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Old 12 February 2010, 21:12   #41
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There is a 6.5 here looks like a good buy.
Chris Stevens

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Old 12 February 2010, 21:23   #42
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Looks a bit too much like a ribeye with that bench seat
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Old 01 March 2010, 09:04   #43
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Dragging this up again.....

Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
Looking specifically at the Humber option (because it's the best value new one) - in practical seaworthiness terms is there a lot of difference between the 5.5m and the 5.8m Destroyers? Strikes me that it's only a foot of boat so I wonder how much difference there is in choppy F4-F5 type conditions. Obviously the 5.8 will be better but how much?

I know the general logic says buy the biggest boat you can afford but the counter argument is that one of the things that controls the amount of ribbing I do is the operating cost, and so a smaller and cheaper to operate boat would probably mean I used it more and enjoyed it more, plus it would be easier to handle and easier to fit under cover if I needed to work on it. If there was a 5% difference in comfort I could live with it, if it was 25% I probably couldn't.

Any thoughts from those who might have tried both sizes please?
Anybody got any comments on the above please?

Reason being that a 5.5m with a 90 is £2000 less than a 5.8m with a 115 and that saving would be quite handy at the moment!

The new Suz 90hp is supposed to be a really economical engine which is what I want but I figure on the 5.8 I'd be a bit disappointed if I was used to a 115.
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Old 01 March 2010, 09:50   #44
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
Dragging this up again.....

Anybody got any comments on the above please?

Reason being that a 5.5m with a 90 is £2000 less than a 5.8m with a 115 and that saving would be quite handy at the moment!

The new Suz 90hp is supposed to be a really economical engine which is what I want but I figure on the 5.8 I'd be a bit disappointed if I was used to a 115.

certainly 5.5 - 5.8 is not a huge jump but it suprised me how a foot can actually make quite a diference especially in chop, however I would think that the 90 would give virtually identical performance on both hulls so perhaps go with the 5.8 but with the 90HP?

I would speak to Dave Mallet "Wavelength" he has been using Humbers for a number of years at his training school and is a good source of info on Humbers.
Chris Stevens

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Old 01 March 2010, 21:15   #45
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post

certainly 5.5 - 5.8 is not a huge jump but it suprised me how a foot can actually make quite a diference especially in chop, however I would think that the 90 would give virtually identical performance on both hulls so perhaps go with the 5.8 but with the 90HP?

I would speak to Dave Mallet "Wavelength" he has been using Humbers for a number of years at his training school and is a good source of info on Humbers.
Ta - I have already PM'd Dave but he said he hadn't used the two side by side to compare but that the 5.5/90 they run was ok for what he wanted.

May come down to price in the end anyway, but I am still waiting to see whether the folks that are going to buy it will come up with the offer I need to make the whole thing viable.

I'd still like a Vmax and have sent off for some new prices just to make sure I'm not missing anything. DHD is still in the running too
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Old 17 March 2010, 00:22   #46
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Subject to some £££ appearing in my bank account, das Boot is now sold

So I am now in the position of thinking what to replace it with which I am sure is the nice bit of buying a new boat

I have time to play with as I don't need it to be here until September to meet the start of our next summer.

Three options on the table really (I've binned the XS option due to the polythene tubes which put me off, maybe an irrational prejudice). Not as much difference between the prices as you might think, once you compare near enough like for like. All three have been very helpful with their replies, though I have some bits and pieces I need to confirm but hadn't bothered them with until the sale was confirmed.

So the three are:

Humber Destroyer 5.5/5.8 offered with a Suz DF90/115
Price - it's the cheapest especially the 5.5 with a 90 which is really good value
Lower power requirement than an Osprey for decent performance, which = lower running cost
Relatively simple hull design with no chines, lends itself better to a home-made bunk trailer at a later date
Not as good as an Osprey in the rough?

Ribcraft 5.85 offered with a Suz DF140
Build quality
A bit more expensive
Seakeeping - better or worse than the other two? Somewhere in between?
Would it go well with a cheaper 115hp?

Osprey Vipermax 5.8 offered with an Etec 130hp
Rough water performance
Needs more power for the same performance, so more expensive to buy (engine cost) and run (bigger engine presumably = higher fuel consumption)
Relatively new and untried engine? (the 130hp version of the Etec) any comments on this good or bad?

What I want is basically a decent blend of rough water performance and easy cruise speed - the Destroyer I have is OK in the rough, I'm not into going out in an F8 as it's too frigging cold and wet, but a little better would not be unwelcome. Mainly I want an easy sustained cruise of 30kts on a nice day by which I mean a boat that can probably do ~ 40 knots at WOT so 30 comes up at well below maximum revs so I don't go deaf and/or blow up the engine, and with reasonable fuel consumption. I don't want any problems with it, either with the engine or with the boat. Warranty cover is pretty much irrelevant as most are going to be return to base, so I want something that won't need a warranty.

I also want an engine that can have end user diagnostics - I know you can get it for the DF140 as there is a boat here running twins and the folks who run it have got "something" that can run diagnostics from a laptop. Can you get this for an Etec? Or anything else? I'm not afraid of electronic engine management (anything is better/easier than a Discovery 3....) but if you need the kit to do it, it needs to be available and at a sensible price i.e. not another £10k.

The engine options are what was offered by the manufacturers as a starting point - I am open to other suggestions but not a carbed 2 stroke as I want something cheaper to run.

Second hand remains an option though the fact I can reclaim VAT on a new one is quite handy.

Thoughts please
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Old 17 March 2010, 01:02   #47
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No experience of the Humber or Osprey, but I did quite a few miles on Biggles' Ribcraft 5.85 with a DF140 and was quite impressed with it.It coped quite well in a f7 off the Needles.
It used less fuel than my Searider and cruised happily at 30 knots with 3 people aboard. If I was in the market for a new sub 6m boat I'd be considering one quite seriously.
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Old 17 March 2010, 19:29   #48
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
I also want an engine that can have end user diagnostics. Can you get this for an Etec?
The e-tec diagnostic software is available on the web I can point you at a site that gives instructions on how to make up the cable to connect the ECM for about £7

Under those well crafted covers and apart from the electronics and the fuel / oil delivery system the e-tec is essentially very similar to you old Johnson and is a simple engine to service and maintain. So for a DIY ribber like yourself makes a lot of sense.
Chris Stevens

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Old 17 March 2010, 19:33   #49
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
The e-tec diagnostic software is available on the web I can point you at a site that gives instructions on how to make up the cable to connect the ECM for about £7
Hello Chris...
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Old 17 March 2010, 19:45   #50
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And Again....

Originally Posted by Chris View Post
The e-tec diagnostic software is available on the web I can point you at a site that gives instructions on how to make up the cable to connect the ECM for about £7
Hello Chris...

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Old 17 March 2010, 21:17   #51
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PM me your emails then
Chris Stevens

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Old 17 March 2010, 21:19   #52
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If you like the idea of a Humber and (as you have a Johnson 2T already) an ETEC, you could try contacting Quinquari marine in Wales. They are connected with Humber and operate large ribs commercially with Evinrudes. The last time I spoke to them they said if you buy a Humber from them along with an ETEC, they would supply it rigged with an additional discount. You can get them at:


Hope this may be of use and sorry if you already know all this stuff.
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Old 17 March 2010, 23:43   #53
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Thanks all.

Finances permitting I am leaning towards the Osprey option maybe with the Etec 130hp Roy suggested, though on the Ribstuff site I see they do an Etec 90 for £0.00 so I thought I might go for twins instead at that price

Am I right in thinking the Etec needs funny oil or can it also use standard TCW3? Only a minor inconvenience (I'd have to import it myself) but I just wondered.

Has anybody on here got the new Etec 130?
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Old 20 March 2010, 22:29   #54
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post

Has anybody on here got the new Etec 130?
I believe Maximus has one on a Ribcraft 545 and it goes like $hit off a $hovel.
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Old 21 March 2010, 00:13   #55
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
Am I right in thinking the Etec needs funny oil or can it also use standard TCW3? Only a minor inconvenience (I'd have to import it myself) but I just wondered.
You can have the engine set to run on either TCW3 Oil (XD50 is recommended) or you can have it set to run on XD100 which is the really good stuff. When on the XD100 setting you will use less oil (mine averages at about 75:1 however it is quite expensive stuff.
Chris Stevens

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Old 21 March 2010, 11:10   #56
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
You can have the engine set to run on either TCW3 Oil (XD50 is recommended) or you can have it set to run on XD100 which is the really good stuff. When on the XD100 setting you will use less oil (mine averages at about 75:1 however it is quite expensive stuff.

I just looked...


Where did I put Suzuki's phone number
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Old 21 March 2010, 11:44   #57
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
PM me your emails then
Many thanks, Chris
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Old 21 March 2010, 11:50   #58
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
You, are looking in the wrong places so:
£8.20 Litre (Plus penguin post, natch)
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Old 21 March 2010, 18:01   #59
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Old 21 March 2010, 18:02   #60
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Or the XD50 option at £6.80 litre XD50 which I think will be your best Stephen if your engine is set to run XD100 and you run out you cant use TCW3 unless in an emergency whereas if you run out of XD50 the engine will be happy running on any good TCW3 oil as it will be running the XD50 or TCW3 settings
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