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Old 02 February 2011, 08:40   #1
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Importing Information

Hi - I am new to the forum and after doing a little research here am finding it difficult to get some clear answers - so thought I ought to join up!

I want to import a small boat (pontoon) boat from NZ - its not exactly an inflatable as it's a 4m aluminium cat (60hp outboard). I read about e marking and how the manufacturer is required to do this so that I can insure in the UK. But I also wanted to know what sort of duties are payable and if anyone can recommend any shipping advice prior so I can work out if the costs are feasible - or not.

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Old 02 February 2011, 10:41   #2
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Originally Posted by Oldskool View Post
Hi - I am new to the forum and after doing a little research here am finding it difficult to get some clear answers - so thought I ought to join up!

I want to import a small boat (pontoon) boat from NZ - its not exactly an inflatable as it's a 4m aluminium cat (60hp outboard). I read about e marking and how the manufacturer is required to do this so that I can insure in the UK. But I also wanted to know what sort of duties are payable and if anyone can recommend any shipping advice prior so I can work out if the costs are feasible - or not.

I'd think it is very unlikely to be economical to import a single small boat like that.

CE marking - if this is a one off its very unlikely any Kiwi boat builder is going to want the headache and expense of doing this and so it will become your responsibility (you may be able to treat your one off import as a "prototype" until you want to sell it?).

Shipping costs are likely to be huge. Ideally you want to move whole containers of stuff at once. A 4m boat is going to be a part container - so you need to find someone to pack it and consolidate it otherwise you'll be looking at a couple of grand at least.

You'll need to pay Import Duty (1.7%? from a quick look) plus UK Vat (20%) the whole value of the shipment (possibly including the shipping costs depending how they are arranged! Then because the whole process is complicated you'll end up paying a shipping broker to get it through customs and then pay the dock for storing your goods until you can collect it etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if by the time you got CE paperwork sorted, and managed to get it though customs etc you had cost the same amount as the boat possibly unless you were doing this as your day job or new someone who was.
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Old 02 February 2011, 12:33   #3
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Cheers for the comments - really useful.

CE costs sound like a pain - I will suss them out and see what they work out too as this is likely to be the biggest sticking point. Do you know if it is still possible to insure a 'prototype'?

I did think about the container option - the guy mentioned he ships in container loads to Australia so I think this may be ok if I can sell the excess - but also could be painful as they are so different to what the market is used to in the UK so its not without risk.

Shipping brokers - I have visions of wharfies with steel bars.... anyone recommend a good one to work with?

Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
I'd think it is very unlikely to be economical to import a single small boat like that.

CE marking - if this is a one off its very unlikely any Kiwi boat builder is going to want the headache and expense of doing this and so it will become your responsibility (you may be able to treat your one off import as a "prototype" until you want to sell it?).

Shipping costs are likely to be huge. Ideally you want to move whole containers of stuff at once. A 4m boat is going to be a part container - so you need to find someone to pack it and consolidate it otherwise you'll be looking at a couple of grand at least.

You'll need to pay Import Duty (1.7%? from a quick look) plus UK Vat (20%) the whole value of the shipment (possibly including the shipping costs depending how they are arranged! Then because the whole process is complicated you'll end up paying a shipping broker to get it through customs and then pay the dock for storing your goods until you can collect it etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if by the time you got CE paperwork sorted, and managed to get it though customs etc you had cost the same amount as the boat possibly unless you were doing this as your day job or new someone who was.
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Old 02 February 2011, 12:47   #4
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You probably need to do a little bit of reading up about CE marking and the RCD. I know it applies to anything being sold in the EU, but not sure what it means in relation to personal imports. Obviously there are some loopholes to permit home built boats to be used and insured. I have a feeling there is some type of 5 year period in which you can't sell it on.

My insurers have never asked for proof of CE marking for my boats and one of them certainly wasn't CE marked!

As far as import duties go, you may get lucky and not get clobbered, but you'd be best to assume you will have to pay. There are lots of import/export documents on the HMRC website in particular certain bits relating to boats.
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Old 02 February 2011, 12:48   #5
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Originally Posted by Oldskool View Post
a 4m aluminium cat (60hp outboard)
4m with a 60HP, sounds good

Can you buy the plans and get one fabricated here?
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Old 02 February 2011, 12:52   #6
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Originally Posted by Erin View Post

My insurers have never asked for proof of CE marking for my boats and one of them certainly wasn't CE marked!
Probably ok then if its just 1 boat - do you think it will be a heavy sticking point if I sell it. Do people check this when buying here - or not really??
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Old 02 February 2011, 12:57   #7
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Originally Posted by malthouse View Post
4m with a 60HP, sounds good

Can you buy the plans and get one fabricated here?
Possible - although from reading around aluminium boats are pricey in Europe and the fabrication looks extremely complicated so it would probably cost even more - without the guarantee of it coming out to spec.

They are pretty unique though and I've not seen anything similar. They are an aluminium version of the Thunder Cats - but more practical and less maintenance...
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