Truly superb stuff! however that is a primer you have listed you need to put in some jotafloor (1 believe, but I expect Polwart will google an answer for you soon) in the top coat.
Like any adhesive process preperation is the key and you will have to take the ali back to clean and shiny i suggest an Angle grinder with one of these attached.
Silverline Polycarbide Abrasive Wheel Disc 115mm / 4 1/2in - Transtools. Be warned an angle grinder is not a tool to be used by a child so keep the teenagers away from it away from it
the apply the 2 part as per instructions it s that easy! Ad it has phenomanel nah fenominal nah phennominal drat really good adhesive powers. we did the deck of our 8.4 jet boat about 5 years ago and it's phenomenally impressive stuff. do a search under Catjasp and you should find some photos of the Refurb
Is yours an Open Ribworker 38 with a mid engine and the console towards the rear on which case it shouldn't take to long to do the rear deckplate
Go do it you wont be disappointed