Originally Posted by Alan
Don't be so swift to mock....the other alloy RIB in the background of the photo's is a homebuilt boat called "Bro 2". The guys who own it have cruised it pretty extensively, including on the BIBOA Outer Hebrides cruise a few years ago. That went from Inverkip via Oban to Barra, West coast of Lewis, Kyle of Lochalsh, Oban and back to Inverkip in a week and was bloody good fun. We got allsorts of weather and that boat didn't stop I tell you. I think subsequent to to that trip they cut it in half and welded in an extra length. Try doing that with a conventional RIB 
But why make it look like it has inflatable tubes!!
After all they do take up a lot of room in side the boat, at least if you made then D shaped this would give more room inside the boat!
May be it is because they want it to look like a rib!