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Old 14 August 2009, 09:14   #1
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IS this an idiots idea?

A thread started by me with a title like that wont be much of a surprise

Right, this has been discussed before but can't find the threads at the moment.


Kids haven't been out with me much since the summer holidays started, mainly due to me needing another adult with me to take one of them out.
Having 7 kids, 3 of them are always wanting to come out with me. The other 4 are either too young (11 months, 2, 3) or it's just not cool (19 years old). Trying to choose which one comes out with me is hard to do.
I need peace of mind when on the boat with them so to enable me to take all 3 (6, 11, 12 year olds) of them out on my own (only on a river, NOT on the Sea) I've thought about having a string from me connected to all of them. That way if they decided to move from the Jockey seat behind me I will feel the tug, if they go over board I will feel the tug plus the slip not will undo.

Idiot idea or not?
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Old 14 August 2009, 09:28   #2
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Just clip them all to the boat.
If one does go for a swim it'll probably be the first and last time they do.

My kid brother 15 takes his SIB out with his mate ok.
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Old 14 August 2009, 09:33   #3
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Originally Posted by chewy View Post
Just clip them all to the boat.
If one does go for a swim it'll probably be the first and last time they do.

My kid brother 15 takes his SIB out with his mate ok.
Thought about that but something just don't feel right about fixing them to the boat. Plus with them connected to me I'll know when the little gits mess about.
Big difference between 12 and 15 mate. Bad years
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Old 14 August 2009, 09:42   #4
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After a successful experiment on Loch Ness, I will take my 5 yr old out on my own in good conditions - but I don't have jockies so he sits beside me.

How would you feel with one at a time?

Would you feel comfortable with them in the "driving seat" and you perched beside them on the tubes (say controlling the throttle). Of with the youngest - with you behind them.

I think if they can prove themselves one at a time then its time to start looking at 2/3 at a time?

Just my thoughts.
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Old 14 August 2009, 09:53   #5
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JSP - I feel for you ! ( and thats just the 7 kids) .

I have 2 & have been taking them out since young - about 4/5 ish.

I decided to do mini lessons with each in turn to ensure they are confident & can be trusted to at least know not to lark about unless given the OK by me ( ie when stopped at anchor etc) . So read them the riot act up front , then get each of them to have to show they can be trusted - ie if they muck around they wont be allowed to go again etc - that is a very good way of getting them to behave - but given that you will be sensible & in calm water at slow speed in a river I'd be very nervous of attaching them to anything except a kill cord .

I made my kids fall in ( again at anchor) so that they are confident about the lifejackets & floating - also gives them some idea of what it may feel like if it happens for real.

I'd be more looking to make sure they have lots of easy stuff to hold on to & teach them to NEVER let go of the boat - always have the one hand at least holding on .

Either that or re -re-re - rig the boat so they all sit in front of you !
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Old 14 August 2009, 10:16   #6
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Thanks for the replies lads. They have all been out one by one with me but with another adult on board.

As far as my 6 year old lad goes, I know I can put him on with me and trust him to behave. As for the older girls, they would get board and start messing even before the ropes off the pontoon.
They would all be sat behind me on the two seater Jockey with me stood up.
This is just a leisure cruise. With me mainly staying just quick enough to be on the plane.

To tell ya the truth, the RIBs' my bolt hole, my escape from the mad bunch and I'd rather just go out by myself but when they are sat there looking at you saying "Can I come?" what can you do?
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Old 14 August 2009, 10:50   #7
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Just take the 6 year old lad mate. Easy!
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Old 14 August 2009, 12:00   #8
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Send them out to work at a boot camp, then buy a bigger boat!!
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Old 14 August 2009, 12:02   #9
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[QUOTE=Blackroady;310054] JSP - I feel for you ! ( and thats just the 7 kids) .

I feel for your missus!! Try protection!! 7!
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Old 14 August 2009, 12:21   #10
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Originally Posted by chewy View Post
Just take the 6 year old lad mate. Easy!
He's a good lad is Frank. Lade back with a grand sense of humour.
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Old 14 August 2009, 12:22   #11
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL View Post
Send them out to work at a boot camp, then buy a bigger boat!!

Tried that, even the black market for child labour has took a dive in this economic climate!
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Old 14 August 2009, 12:23   #12
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL View Post

I feel for your missus!! Try protection!! 7!
She was the one that wanted a big family. Youngest is one in September and she's starting to get broody again. Feck that, two house bricks slammed together and call me Brenda!
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Old 14 August 2009, 14:01   #13
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Originally Posted by JSP View Post
Thanks for the replies lads. They have all been out one by one with me but with another adult on board.

As far as my 6 year old lad goes, I know I can put him on with me and trust him to behave. As for the older girls, they would get board and start messing even before the ropes off the pontoon.
They would all be sat behind me on the two seater Jockey with me stood up.
This is just a leisure cruise. With me mainly staying just quick enough to be on the plane.

To tell ya the truth, the RIBs' my bolt hole, my escape from the mad bunch and I'd rather just go out by myself but when they are sat there looking at you saying "Can I come?" what can you do?
Then the next step is one at a time without an adult aboard - and the clear message that if they piss about it will be the last time.

5 yr old surprisingly happy to take the wheel, or work the throttle (or believe he is!) and explain what the kill cord does etc. By 11-12 I would have though you would be looking at doing some MOB practice (with a bucket not the kids!) and stuff like that to show you they can handle the boat. I think once they do that then they are more likely to respect it and sit still.

Either than or corner hard and fast and then retrieve them from the water - they'll hold on tighter next time!
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Old 14 August 2009, 14:28   #14
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Then the next step is one at a time without an adult aboard - and the clear message that if they piss about it will be the last time.

5 yr old surprisingly happy to take the wheel, or work the throttle (or believe he is!) and explain what the kill cord does etc. By 11-12 I would have though you would be looking at doing some MOB practice (with a bucket not the kids!) and stuff like that to show you they can handle the boat. I think once they do that then they are more likely to respect it and sit still.

Either than or corner hard and fast and then retrieve them from the water - they'll hold on tighter next time!

Now this may sound bad, but my two middle girls are very 'blonde' if you catch my drift. Even asking them to go to the shop can be a big task.

My 6 year old lad how ever (and I can tell his 3 yearold sister is going to be the same) is far more clued up.

Going to take my boy out next, then work up in age range and see how it goes. Cheers mate
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Old 14 August 2009, 22:37   #15
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Not sure how possible this would be on your SR John, but on our old Narwhal there was a triangular raised bow locker (just big enough for a small Danforth mind you) with triangular cushion on. My youngest was 6 at the time and used to love kneeling on this whilst holding on to the grab handles for security.

This would at least allow you to see one of the kids whilst having the other one on the jockey with you. As Neil suggests, this is part of the process of moving up from 1-2 to eventually 3 kids on board

Also a member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
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Old 14 August 2009, 23:21   #16
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Originally Posted by AndrewH View Post
Not sure how possible this would be on your SR John, but on our old Narwhal there was a triangular raised bow locker (just big enough for a small Danforth mind you) with triangular cushion on. My youngest was 6 at the time and used to love kneeling on this whilst holding on to the grab handles for security.

This would at least allow you to see one of the kids whilst having the other one on the jockey with you. As Neil suggests, this is part of the process of moving up from 1-2 to eventually 3 kids on board

Thanks Andy, but I wont have them anywhere near the bow in case I hit someones wake.
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Old 14 August 2009, 23:21   #17
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out of my 5 kids , oldest girl now 25 youngest lad 9 ,i never really had any problems ,i keep letting my 9 y/old steer the s.ib but hes a bit throttle happy at his age so have to do it with caution ,,,i wouldent fasten them to a fast moving boat though unless it stops them from actually going over the side ,,,wouldent be nice experience for them dragging along at 20 knots ,, only other problem with some kids is they take over ,its like getting hi -jacked for the day .and hands/feet can get cold quick when their young so best only shortish runs .and try give them something to keep a look out for ,though your problem is that you cant see what they are doing behind you unlike a tiller steered sib,
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Old 14 August 2009, 23:24   #18
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Originally Posted by m chappelow View Post
out of my 5 kids , oldest girl now 25 youngest lad 9 ,i never really had any problems ,i keep letting my 9 y/old steer the s.ib but hes a bit throttle happy at his age so have to do it with caution ,,,i wouldent fasten them to a fast moving boat though unless it stops them from actually going over the side ,,,wouldent be nice experience for them dragging along at 20 knots ,, only other problem with some kids is they take over ,its like getting hi -jacked for the day .and hands/feet can get cold quick when their young so best only shortish runs .and try give them something to keep a look out for ,
Good idea! I'll tell the girls to watch out for dolphins or something Glad I started this thread. Parenting skills, RIBnet style!
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Old 14 August 2009, 23:30   #19
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JSP- the famous words ' we need a bigger boat' cant be more true ........5.4 m & 8 of you in all !

but if you make it to the searider gathering down south & we meet you get a pat on the back & a pint from me for 7 - you bloody looney ! 7 - jesus !
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Old 14 August 2009, 23:32   #20
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Originally Posted by Blackroady View Post
JSP- the famous words ' we need a bigger boat' cant be more true ........5.4 m & 8 of you in all !

but if you make it to the searider gathering down south & we meet you get a pat on the back & a pint from me for 7 - you bloody looney ! 7 - jesus !
To be honest, the eldest girl is my step daughter. She's 20 in December and I'm 31. Would have had to have started very early!

I'd love to have a RIB big enough to take them all out. But we can do that on my dads boat. Just no the same.

Be good to see ya at the searider gathering mate......just lock up your women folk coz I'll have not had it for 4 or 5 hours
Only joking, still haven't worked out how it happens. Something to do with wet patches and.....
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