Originally Posted by charlieT
I am kitting out a refurbished 8m rib.
Does anyone have any views on kitting the boat out at vast expense or just using apps on a cellular iPad?
Your Question concerns me a bit.
You hail from a place of often inclement weather...you now have a Hopfully very capable 8m RIB.
Why would you skimp on the major components and safety equipment?...
Ipads ect can be a useful back up and some do get by using them (usually in the South who dawdle around infrequently... in small craft... within sight of land

It need not cost a Kings Randsome to furnish your Rig with a decent Plotter sounder ect ...there is plenty of good QUALTY used equipment made for purpose navagstion kit about....so no need to compromise...and to do so IMO would be stupid.
Be patient look for quality bargains (plenty of Boaters must have the latest kit out) to re-furb your RIB ...build your knowledge and experience ,..but don't compromise on navionics