Thanks for the comments it is much appreciated!!!
jky - Wife would want/need to sit down a good portion of the time but I could fall back to the bean bag chairs if she can't stand anymore. I wouldn't want to go with shock mitigation unless I had to but would if it helped considerably. Her condition involves nerves firing bogus pain signals so it is a real "pain" (<- bad pun). My trips with her and the kids would be relatively short...couple hours tops most likely. As the kids get older we may go out longer possibly if able. As for me standing/leaning is perfectly fine. It will be different as my other three boats I had a seat.
My kids are pretty good on boats and one falls asleep within 10 minutes of leaving 90% of the time...quite funny actually as she tries to stay awake but just can't.
jason - Good to know that seating isn't a lost cause. Both you and jky state standing is better so I may plan on that if I can get one purchased. I've heard a lot of good things about the beanbags.
I'm more of a comical fisherman than a serious one. I would only troll two to four lines at most but usually just tossing lines off the side while drifting or anchoring. The typical get on the water, throw in a line or two and chill

. The family wouldn't be with me while fishing just a friend or two but not any more than. More witnesses to the actual truth of my fish stories could prove detrimental.
The ride is one of the key factors that is pushing me that direction so I'm glad it is the strongest attribute!
ynp - I haven't seen the Ullman seats close. How adjustable are they? Most use them for offshore large waves/high speed combo but what about conditions not as extreme. Can they be set so that mild to medium waves are mellowed without bottoming out later on a big rogue (cruiser) wave. Just curious.
The idea of adding weight is quite interesting especially now that gas prices are down quite a bit. That is an option I didn't think about. Could probably even do a water bladder of some sort of pump out/in..hmmm.
Again, many thanks!