Mananged to get there on quite a low tide on saturday...was about 4knots all the way up - even then got asked to slow down more still for causing wake (hello its only a 4metre boat?!?) any how most people were trimed up and oaring there ribs in about 2ft of water was really loud, once in the main river, - - anyhow stayed till about 7pm with my mate, then headed back - the wind had picked up a bit i would say easterly f5 maybe six causing some unfortable riding until on the plane and then a lot of airtime! - switched fuel tanks over at soouth parade pier and continued on to langstone... for some reason on inital take off something seemed wrong, "wheelying" real bad before getting on the plane, I asked my mate to sit up the front temporarily just till i get on the plane.. once recovered when rinsing down the starboard tube has gone a bit flat, checked the recentl repair work and its all come apart the tube was full of seawater! this time with a new split
explains the earlier issues with wheelying must have been so heavy at the stern, just pleased to get home safe, looks like another s*dding repair
pics attached
anyone fancy doing it for me, I dont