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Old 28 October 2002, 19:34   #21
Country: Ireland
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Boat name: Ally Cat
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Posts: 333
By the way ,

And I know it was said in innocence with no insult intended !

To call Ireland Eire is a bit like referring to Sri Lanka as Ceylon !

The correct name of our fair country is Ireland !

Best wishes ,

Stuart McNamara
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Old 28 October 2002, 20:34   #22
Country: UK - England
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The uk will be out on a limb here with its current situation as far as boat training is concerned. I reckon it'll come sooner or later. Local boat retailer reckons 2006-but then again how is he to know any more than the rest of us? Seems that in Ireland it is just as I said on the earlier thread that it would be here, in that unenforceable law is bad law!
Dave Mallett
RYA Power Trainer
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Old 28 October 2002, 21:45   #23
Country: UK - Wales
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I agree, you can go overboard with powerpoint >>>>>>>>>do we have a routine for this type of overboard situation? Quick u turn, up in to wind, not to fine, adjust the revs, slow down, pick up/engine (projector) off.
Too true this, what is the next effect/noise/picture.

KISS..Keep It Simple Stupid.
APE. Assess-Plan-Execute and 3D's, Distance, Direction and Depth.
Combined with control, control and control and ENJOYMENT.
All of above are ingredients of many siccessful L1 and L2 courses run by self and others, including one over last weekend in the SW corner of UK!!
Dainamic Solutions.
Don't go looking for bad weather, it will find you soon enough!
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Old 29 October 2002, 09:02   #24
Country: Canada
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The law is an ass!


Didn't realise things were quite so complicated in IRELAND (Apols, no insult intended!). I really hope that similar legislation doesn't come our way but in the era of litigation at the drop of a hat and the Nanny State I fear its inevitable eventually

Is this law enforced? Fleets of police vessels roaming the seas catching offending yoofs?! Or is it just the case that if you have a powerboat accident and a under 16 was proven to be helming your insurance doesn't payout?

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Old 29 October 2002, 09:53   #25
Country: UK - England
Town: Saltash, Cornwall
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Hi Guys
Well I think the refference to 2006 could be, or so I was told the introduction of the new iso regulations, much tougher than SOLAS 5, so at least for radar reflectors if you get a complient unit now it won't be in 2006.

I also agree with the L2 only instructor caviat, IMHO you should have atleast safety boat to teach L2 or more experience. Do you need Advanced to teach L2 - I don't think so ?
At my old Uni it was normally 2 years before you could do you instructors ticket and then only if you had been driving all the time.
The administrators used to get upset if the instructors rejected people from the course for failing a L2 Direct assessment for instructor or L4 ( showing age now!) not that it stopped us, as it just held up the course if you also had to reteach L2.
Well thats a few more than my two pennies worth!
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Old 29 October 2002, 12:10   #26
Country: Ireland
Town: Ireland
Boat name: Ally Cat
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Posts: 333
There are practically no resources over here to enforce the new laws.

The Police have one Targa 31 and two RIBs to cover the whole country.

They do move around a bit with the emphasis on their home base beside us here on the Shannon.

Their emphasis in fairness ( and correctly in my view has been to enforce the need to wear life jackets . In a year of operation, I am not aware of anyone having yet been either charged or convicted under the new legislation .

Talking to the gardai (police) over here, my impression would be that the first person to be charged willmost likely be someone who has ignored repeated warnings about kids wearing lifejackets aboard their boat.

Our new garda water unit ( trained by our school !) have sensibly adopted a friendly big brother role which is proving far more effective at changing attitudes on the water than a heavy arm of the law type approach.

I personally think that with the introduction of mandatory third party insurance over here , that the ultimate enforcers of the new laws will be ( as You have suggested ) the Insurance companies, with cowboys caught acting the maggot being done on having no insurance . The Insurance Company will then decline to pay out if the laws have been transgressed.

But at the moment we still have kids who are being refused basic training, driving about without training .

A real case of silly laws turning the situation they were supposed to make safe into a more dangerous one.

Other silly laws which I have written about extensively with my Marine Journo hat on are the speed limits as opposed to the far more sensible no wash zones . But as we say here in Ireland ,
" Sin Sceal eile ! " - That's another story !

Best wishes ,

Stuart McNamara
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