrae?

We toddled up from Arran in the morning for the Sea Survival course at the watersports centre. E. helmed on the way up - nice easy 30 knot cruise. Until we got past Farland Point, when the chop started up. Come on guys, it's supposed to be sheltered in there!

Then coming home last night, me driving in the dark.

The wind had backed to the NE, and increased to F6 ish. We knew it was going to be bouncy, but we weren't expecting the boat to point up 30 degrees 50 metres outside the breakwater. Lovely. Oh well, we're out now, let's press on. Where's Largs Marina, just in case? Can't see it, but it's on the left somewhere. About 20 knots, just try to stay away from the edges... This time the wobbly stuff went almost as far as the S. of Wee Cumbrae, then mostly nice swelly waves until the N. channel into Lamlash. We covered the main part of the run across the Clyde at about 26-28 knots, then played "find the mooring" in the dark.

I didn't taste the pint in the PHT.
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Old 16 March 2008, 18:06   #2
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You probably got wind over tide. Current picks up here as the channel narrows, good job it wasnt on springs!
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Old 16 March 2008, 21:52   #3
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Tide seems to do funny things around the back of Cumbrae i.e when tide comes in flows from Largs towards Hunterston around the sports centre (could be an eddy) which is opposite to what you would expect. Caught me out when doing a course there.
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Old 16 March 2008, 21:58   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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How are you liking the new engine, must feel like a different boat now?
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Old 16 March 2008, 22:43   #5
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I've had some horrible trips in the Channel Russell, although usually it's when there's a touch of Southerly in a strong wind, especially with wind over tide. The wind seems to get squeezed between the Cumbraes and the mainland.

I had a late night trip last week from Largs Yacht Haven to Millport, with a full boat load and a SW F6. I had to abandon trying to get to Millport because the seas were really nasty at Farland Point, and I knew that the swell in Millport Bay would make disembarking the passengers difficult. Thanks goodness for the Cumbrae Watersports Centre!

Often in these conditions the seas are much more predictable once you clear the Channel.
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Old 16 March 2008, 23:21   #6
The Grocer's Avatar
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Well, at least it's not just me

The counter-rotating tide thing is interesting; but I'd have thought that the (mostly) easterly wind wouldn't have had much effect in such a short distance. Unless the wind is being funnelled through some of the gaps in the hills behind Largs, or there's a local Fohn effect (umlauts, I need umlauts!). Hmm. Perhaps I should stay down here, where I can see what's going on.

K&S - new engine makes a heck of a difference. With the 115, I wouldn't have considered making that trip at night. Despite the extra weight, another 35 HP gives much better acceleration, and the ability to cruise at 30 knots (c. 5k rpm) makes a real improvement to Cowal's seaworthiness.

JIY - was tempted to leave a "The Grocer woz eer" sticker on your container, but 'Er Indoors said NO!

Oh, speaking of she who must be obeyed - apparently night cruises are now approved of, so if anyone else is up for it (in suitable conditions of course) perhaps a nocturnal navigation could be arranged? Just a thought...
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Old 16 March 2008, 23:23   #7
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I have experienced this variation too at times when the weather would suggest otherwise. I believe a lot to do with it, is down to the tidal volume of water getting shoved up the outer reaches of the clyde, and draining accordingly, and as previously mentioned, when the wind goes with or against it, it can make for unpredictable water. Many times I have come round the south of Bute, into either predictable slow swell, or a 'boiling mess', and the charts state a tidal race is common at this point .The Hunterston channel is badly affected by a s/w southerly mostly IMO and if its been blowing for 2-3 days, you still get the big sea, even after the wind has dropped, change of tide and wind also.. and you are fighting for a level cruise, and I think that is what you had Russell
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Old 16 March 2008, 23:36   #8
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by The Grocer View Post

Oh, speaking of she who must be obeyed - apparently night cruises are now approved of, so if anyone else is up for it (in suitable conditions of course) perhaps a nocturnal navigation could be arranged? Just a thought...
Yep up for that!
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