10 May 2014, 09:05
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Keel drain alert
I have been debating for a while now about fitting a keel drain to our rib. I didn't want to disturb the transom especially below the water line.
I did post a thread a while ago about it as I couldn't believe that the anchor locker had a drain but I could find where this water would go to if it got in.
Well I have now found out, I purchased a stainless steel drain plug fitting and have now drilled the 32mm hole. I then watched as the dirty water that is probably 12 years old drained out.
The new redbays and many new boats now have either a drain in the keel or a drain in the transom well so for those folks don't worry, if you have a similar set up there is a chance that you too will have water in the hull.
Letting it drain out and dry out today and will then fit the drain plug tomorrow.
Feel better now as it is worth the peace of mind
10 May 2014, 09:15
Country: UK - England
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Don't think the video will load
I have received a message to say that the video may not load.
I have added a still photograph aswell
This was just the beginning as the centre of the drill penetrated through.
10 May 2014, 09:49
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The vid's working here.
Yuk! Did it smell?
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10 May 2014, 09:54
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Yes and was putrid
Water helped to keep the drill cool though, I then ran a hose from the anchor locker through to the back to wash it clear and hey presto it came clear.
Hands stunk for a while holding the drill.
10 May 2014, 11:29
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Just think how much quicker your boat will be without that liquid ballast
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10 May 2014, 11:51
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Saw another new RIB the other day without any way to drain water out, the hull was flooded above deck so no idea what was getting below
10 May 2014, 20:14
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What make of rib is this?
Sent from my iPhone using RIB Net
10 May 2014, 21:10
Country: UK - England
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It is an early 2002 redbay stormforce 6.1
Brilliant hull, very happy with boat and there was only a small amount of water, probably from wet ropes being put back into the locker, we've only had the boat 12 months so still upgrading it.
I don't believe there are any issues and alls good now
10 May 2014, 22:52
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Keel drain alert
I'd comment on this but Willk refrained elsewhere.....
Hi res Anglesey pics
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15 July 2014, 17:33
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I have a BWM 575 DIVE RIB that is fitted with what I can only describe as a flap type valve that closes when the boat is not underway and is held in place by water pressure outside the boat stopping water coming into the inner hull space. It consists of a piece of vinyl or Hypalon with a neoprene circle on the inner face and a GRP disc on the other side. Unfortunately it leaks and if the boat is left in the water, it tends to fill up over time. Does anybody know if these can be purchased new from anywhere or do I need to look at attempting home repair?
15 July 2014, 17:50
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I wouldn't bother trying to repair it. Just replace it with an "elephants trunk" instead.
15 July 2014, 17:57
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Thanks John, I had thought of that option but wanted to see if I was likely to acquire a replacement first.
15 July 2014, 17:59
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Originally Posted by Blueajl10
I have a BWM 575 DIVE RIB that is fitted with what I can only describe as a flap type valve that closes when the boat is not underway and is held in place by water pressure outside the boat stopping water coming into the inner hull space. It consists of a piece of vinyl or Hypalon with a neoprene circle on the inner face and a GRP disc on the other side. Unfortunately it leaks and if the boat is left in the water, it tends to fill up over time. Does anybody know if these can be purchased new from anywhere or do I need to look at attempting home repair?
As John says an elephant's trunk is the ideal solution - BUT I'm guessing its fitted centrally behind the engine - which means you still need to block the hole and drill a new hole at the side. You CAN however buy replacements from places like "inflatable boat supplies" - but they are notorious for failing - even a single grain of sand is all it takes so I wouldn't leave a boat afloat overnight with one.
15 July 2014, 18:11
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL
I'd comment on this but Willk refrained elsewhere.....
Meh! 12 years and a few cups of water. Deck still sound. Hard to know what the plan was back then, if there WAS one. Very few of the anchor lockers were designed to drain anywhere! I'd suspect that the original owner didn't want an external bilge drain for some reason....
Better done now than never. Mind you, the bilge drain plugs and fittings often leak, so ironically, possibly it will now let more water in than previously
15 July 2014, 19:49
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Originally Posted by Blueajl10
I have a BWM 575 DIVE RIB that is fitted with what I can only describe as a flap type valve that closes when the boat is not underway and is held in place by water pressure outside the boat stopping water coming into the inner hull space. It consists of a piece of vinyl or Hypalon with a neoprene circle on the inner face and a GRP disc on the other side. Unfortunately it leaks and if the boat is left in the water, it tends to fill up over time. Does anybody know if these can be purchased new from anywhere or do I need to look at attempting home repair?
yep.... following on from others - my Gemini originally had something similar - a Ping Pong Ball type drainer.
On a mooring in Cornwall a few years ago had a nasty shock when I found
the entire underdeck flooded and the boat very low in the water.
The cause a small piece of a label from a 2 stroke Oil can wedged into the ball valve enough to hold it open.
As soon as I could that all came out and was replaced with a stainless steel threaded drain plug.
15 July 2014, 21:07
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When I read this I thought it was going to be a completely different warning.
So, I'll add mine to the thread.
Like your's my RIB didn't have a drain plug at the bottom of the transom when I got it, relying instead on a well with a bilge pump.
I also decided to fit one, and dutifully drilled a large hole as low as possible and fitted a threaded tube with a screw in bung. Great thought I.
Now comes the moral of the story.
When you launch your RIB with it's handy plug to let water drain out whilst on it's trailer -
Remember to fit the bloody thing before it goes in the water.
On too many occasions I've parked the car and trailer only to find the screw in bung still on the boat key keyring.
It's hard to reach down that low on mine to fit it, and when you've launched into a busy fishing key like the Camber the water isn't the nicest to reach down into.
Nos4r2 will remember the day he had to hang onto my legs whilst I dangled over the back desperately trying not to drop the bung whilst I started the thread underwater.
15 July 2014, 22:47
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And remember to bring it with you! Having driven 45 miles to launch its not a good time to discover the boat sinking and that the bung is somewhere at home (I never did find it).
15 July 2014, 23:07
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Originally Posted by Blueajl10
I have a BWM 575 DIVE RIB that is fitted with what I can only describe as a flap type valve that closes when the boat is not underway and is held in place by water pressure outside the boat stopping water coming into the inner hull space. It consists of a piece of vinyl or Hypalon with a neoprene circle on the inner face and a GRP disc on the other side. Unfortunately it leaks and if the boat is left in the water, it tends to fill up over time. Does anybody know if these can be purchased new from anywhere or do I need to look at attempting home repair?
Might be worth contacting BWM and ask if they've got any expandable bungs, my old bwm had exactly the same drain system, with the expandable bung included,
the bung fits from inside the drain well, so doesn't touch the external rubber flap.
if you can't find one I'm sure it shouldn't be hard to fashion some dowling or cork.
All the best with that.
16 July 2014, 08:18
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Originally Posted by Poly
And remember to bring it with you! Having driven 45 miles to launch its not a good time to discover the boat sinking and that the bung is somewhere at home (I never did find it).
The bung on my RC is captive, you unscrew it so far & the water drains out but the bung stays in the socket. Part of my "pre launch" checklist is make sure it's screwed home........that & ensure that all the ratchet straps are off.
Hint: trying to launch a bote which is still strapped to the trailer ain't good for your cred
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Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
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16 July 2014, 08:30
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I put my RIB in the water without the Bungs
Had to get in up to my armpits to replace them when I realised. Much to everyones amusement ! Half the Solent came out once Id pulled it up the ramp.
Since then Ive learned not to remove them.
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