Not sure what you think of this idea but will be interesting to see if and what ideas peole have.
I often find myself thinking of topics and discussions I would like to see covered in RIB Int, being the only industry mag.
Although covered on this site it would be good to see them covered on RIB Int. Who have the money and ability not only to talk and get info on topics but to get out on the water and try them.
Here are a few. Any one else?

A back to back test of same size optimaxes, four strokes and two strokes. On the same boat giving acurate comparable figures on fuel and oil consumption, noise levels and speed. I dont think any one has done this before. eg 225 optimax and 4 stroke.

RIB stability curves. Filled with water. Differant types of boat. tube diameter etc. Stability tests in breaking waves.

May be when they do a boat test they should fill the boat with water?

The production of a parekers guide type thing, ball park figures for boats, engines etc on the SH RIB market.

An article on SIBs the choices on the market, price etc. Keith on the case?

More gear tests, like PBO and YM for RIB stuff. Not just wearing it but testing it, back to back with other gear. If its unsinkable try to sink it. If its waterproof, use it under the water. If its unbreakable drop it. etc