^What he said.
The bow line known as a painter needs to be shorter than the back of the boat so it doesn't get caught in the prop. It can also be used as a dock line. As it will typically remain in place it also needs to be cleated off somewhere inside the boat. I cut a U into the front of my anchor locker lid to allow ropes to pass thru with the lid closed (My boat does have a cleat on the top center of the bow). So the painter excess is stored in the anchor locker, and when the anchor rode (line) is out the anchor rode passes thru the same U. The anchor rope gets a figure 8 tied into it and a bowline ties the painter to the anchor rode, or you can put a loop into the end of the painter.
The anchor rode end needs to be tied or clipped into the anchor locker. Bow locker and anchor locker are interchangeable words on small boats typically. Gotta put the anchor somewhere. A decent amount of anchor chain at least the length of the boat, and a good anchor will keep you in place. Over 90 meters of anchor rode is what I consider minimum to be able to anchor in 27 meters of water at around a 3:1 scope, with more being better.
You can watch some videos on Youtube for "eye splices".
A picture of the inside of the bow locker would be interesting to see.