02 July 2009, 20:35
Country: UK - England
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It had to happen
I got thrown out of my RIB today at full tilt - dislocated my shoulder and lost a beautiful watch too...... along with mobile phone.
I'm just out of Portsmouth Hospital (who were superb).
Fortunately I had two smart mates with me who picked me out of the water.
I'm not entirely sure how it happened, we had a superb lunch at the George in Yarmouth, went towards Lymingon and swam off the boat - then headed home at full speed. Found a bit of wake and I made a sharp left hand turn to find more chop - the boat grabbed and out I went.
Entirely my fault. Edited to add, I was standing with one hand on the wheel - looked cool, was foolish in hindsight.
Very tricky to get on a RIB with a dislocated shoulder from the water fully clothed too. Thank God for the lifejacket as I couldn't swim.
I am SUCH a knob.
I think we were in about 2m of water, maybe 3m. If there are divers here, I could give the area and a reward for the watch if anyone fancied having a go...
Feeling very sore, stupid and contrite.
02 July 2009, 20:41
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Neil if you want to PM me the numbers id be happy to have a look next time im out. May well be this weekend.
02 July 2009, 20:46
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So wish you would post this on all the yachtie forums where they say that lifejackets aren't necessary as a norm.
02 July 2009, 20:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 558
Hat11, I'll PM you...
02 July 2009, 20:48
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At least you live to fight another day, we live and learn.
Publish or send the Lat & Long and my son and I can always pop down when passing. If the tidal currents in the area are strong, it could be a long way off already though.
Some more info on what type and colour would be good as well
02 July 2009, 20:58
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I assume the kill cord worked ok and your mates stayed in the boat?
Get well soon.
02 July 2009, 21:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 558
I have to confess that the kill cord was not on - so the boat went off pilotless for a distance before my chums knew what to do. In fact if I had tried to tell them where the spare cord was from the sea , they would have taken far longer to get started again, although they would have been closer to me of course had the cord been on.
I learned many lessons today. Not least of which that I had become far too complacent about teaching others about safety on the boat. I've taught my wife and we've spent a while on man over board, but not my mates today...
Had I not been wearing a jacket, I would have died. A dislocated shoulder is painful and I would have lasted 10 minutes, if that.
I feel very foolish, but very lucky
02 July 2009, 21:19
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Originally Posted by neilda
I am SUCH a knob.
butt downt wurry. thers lotts ov ribnobburs bin flikt owt ov de fkin bote.
in fakt sow menny dat i sitt onn calshott spitt wiv mi trustty shottgun.
i lyke itt bestist wen de dryver an de passinjer gett flikt upp inn de ayr.
banng banng. gott yer yer bastuds
02 July 2009, 21:24
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Could have been alot worse mate, glad your still about to tell the tale!
02 July 2009, 21:25
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Neil, sorry to hear this , trust you are now ok and sitting with a few tablets and a cold ice pack.
Loads of issues for you to remember- kill cord-mayday for injured person overboard- safety brief for others on board- cream for red face !!!! Seriously that sounds like a massive hard lesson for all involved and maybe another day with Doug. Not taking the p glad all is well and glad you had the balls to tell us. Ian
02 July 2009, 21:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
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Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
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Posts: 558
It was a hard lesson - and I wanted to post here to show just how easy it is to behave like a moderate hooligan and then pay a very high price. I'm a sensible bloke - but a mad 10 minutes ended with me in casualty and realising it could have been so much worse.
I'm not fully sure why the boat 'grabbed', I guess too sharp cornering on my part - but it wasn't really that choppy.
Had it been one of my guests, or, worse still, a child - I would be mortified. So I'm glad it was me.
Some very kind folk here have offered to dive for the watch and, if they're successful, a major reward will be paid.
When my shoulder goes back to normal size, I will fully deserve the pee to be taken. I behaved like a clot and got stung. Big time.
KB Boatyard were superb, I phoned them and they had an ambulance waiting and took my boat in as I could hardly move with pain... good guys, like most boaties it seems.
What a day.
02 July 2009, 21:40
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Glad you're ok.You were very lucky the boat didn't circle and run you down.
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02 July 2009, 21:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 558
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Glad you're ok.You were very lucky the boat didn't circle and run you down.
My mates were on board and one is a long haul airline captain - uber calm in a crisis.
However I was lucky he didn't run me down! Missed me on the first pass and hit me (gently) on the second. I got him to kill the engine as soon as it was clear he was going to get close.
I wouldn't have got on board without two strong lads pulling me in.
02 July 2009, 22:33
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Originally Posted by neilda
I have to confess that the kill cord was not on - so the boat went off pilotless for a distance before my chums knew what to do. In fact if I had tried to tell them where the spare cord was from the sea , they would have taken far longer to get started again, although they would have been closer to me of course had the cord been on.
I learned many lessons today. Not least of which that I had become far too complacent about teaching others about safety on the boat. I've taught my wife and we've spent a while on man over board, but not my mates today...
Had I not been wearing a jacket, I would have died. A dislocated shoulder is painful and I would have lasted 10 minutes, if that.
I feel very foolish, but very lucky
.................................................. ..........................
Very sorry to hear about your misadventure today We all live and learn ! What might have been is speculation and you have got away with it by the fact of what you did do right !! (lifejacket etc)  Learn move on but do not let it put you off there are many happy memories just waiting for you
02 July 2009, 22:34
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by SDGANDER
So wish you would post this on all the yachtie forums where they say that lifejackets aren't necessary as a norm.
There is a world of difference between a displacement yacht and a high speed RIB!!!
02 July 2009, 22:36
Country: UK - Wales
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Very brave of you to own up. Just imagine what would have happened if your mates hadn't been there.
This is why I keep bleating on about putting your phone in a freezer bag in a pocket - cos it's usually all you have with you!!!
Then again you managed to lose yours didn't you?
02 July 2009, 22:37
Country: USA
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Posts: 335
Originally Posted by codprawn
There is a world of difference between a displacement yacht and a high speed RIB!!!
Not if you end up in the water unable to swim due to an injury.
02 July 2009, 22:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Near Godalming
Boat name: AJA
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F150AETX
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 558
Originally Posted by codprawn
Very brave of you to own up. Just imagine what would have happened if your mates hadn't been there.
This is why I keep bleating on about putting your phone in a freezer bag in a pocket - cos it's usually all you have with you!!!
Then again you managed to lose yours didn't you?
Lost mine - my mates had theirs. On my own I doubt I would have made it trying to kick into shore with the jacket.
Life jackets are a must - I think I proved it today. You could fall on the deck of a bigger yacht, break something and go in. Having a serious injury in the water just puts you out of the game, period. There's no way I could swim - I'm a big guy, 6' 2" and a strong swimmer, I was dead in the water. And it's one of the reasons I've posted my sorry tale.
02 July 2009, 23:01
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Originally Posted by neilda
Having a serious injury in the water just puts you out of the game, period. There's no way I could swim - I'm a big guy, 6' 2" and a strong swimmer, I was dead in the water. And it's one of the reasons I've posted my sorry tale.
But as others have said - respect to you for being prepared to share it with us all. It's all to easy to become complacent but something like this pulls you sharply back into focus. I do believe that if we can learn from the lessons of others we all benefit. For this reason I'll be sharing this story with the family to illustrate the point - thanks
Hope the swelling is going down and the discomfort easing. Just out of interest did your crew issue a Mayday (or know how to)?
Also a member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
02 July 2009, 23:07
RIBnet admin team
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Looks like your 200 hour accident was an express delivery at 20! Still, you all escaped remarkably well and the life jacket you did wear saved your bacon - so take credit for that (I'd guess you had your mates wear their's too). Everyone forgets a killcord sometimes (especially after a very good lunch  ). You won't forget again....
As others said - major kudos for 'fessing up to this!
For what it's worth re training rookie crew - I have extreme difficulty impressing on fresh fish that my safety brief is for their benefit - and a few happy days have been soured by my grumpy response to their stupid fcuking comments about why would they need the spare killcord/keys/first aid/DSC button etc.
Apart from the analgesics, take a chill pill and hit the water ASAP (in the rib  )
G' Luck!
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