22 June 2006, 06:58
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I was going to buy a bigger engine....
not any more for 29.99 it looks like they have come up trumps… How much more top speed do you think this would give ? I am looking forward to seeing a 20% saving in fuel ????
"This unique new product brought over from America"... oh wow so it must be true...
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
22 June 2006, 08:15
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I'd be interested to see their validated test results that show anything like a 20% improvement in fuel econonomy!
22 June 2006, 08:33
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matey on here (daveh?) is mr boatcareuk. I think he has carried out some tests on a jetski or something?
22 June 2006, 08:33
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I'd love to meet someone who can do 50,000 miles in a rib in a season........
They'll have no teeth, repetetive strain injuries and huge chiropractors bills!
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22 June 2006, 09:40
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Think somebody needs to provide some proof, and be prepared to stand up to the claims made.
22 June 2006, 10:02
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Originally Posted by whitingiom
I'd love to meet someone who can do 50,000 miles in a rib in a season........
They'll have no teeth, repetetive strain injuries and huge chiropractors bills!
But just think about it
Say 1L per mile at today’s (Mr Brown rate 95p) = £47500.00
So you would save £9.5k. and as a result you could buy a nice RIB with the money you would be saving.
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
22 June 2006, 10:07
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Originally Posted by slimtim
matey on here (daveh?) is mr boatcareuk. I think he has carried out some tests on a jetski or something?
You are correct - daveh is indeed Boat Care UK. He did some tests on a Jetski, he also demoed sea slide on some plastics at the Portsmouth boat show - I don't believe the full extent of the claims, but I do believe it can make a difference.
22 June 2006, 10:13
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Sea Slide Testimonials
Alice, get down the shops quick!
23 June 2006, 09:16
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Looking forward to hearing more about this one!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
24 June 2006, 20:51
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Guys, had a tip off that there was some slander going on of the Sea-slide product which is patented and which I do not own! I've seen the product in use and all I can say is that it is in use at the top end of the racing market both sail and power.
The chemical is hydrophillic and takes up a layer of water which provides water on water lubrication - breaking the surface. The result is that the friction coefficient is reduced massively. Teflon for example could not even start to compare.
As jimbo pointed out I have applied the chemical to a panel of GRP which I covered half of. We carried out jet ski tests. Every person who has felt the surface has either agreed to purchase or has actually bought the stuff there and then. One of Boat Care UK team who applies the stuff will be buying a bottle for his own high performance racing dinghy. We will be applying it to a number of racing powerboats and ribs.
The top speed increase is said to be between 7 and 17%
A fuel saving of between 15 and 20% is to be expected. I'm hoping it may be of use for the Fast Cats.
The 50,000 sea mile test was done by towing various surfaces behind boats in the States. In reality we say it last a season.
When seaslide was painted on to a propeller run in a tank the rpm of the prop turning was roughly 400rpm more with seaslide on the propeller blades - showing just how much it reduces underwater friction.
By having a layer of water on the bottom of the hull everytime the boat drop off the plane, perhaps due to a wave, it picks up so much faster.
I think it would be beneficial for anyone who does purchase this, to share their testimonials with the rest of the forum!
The stuff does go on over antifoul, or you have to prepare the hull to get the paint to stick-on grp
24 June 2006, 21:56
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Tell you what, give me some for free and I'll tell you if it works.If it's as good as it sounds I'll tell everyone but if it's as exaggerated a claim as it sounds then I'll say so. There's very little that comes on and off the plane as much as an sr4 in grotty weather.
I know exactly what fuel I can expect to use on a normal day and can report findings.
Until I see concrete proof on my own boat I'm afraid claims like that will go into the same bucket as the 'powerpill' or THIS:- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SAVE-PETROL-Bo...QQcmdZViewItem
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24 June 2006, 22:28
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If I had a pound for everytime someone tried to get me to sponsor them, I would be a rich man! I will report back when the race team we are working with complete their tests and break some records. I have nothing to prove as I know what the stuff is! I shall be slapping it on my racing yacht over the winter.
24 June 2006, 23:55
RIBnet admin team
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Fair comment but IMO a race team's findings isn't as relevant to ribnetters as trying it on a rib at the kind of speeds most ribs do.
I'll leave out the bit about waving the fee for using my boat as test bed
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25 June 2006, 09:12
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Fair comment but IMO a race team's findings isn't as relevant to ribnetters as trying it on a rib at the kind of speeds most ribs do.
Except me!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
25 June 2006, 10:15
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Cookee
Except me! 
Yeah but you're a PROPER nutter
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26 June 2006, 08:34
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Yeah but you're a PROPER nutter 
I'll take that as a big compliment!  
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
26 June 2006, 22:24
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This stuff can't work.
Its common practise for dinghy racers to sand their brand new hulls to get bubbles delierately trapped on the hull and make them go faster. These seems to fill the gaps and make it go faster. It aint kosha if you ask me.
27 June 2006, 07:12
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Originally Posted by Kernow
Reading these testimonials I can see where they have got the 20% saving from.
“Before applying Sea-Slide to my 40’trawler Nomad II, in order to reach my cruising speed of 8.8 knots, I consistently needed 2000 rpms. That is because the algae slime that built up on the bottom over time.”
So what they are saying is. If you lift out, clean, and apply brand X you go faster or need less RPM to do the same speed … nothing to do with removing all the growth etc????
We lift out a 30foot yacht every winter and shock horror it goes better once it is a new coat of antifowl (and a fresh stock of beer in the fridge  )
Will leave this in the water for 3 years and then pain it with hammerite do you recon we would see a similar gain?
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
27 June 2006, 09:33
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Originally Posted by CJL
This stuff can't work.
Its common practise for dinghy racers to sand their brand new hulls to get bubbles delierately trapped on the hull and make them go faster. These seems to fill the gaps and make it go faster. It aint kosha if you ask me.
This is sort of using the sea slide principle backwards. When dinghy racers sand their hulls to trap air, what they are aiming to do is to allow the water to release from the hull more readily - the air reduces water sticking to the hull, as it prevents the airlock. This makes the boat slide faster through the water.
If dave is to be believed, sea slide works by actively encouraging a layer of water to stick to the extremely smooth surface of the hull (with sea slide applied), and using this thin layer of water as a running surface bearing on the rest of the sea water. Not sure how well that works in practice - there are plenty of testimonials on websites, but I await with interest feedback from Daves first clients! We could be pleasantly surprised...
27 June 2006, 09:42
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