14 November 2007, 18:16
Country: UK - Wales
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Insurance Limitations
Just been talking to our insurance company regarding limitations.
Ive requested distances of Wales to Ireland and IOM and RIBs over 5.5m with Aux Engine, or twin engine or two ribs.
They said a UK standard for Insurance Companies is no more than 12nm from UK Mainland for boats under 25ft and no one would insure any further.
As a negotiation I may be able to get 12nm from the coast of the UK & Ireland, so travelling to Ireland from Pwllheli I would not be covered for the middle bit (22nm).
As anyone got anything different in their policy.
14 November 2007, 18:27
Country: UK - England
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Mine covers coastal waters of the uk and ireland including the IOM, and passages between. It did take some negotiating. and thats with mardon.
any other passages ie channel islands, then all they require is a phone call to set up a one off cruise. I have been with them for over 5 years.
Top banana
14 November 2007, 18:30
Country: UK - Scotland
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Jono, I think you need to speak to them again or use a different company. I've used two companies and they both insured 12miles off the shore of UK & Eire and travel between any places on UK & Eire. I specifically asked them about this because 12miles isn't far and it could prevent crossing a large bay. They also covered travel to the near continent. I can't remember the limits but the Elbe comes to mind as one of them.
I didn't have to negotiate and I was given the opportunity of including Eire and the continent at no extra cost.
14 November 2007, 18:34
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Hi jono
i had the same problem when i wonted to go from dover to calais, B / skinner insisted on 2 boats plus weather f4 or under + vhf + flares.  Had to specifie what day going over and return. i had to pay £40. excess. I didn't bother telling them the next time i went over
chris p
14 November 2007, 18:44
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by jwalker
I can't remember the limits but the Elbe comes to mind as one of them.
Have a look at post 16 of this thread. (The rest of the thread is also good reading but pour yourself a drink first!)
Completely agree with JW. Our policy, with Haven Knox Johnston through broker Colin Curtis of Plymouth, gives us full coverage, as detailed in the post I refer to above.
14 November 2007, 19:03
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
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I guess there is a catch. You would need to have some form of proof of your intention to travel between two places more that 24miles distant. Logging your passage plan with the coastguard prior to leaving might be wise.
14 November 2007, 19:10
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Jono Garton
As a negotiation I may be able to get 12nm from the coast of the UK & Ireland, so travelling to Ireland from Pwllheli I would not be covered for the middle bit (22nm).
Jono - is it just my maths - if the total distance between two points is 22nm then when transitting between the two you are always within 12 miles of one of the two...
14 November 2007, 19:14
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pwllheli-North Wales
Boat name: V-ONE
Make: Highfield
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Posts: 2,367
Its about 46nm from Land to Land, So I would be covered for the 1st 12nm, not covered for the next 22nm and then covered for the next 12nm.
If that makes sense
14 November 2007, 19:15
Country: UK - England
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Jono says the 'middle bit' is 22nm. Presumably the total distance is 22 + (2 x 12) = 46nm.
Edit: Jono beat me to it!
14 November 2007, 19:40
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I went through this process a while ago. It would seem that as far as my insurer is concerned, size does matter. Not a problem getting cover all year round to cross the channel if the boat was in the region of 7m plus. But for my little tiddler its a whole different ball game.
Before I go now I have to phone up a few days before hand and get clearance. It hasn't cost anything so far. Its just a pain.
I also make it a point now of letting my broker know about anything I am considering doing that is out of the norm for me. Such as berthing overnight in a Marina. All done politely and efficiently but something else to think of when you take the boat out.
I could have possibly got cover else where to cover crossing the channel on a regular basis. In fact I got a very cheap quote from an on line insurer that seemed to offer everything but I got itchy feet at the thought of leaving my broker.
14 November 2007, 19:40
Country: UK - England
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We are with Mardon
They will cover channel crossings as long as we tell them first
trouble is, say you go to Aldderney and the weather turns and its a weekend
how do you get in touch to tell them you have left the boat there.
It seams there is a get out of jail free card with all the insurance company's
you only know how good your insurance is after you make the claim.
the other thing they asked me was what my top speed is
any thing over 50 knts they will not cover ?
14 November 2007, 19:41
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: FunYak
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Originally Posted by Jono Garton
Its about 46nm from Land to Land, So I would be covered for the 1st 12nm, not covered for the next 22nm and then covered for the next 12nm.
If that makes sense 
Ah thanks - I should have looked at a map and then I would have realised it was way more than 22 miles...
14 November 2007, 23:04
Country: UK - England
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25 miles
mine is 25 miles FROM SHORE upgraded at minimal cost by Euromarine at Broadstairs who I have used for 6 years and never had a daft clause built in. End advert.
I don't work for or with anyone from them !
14 November 2007, 23:58
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Grimalkin
Make: Ribcraft 750 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzi 250
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Posts: 909
My policy (Haven Knox-Johnson through Bay Marine Consultants Ltd) stipulates:
"Inland and Coastal waters of the United KIngdom, Eire and Continental waters between River Elbe and La Rochelle plus Inland Continental waters of Europe not South of 46 degrees North not North of 55 degrees North and not East of 10 degrees East".
I wanted to cross from Poole (south coast of England) to Braye (Alderney; CI)
Being a lawyer (sorry!) I was concerned that the policy covered only the "coastal waters" of England and of the Continent and that I would, therefore, be uninsured for the middle part of the crossing (see above threads).
There is, in fact, no universal definition of 'coastal waters' but 'Territorial Waters' are internationally accepted (for GB at least) as being 12 miles off shore (after allowing for bays, close lying islands etc to be included as part of the mainland). This would leave me uninsured for the middle part (total crossing 70nm).
I phoned my brokers who quickly apprciated the point and contacted the insurers to clarify it. The brokers promptly phoned back to advise that I would be insured for the whole crossing whenever I chose to go (with no conditions about two boats or prior notification etc) and have subsequently written to me confirming this.
I suspect that interpretation may well vary from insurer to insurer but I recommend doing as above to avoid problems.
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