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Old 06 January 2015, 03:51   #1
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Hurricane 733 Questions

Sorry RIB noob here from Maryland and had a few questions if I may. I have searched this site and Google for many hours but still need assistance. I am looking to possibly picking up a 733 in the future and I need it to fulfill a few requirements and would welcome any and all comments. I have lurked on the site for a couple years and I'm finally posting. I would like a RIB but if you think this is not a wise choice then please let me know if you would. The boat would most likely be a diesel (even though an outboard would increase my deck space considerably). The trick may be all three together as each one individually isn't too hard I think.

Fishing - The first is to fish with it. I have seen some people rig their 733s for fishing so I believe I could mount some rod holders and rig something for trolling. Any pics of any setups I could get ideas from?

Ride - The next is a comfortable ride for my wife. This is a tough one as she has CRPS (equates to no fun) so smooth ride is mandatory or no RIB. I already have a sports car that she can't ride in (yet!) (fun car...not soft ride) I would only take her on the boat on good days coinciding with calm seas locally along with the kids. I have heard RIBs ride very well but of course a boat is a boat and there will always be waves ...just want to compare this against a deep V 20 footer fiberglass boat (I think RIBs are cooler though!) I had thought about the Ullmans though expensive!!! but they would be of little use to make mild bumps less mild...correct me if I am wrong though.

Seating - I need seating for my wife and two kids (and me too!) to go on the boat. My kids are 5 & 6 so straddling a seat would not be an option. I'm not against the bean bags though. I know other boats seem to use them a lot. Thoughts from anyone who has configured a 733 for a family? I've looked for examples but would love any rough diagrams, pics or ideas people have tossed around along with any comments.

Thanks and I apologize for the long first post (after intro)!!! Hopefully I don't sound too crazy
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Old 06 January 2015, 15:34   #2
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Originally Posted by sufius View Post
Seating - I need seating for my wife and two kids (and me too!) to go on the boat. My kids are 5 & 6 so straddling a seat would not be an option. I'm not against the bean bags though.
I prefer standing when piloting the boat. Especially in rougher water (knees absorb shock better than your butt does.) Not sure what the wife's condition is, but if it's not back related, she may as well. If it is, I'd go with the bean bag option (more cost effective than the shock mitigation seats, unless you're planning long, rough trips.)

IMO, For the kids, it's not going to be that much of an issue. Normal boat seating, with some added handholds (either grab handles or straps) should keep them located pretty well. If it gets rough enough that they get thrown around, slow down or get off the water.

I had my brothers triplets on the boat a while back (when they were 3, I think), and it was like herding cats. They were all over the boat. We were on the Oakland Estuary, so no rough stuff (a little chop to get some texture in the ride, but that was about it.) I figured as long as they didn't go overboard it was all good. Speed was kept down for the most part. About an hour of sightseeing, and they were ready for a nap (Not sure if that was a comment on my piloting or what.)

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Old 06 January 2015, 15:51   #3
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I'd say seating can be dealt with to meet your needs. Hard to sit and drive a 733 unless you're pretty tall or have a nice seat, the consoles are fairly tall. I run beanbags and the family loves them.

I would worry about how serious a fisherman you are. I think that would be the 733 weakest role. If you just want to troll the odd rod or two you'll be fine. If your serious then it might be harder. Bait tanks and coolers don't have a good place. Cooler fits great up front but takes up a good part of the largest deck then.

The ride is fantastic. The 733s strongest attribute.

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Old 06 January 2015, 21:33   #4
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I have the Ullman seats and they let me feel less shocks through my spine. A set of Ullman's or Shockewave seats will let you have the softest ride for a 23ft boat. The Hurricane 733 is softer than most of the British and Italian RIBs in my opinion. I deliberately made my 733 heavier than optimal and the weight makes the ride sorter yet and it became a chop eater.
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Old 06 January 2015, 23:27   #5
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Thanks for the comments it is much appreciated!!!

jky - Wife would want/need to sit down a good portion of the time but I could fall back to the bean bag chairs if she can't stand anymore. I wouldn't want to go with shock mitigation unless I had to but would if it helped considerably. Her condition involves nerves firing bogus pain signals so it is a real "pain" (<- bad pun). My trips with her and the kids would be relatively short...couple hours tops most likely. As the kids get older we may go out longer possibly if able. As for me standing/leaning is perfectly fine. It will be different as my other three boats I had a seat.

My kids are pretty good on boats and one falls asleep within 10 minutes of leaving 90% of the time...quite funny actually as she tries to stay awake but just can't.

jason - Good to know that seating isn't a lost cause. Both you and jky state standing is better so I may plan on that if I can get one purchased. I've heard a lot of good things about the beanbags.

I'm more of a comical fisherman than a serious one. I would only troll two to four lines at most but usually just tossing lines off the side while drifting or anchoring. The typical get on the water, throw in a line or two and chill . The family wouldn't be with me while fishing just a friend or two but not any more than. More witnesses to the actual truth of my fish stories could prove detrimental.

The ride is one of the key factors that is pushing me that direction so I'm glad it is the strongest attribute!

ynp - I haven't seen the Ullman seats close. How adjustable are they? Most use them for offshore large waves/high speed combo but what about conditions not as extreme. Can they be set so that mild to medium waves are mellowed without bottoming out later on a big rogue (cruiser) wave. Just curious.

The idea of adding weight is quite interesting especially now that gas prices are down quite a bit. That is an option I didn't think about. Could probably even do a water bladder of some sort of pump out/in..hmmm.

Again, many thanks!
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Old 06 January 2015, 23:47   #6
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I have a couple of Ullman Biscaya seats from the CZ7 Hurricane. They are not adjustable. I believe there are the Ullman's which can be adjusted to weight.

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Old 07 January 2015, 01:52   #7
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Hurricane 733 Questions

Originally Posted by sufius View Post

ynp - I haven't seen the Ullman seats close. How adjustable are they? Most use them for offshore large waves/high speed combo but what about conditions not as extreme. Can they be set so that mild to medium waves are mellowed without bottoming out later on a big rogue (cruiser) wave. Just curious.

The idea of adding weight is quite interesting especially now that gas prices are down quite a bit. That is an option I didn't think about. Could probably even do a water bladder of some sort of pump out/in..hmmm.

Again, many thanks!

I operate in Thailand near Phuket , mostly in tidal Phangnga Bay, where water is shallow in many places and chop is short and steep. The ZH733 is perfect for those conditions. I have the anchor box with a Danforth and seven meters of chain and try to keep the bow heavy. It improves the ride into the waves, and the following sea in a short chop usually does not affect the boat badly.

In smooth water, my bow heavy boat is 7-9 knots slower, but the boat is solidly planted into the water and does not fly too easily.

When I go offshore, in the swell, I put the chain and anchor in a bucket and keep it under the console or move the weight along the boat according to the conditions.
Once again, I don't want the best speed from my boat, I don't race it, I want a sweet ride and proper balance. More often than not, I want to trim the boat with the trim tabs or engines other than move the weight or passengers.
I don't fly the boat with passengers onboard.
IMHO many RHIBs are too bow light. The 733 is a very well balanced boat.
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