Originally Posted by indaba1991
I reckon that is bang on - if you see the ensuing argument there is definitely some sort of veiled criticism. No one seems to be rushing to the aid of the guys in the water either - even though it looked as if the boat ran over one at the beginning. Looks like bad training all around - and it looks like the "surfer" was "unwilling" to help so continued to film.
I have heard rumours in SA that certain lifeguard jobs have been taken away from skilled experienced people and their jobs given to "friends of the local politicians".
It's called BEE, Black Economic Empowerment, If was introduced after apartheid when the new government took over. The claim was that it was to address the in balance of jobs to Black and Indians.
I had a mate there and he was a fireman one day and unemployed the next. If there was a Black that could do your job then you lost it, simple as that. Only government employees though if you worked in the private sector then you were okay but the chance of promotion or advancement diminished.
Australia and Newzeland had an influx of white South Africans, there are many whites who were the poor whites living rough now.