Originally Posted by Yuley
I think yours and my definition of "excellent cover" is divergent to say the least!
Be aware that there are some quite limiting conditions on Craftinsure's policies as follows:
- The boat will be used for private and pleasure purposes only.
So no safety boat cover
- Whilst in use the boat will be in the control of an experienced person aged 20 years or over.
Watch out if you have teenage kids!
- The boats design speed does not exceed 50 mph.
43kts max so this policy is only suitable for small boats.
- The boat will be ashore in transit or afloat on inland & coastal waters of United Kingdom & Ireland, and may be used for 30 days in Europe.
So cover for inland and coastal and inland waters only... more than 12 miles offshore and you're not covered.
And look out for the underwater gear excess - doubled on this policy.
Sorry mate but I think that's very poor cover.