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Old 24 September 2013, 10:00   #41
Country: Finland
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- Rolled a boat off of it's trailer onto the slip: Check
- leaving the marina withot hoisting the anchor, kind of slugish speed :Check
- ancor chain out of elephant trunk during voyage.... : Check

Not a complete list....
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
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Old 24 September 2013, 12:51   #42
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To my great shame I spent over an hour trying to sort the electrical glitch that left the engine dead when I went to restart when fishing with my boys. Had the cover off with me perched on the rear of the tubes with my multimeter. Had it down to a faulty battery switch so had to call a tow. When back in port after an hours tow I got the boys off and had another look was still in gear! I could have died of embarrassment. My son had been driving and had stopped the boat via his kill cord as everyone on my boat has their own. I used to be a marine engineer..... Oh the shame
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Old 24 September 2013, 12:52   #43
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Returning to Axmouth harbour with my new sports fisher about 10 years ago. As I was approaching the wooden pontoon to tie up, I got my thumb stuck between the controls and console and slammed foward to end up high and dry on the pontoon - sideways! Still waiting for it to appear on an episode of Worlds Craziest Fools.
Happy when wet!
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Old 24 September 2013, 14:14   #44
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How about forgetting to open the fuel breather!! Got from Warsash to Cowes, well almost, before the engine died. Went to pump the fuel bulb and it looked like an elephant had stood on it. The really worring thing is that I have done it twice now!!

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Old 24 September 2013, 14:48   #45
Country: UK - England
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Hi all, I'll have a go at this too! Sorry it's a long story.

About 16 years ago I took delivery of my brand new fully rigged RIB. Won't mention the make. It was just over 6m with a Merc 135 V6.
With my mates we we took a trip to Cowes for a few beers. Tied the boat up in Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club and proceeded to visit most of the pubs in town.
Some 4 or 5 hours later was time to go home. It was about 10pm so very dark. Upon arriving back to the boat we discovered it was completely swamped. I mean the tubes were keeping the boat afloat! Bugger, I had left the drain socks open from the choppy trip over. No problem we thought. Jump on the tubes and the seat pods, not get our feet wet and get the engine running. Then we'd get underway to let all the water out. The V6 fired up no problem. After casting off we got about 25m away from the pontoon and the engine suddenly the died. Did the usual checks, all seemed ok. Naturally I primed the fuel bulb to put more fuel in and turned her over. Nothing! Ok, we need to paddle back to the pontoon to sort this out. Anyhow after more checking, I discovered the under deck fuel tank was full of water! The filling hose connecting to top of the tank was far to big for the tank stand pipe and never made a water tight seal, hence filled with seawater! After about 1hr of pumping out seawater from the tank through the fuel line, the V6 choked into life. Got us home and I must say she did not miss a beat at all for all the years I owned it after. Lessons learnt there then. But if it had not happened that night, I could have discovered the problem later on, in a lot worse circumstances!
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Old 26 September 2013, 10:05   #46
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
To clarify, IIRC Nugent, you had a CR engine and a standard prop? I once assisted someone fit hydraulic steering. I was the "bleed man" and he connected the pipework. When we launched, the steering was reversed. We took it for a spin - it was like one of those clown's cars from the circus. Dangerous but very funny.
Been there, done that with reverse steering. Got used to it until chine walk, no way could I steer into it backwards.

Of course had to look like nothing was wrong coming into the boat ramp as our local ramp has a group of regular drinkers that would never let us forget it.
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Old 26 September 2013, 12:07   #47
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+1for Bung except it was a hardboat and VERY nearly sank it!!

Many years ago had a little 13 ft Dory with unbraked trailer recovered it one day using rope towed it to the top of the slip disconnect rope from car reversed back to hitch just a little bit to far touched the trailer and off it went back down the slip shat myself at the time someone could have been badly hurt and/or boat damaged but thankfully got away with it and learnt valuable lesson!!!!!!!!

Swilled my manual lifejacket off in the kitchen sink only to discover it was automatic afterall!!!!
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Old 26 September 2013, 12:46   #48
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The very first run out on my old YAM360s... on The menai. Was very disapointed with performance and getting wet.. After over a minute I remembered I still had both large transom lauching wheels down....
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Old 27 September 2013, 12:46   #49
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Many years ago after spending New Years Eve on Sydney Harbour we decided to pull the 38ft Cigarette out of the water as I usually do. It is a really easy multi roller trailer and I usually do it on my own but this time I had assistance. As I started to come out of the water I realised the boat was heading back to the sea as the trailer was heading for land. I was very lucky to have reversed on time and saved the boat. The safety chain was not attached and the winch overloaded. Very stupid and dangerous mistake that will never happen again.
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