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Old 29 October 2011, 06:12   #1
Country: USA
Town: Rockland
Boat name: Tommy time
Make: Caribe
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 4
just picked up a new RIB...

... well new to me. I sold my Rhino II, that I picked up for real short $$. I ended up with a MVP L-10 Caribe. Its rated for up to a 20 hp motor. Its in decent shape. It has 3 small punctures in the bow chamber. About 4-5mm each. The 3 punctures span a length of 10-12cm. They are currently patched, but it appears to have been a hack patch job. I will remove and re-patch it over the winter months.

Tomorrow I am going to look at a motor. Early to mid 90s (at least what the ad states) 20 hp Mariner short leg. 400 usd, fresh water use only, has not been stated in 2-3 years. Just sitting in the sellers basement. Should be worth the trip to see. I am waiting for serial numbers and pics before I take the ride up to see it. they guy says it in great condition, looks almost new. Ran great the last time out. Supposedly it was winterized and has been sitting since. He sold his lake house, no time for a boat blah blah blah.......

I also have my eye on an 18 Tohatsu at a local dealer, its 4 yrs old and has low hours. The purchase price is 1400 usd

Being that I am on a budget, I am hoping the mariner is a nice as the guy is saying, and I can grab it tomorrow. if it is what he stated, I should be able to have her running in short order.

Pics to come soon.

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