18 December 2004, 12:32
Country: UK - Wales
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Ipod wireless transmitter illegal
Just read that these have now been banned totally in the uk - the main importers have been stopped selling them.
"using iTrip is an offence akin to operating a pirate radio station. If caught, the user faces prosecution, as does the dealer for selling him or her their iTrip"
18 December 2004, 14:03
RIBnet supporter
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Now that really is a pain in the A*** as I have one and use it all the time, my other half often tunes into it when she is following me, even though it is in my car although she does lose signal after about 150yds. Shame because it is a really good device, even use it around the house and had planned on using it on my Rib next year.
18 December 2004, 14:07
Country: UK - England
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Well if they say "don't use it" you'd better stop...yeah, right, I'll be taking baggs of notice of that then!
Jonny rebel
18 December 2004, 14:08
Country: UK - England
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Interesting idea, a whole rib fleet boogying across the channel all listening to Nauti Bouys top chart hits
18 December 2004, 14:09
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Interesting idea, a whole rib fleet boogying across the channel all listening to Nauti Bouys top chart hits 
Now that would be funny
18 December 2004, 14:14
Country: UK - England
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I remember some CD autochangers using this method of using a std radio in cars years ago. It may have been a jap import though, and i don't remember my freind ever getting any bother for it....still seems the way to go for me
18 December 2004, 15:39
Country: UK - England
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They have always been banned and never legaly imported, so I don't know what the fuss is, get one on ebay if you want to break this law  (or for a rip off £50 up Tottenham Court Rd, London)
They only transmit 5mtrs well really, so I doubt that anyone will know you have one unless they are standing next to you, an old archaic law, but still in force I'm afraid. You should see the local court lists with the thousands of itrip users that are awaiting trial, well they have to fill up the gaps in the courts list now all the terrorsits are getting let off and freed.
18 December 2004, 16:43
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
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Make: Phantom
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Yes, I'm sure using an 'iTrip' probably carries are far higher penalty than terrorism, ...typical.
18 December 2004, 16:44
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by peteb
They have always been banned and never legaly imported, so I don't know what the fuss is, get one on ebay if you want to break this law  (or for a rip off £50 up Tottenham Court Rd, London)
They only transmit 5mtrs well really, so I doubt that anyone will know you have one unless they are standing next to you, an old archaic law, but still in force I'm afraid. You should see the local court lists with the thousands of itrip users that are awaiting trial, well they have to fill up the gaps in the courts list now all the terrorsits are getting let off and freed. 
So true!!!
To be honest this is one law I can actually see some sense in - it just doesn't bear thinking about allowing thousands of people to transmit on such common frequencies - really could have an effect on normal broadcasts - they do operate in the busy FM band!!!
Having said that they have to catch you first - mobile signals aren't easy to catch..........
18 December 2004, 17:00
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 275
Agree, can't possibly interefere with the terrorists remote control bomb radio wavelength now can we, a breach of their human rights
I'm glad I only use mine when I am in the USA
18 December 2004, 18:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Torbay
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Make: PBS humber 5.5
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Posts: 352
I've only got it for use in international waters officer - if that's ok with you of course
18 December 2004, 18:43
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 275
Quite right too, possession is not an offence, only the use of it. I guess you will only be using it when you are out at that offshore off licence stocking up with cheap fags and booze
18 December 2004, 19:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Torbay
Boat name: Marlin
Make: PBS humber 5.5
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Posts: 352
Originally Posted by peteb
Quite right too, possession is not an offence, only the use of it. I guess you will only be using it when you are out at that offshore off licence stocking up with cheap fags and booze 
yeah, waiting for them to do fuel also if 'good ole tony' knocks red diesel on the head
(has any progress / descision been made on red diesel??)
18 December 2004, 20:21
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 275
No, but it's on the cards, I'm just waiting like a Vulcher to swoop in and get a fantastic bargain from some boater who has kept his head in the sand, didn't see the writing on the wall or ignored it, and did not get rid of it before the massive increase, and then has a boat he can't afford to use
Lets face it, with regards to bigger boats, if your boating budget is £1,000 a month, you pay £700 for finance on your boat and use £300 for maintenance and fuel (say £200), if that fuel is then going to be £600 / £700 or at worse £800 a month with the increase, 25p ltr to £1 (now only £200 a month for finance and maintenance), you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that something has to change. So, you either go out boating 75% less, buy a smaller boat that you can afford to run with a more economical engine, buy a cheaper older boat OR send SWMBO out to work
So no crying when the fuel goes up in price, the smart ones who know they could see an immediate depreciation of say 20-25% of their investment and can't afford that risk are selling now. I would guess that buyers would want the boat discounted in order to offset the cost of the new high priced diesel, so calculations would need to be done. If you needed an extra £600 a month for fuel, well what would that be on finance of a boat of 10 years or whatever? a lot of money! I would guess would need to knock a lot off to cover that cost!
I bet the dealers don't say a thing at the boat show when they are selling them to you  Good news is that the popularity of petrol boats will increase, so the poor people that have seen their petrol boats drop like a stone, may be having the last laugh  All they need is a few more petrol pumps at the waterside, then we can all be happy, as for safety, well the Americans don't seem to have any problem, and they are a suing culture.
There are enough people with money to fill the gaps, but those people who have been using and enjoying the low cost diesel, and relying on it staying at that price will be the most hurt IMHO. As you can see in the Med, the price of diesel is not cheap, and there are enough people around using boats, but they HAVE budgeted for that cost. All IMHO of course.
18 December 2004, 21:58
Country: UK - England
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Hmm, except how would the government levi road duty on a boat ? or all those farmers ? or stop people running it on veg oil or heating oil? anyway my money is on a change of Government next year
Perhaps best wait and see what happens, and if the worst does happen, well we can all buy modern little diesel ribs to run round in, unless someone knows of a 120 hp petrol engine that runs on 2 gallons an hour.
18 December 2004, 22:47
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 275
As all tanks would already be contaminated, I guess it would be a matter of commercial vessels claiming back a rebate, yet more paper chasers with a job! I for one don't know why nothing has been done to get the road tax part of petrol removed for petrol boats, why on earth should someone with a diesel boat pay less than me for the same hobby. Don't get me wrong, I had the choice when I bought, but to pay £12,000 more for a diesel in the same boat didn't add up for me, you could almost buy the engine for that amount and that was ON TOP of the already installed 5.0gxi 270hp volvo!
I just think that anyone with a diesel boat should enjoy the last two years, and be thankful for the past, lets face it they have filled their boots over the years  My fuel costs are about £800 a month, so things can only get better for me if I go diesel e.g. more range, safer boat (according to some), and plumes of black choking smoke
Oh! if the price of petrol came down and diesel went up, meeting half way, I would support that  All the nonsense about great losses of jobs is codswallop, there are loads of people ready to jump in the hard to get South Coast berths of those that have bitten off more than they can chew if the prices rise  And ANYONE who buys a diesel boat of any sort now, relying on cheap fuel to run it, and who does not calculate what could happen in 2006 into their budget (including an immediate fall in their boat value) is a total and utter fool IMHO. I will be delighted to take their nice big boat off their hands at a fantastic reduction in 2006 when all these boats suddenly swamp the market.
I may be wrong, but I don't think so, it seems to be all or nothing.
I did a calculation using a mortgage calculator I found here :- https://online.ybs.co.uk/public/mortgages/quick_calc.do
Now if your budget was say £1,500 a month for an average boat, it showed that if you were to borrow £150,000 over 15 yrs @ 5.79% it would cost you £1,247 a month. If you normaly budgeted and used £200 a month on fuel and the price rise went to street prices it could bring your cost for fuel to £800 a month. Take that off your budget of £1,500 and you have £700 left, well a quick look at the borrowing calculator shows that for £665 a month you could only borrow £80,000, so if I was a buyer after the price rise I would want a discount from the seller of £70,000 to cover the new fuel costs and keep within my budget of £1,500 a month, scary really, and that is without the depreciation of the boat  Ok so I may agree on £60,000 off the price including a tank of fuel
19 December 2004, 01:40
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by Pete7
Hmm, except how would the government levi road duty on a boat ? or all those farmers ? or stop people running it on veg oil or heating oil? anyway my money is on a change of Government next year
Perhaps best wait and see what happens, and if the worst does happen, well we can all buy modern little diesel ribs to run round in, unless someone knows of a 120 hp petrol engine that runs on 2 gallons an hour.
I wish!!! Trouble is the bloody tories have actually agreed with Labour on the war in Iraq AND id cards so why change???
There is a good irish saying - "no matter who you vote for the government always wins" - so true!!!
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