Originally Posted by Poly
Yes the rules allow:
30L in suitable cans (20L metal, 10L plastic) OR a single demountable tank.
not in your living space (see the exact rules if you are worried!). Fuel in a tank connected to an internal combustion engine does not count.
Trust me, I am not worried......!
I just posed a question, after quickly glancing through the info posted on here. I wouldn't even dream of storing any kind of highly flammable liquid in the house. You would not believe some of the stupid and idiotic things that I have seen or heard of, in my line of work.

I also, along with most people in todays society, come across things where H&S has gone completely pear shaped and causes more harm than good.
It really makes my teeth itch, when you read of some things, just like the 'tie wrap' story above.....!
Unfortunately, common sense, does not come as standard anymore...