I just got a 2003 AVON 320 seasport Jet HELP! INFO PLEASE!!
Hi to all here on this board! I spend alot of time on PWCToday and a few other PWC forums but just joined here as I have just picked up a very nice 03 AVON Sea Sport Jet. It's a 10ft Yamaha 701 2stroke powered,jet propelled zodiac. I got it from my local Powersports Dealership. They don't deal with boats like these usually and so they just wanted to get it out of their inventory. I had no idea that they COST SO MUCH MONEY!!! I started doing some research after the fact and when I found out how much they are worth I got really excited.
If any one knows more info please tell me what you know. Things like history, where to put listings for sale, why they cost so much, how they ride..... Anybody that has or previously owned one, do you like AVON, and why?
I am going to do all the little repairs and things that need some minor attention to make it perfect. Have some fun with it and then sell it so if anyone here wants one lemme know I will give a killer price, and I mean not expensive. I called the AVON "stealership" 2day these things new are $29000 up to $34000 for this model
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