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Old 05 February 2006, 21:56   #1
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Launch My Boat IN WALES?

I Want To Take My Boat Out For A Spin To Try It Out Anyone Know Were I Can Launch One From As Im From Pontypool So Newport,cardiff,barry Is There Anywere?please Help
zip a de do da zipa de day orrr no its been another sh*t day
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Old 05 February 2006, 22:25   #2
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hello, well cardiff isnt the best place for boating, we use slips in swansea, the gower, there are plenty there, if interested could let you know about those, but im affraid in dont know about any in cardiff! sorry
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Old 06 February 2006, 16:18   #3
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Much as I don't like Cardiff I have to say Cardiff bay is a GREAT place for trying out a boat!!!

There is a brilliant slip the other side of the flyover by a watersports centre - cheap parking and best slip I have ever seen!!!

There is no speed limit inside the bay either so it's fantastic for watersports!!!
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Old 07 February 2006, 00:29   #4
Country: UK - England
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proved wrong!.........may have to try that one out!!!!! there seems to be allot of ribbers in south wales, maybe a trip would be in order as things warm up, i hear of allot of trips, the majority of which i guess goes on solent direction!
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Old 18 February 2006, 13:48   #5
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Been off RIBnet for a bit so only just saw this.

Channel View watersports centre in Cardiff has a slip - it is superb. current cost is £6ish - you'll need proof of insurance.

Real easy to launch - parking and pontoons.

We are around most weekends (just waiting for the boat back from it's service.) so happy to come out with you.

Access out through the barrage is available any time every 30 mins, unless there are restrictions due to low water or high salt content in the bay.

There is a 5 knot limit from the slip until the open bay and in the Mermaid quay and river areas.

Feel free to give me a call 07775 811058 if you want more details or to arrange anything.

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Old 18 February 2006, 16:01   #6
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Much as I don't like Cardiff I have to say Cardiff bay is a GREAT place for trying out a boat!!!

There is a brilliant slip the other side of the flyover by a watersports centre - cheap parking and best slip I have ever seen!!!

There is no speed limit inside the bay either so it's fantastic for watersports!!!
coders is this as good as it looks? and what are launching restrictions? 2 hrs either side oh high water or 100% access, to channel,, been over to cardiff many times whilst playing in bristol channel but never come accross this,,, should go over to my boat and fire me gps up really but lazy git

cheers - nueg
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Old 18 February 2006, 16:11   #7
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Originally Posted by Mike B
unless there are restrictions due to low water or high salt content in the bay.
Please explain more ?
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Old 18 February 2006, 18:06   #8
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by nugent
coders is this as good as it looks? and what are launching restrictions? 2 hrs either side oh high water or 100% access, to channel,, been over to cardiff many times whilst playing in bristol channel but never come accross this,,, should go over to my boat and fire me gps up really but lazy git

cheers - nueg
I think that is the one Mike B has just mentioned - yes it is as good as it looks if not better. Water level is pretty much constant I believe because it is inside the bay area itself.

Haven't launched from there yet but it looks about as good as a slip will ever get - perfect gradient and really wide.

As to high salt content they have had a similar prob in Swansea with the barrage - salt water gets in and increases salinity of the river causes lot's of probs for the wildlife - they have even resorted to pumping oxygen into the river - might work in a fish tank but waste of time anywhere else!!! They have to watch levels outside and try to avoid letting water back in at certain times - pretty rare though!!!
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Old 20 February 2006, 13:37   #9
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Codders - yep we're talking about the same slip.

The old one was not great but after a bit of investment the new one truely is near perfect.

The gradient of the slip increases as it reaches water level to make it a dream to launch here. There are pontoons car and trailer parking.

I've used the slip quite a few times now ( as it's about half a mile from my house) an alternative is penarth slip, which is in bad repair, you need a key (£20 I think) is tidal, takes quite a bit of swell and there is no parking.

The water in the bay is kept at a constant level and only when this is threatened are the locking operations affected.

Nugent - cause the slip is in the bay water levels are never an issue! However the slip is part of the watersports / leisure centre so has limited opening hours currently 10 :00am - 4:00pm I believe, however during the summer last year they did extend it to 7:00pm. The cost was around £6 last time I was there with a £5 deposit for your bay permit. you need proof of insurance and to fill out a questionaire - (persons on board, draught, PFD's for all etc).

TQboater - the normal locking times are every half hour - (on the hour and half past the hour outbound and quarter past to quarter to inbound). However if the water level in the bay drops too much (usually during draught seasons) restricted locking is applied (usual to every hour). Similarly if the salt content in the bay builds up too much the same is enforced. Any restrictions such as this are listed on the Cardiff NTM pages: Doesn't happen often only a couple of times last year that I'm aware of.

Have a browse around the site and gives you lots of info.

Just looked out my office window and can see that they appear to be running normal operations today Looks like a reasonable day for a spin too!! How come that always happens when your boat is being serviced

Only things to watch out for are the speed restricted areas, there are restrictions on immersion sports - (kayaking, water skiing etc) which are pretty much banned unless part of the local clubs. But once out through the barrage it is great. Steep holm and Flat holm island are a nice spin out into the channel, fish and chips in Weston Supermare or Minehead or a trip down the coast to Barry.

If anyone is fancying a trip up, down or over to Cardiff same offer applies as above - give me a call if I can help (or if you fancy a beer)

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Old 20 February 2006, 14:37   #10
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i normally launch from burnham and do all the islands as well as down to lundy for some daft tope fishing late summer allways fun on a rib

next time out will have to come over and take a butchers does sound good, as i normally go out with the tide, which i have had some bad experiances in the past wanting to get in earlyer through heat exposure wid sun or just had enougth for the day, or as bristol channel is known for nice big lumpy swelling seas.
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Old 10 September 2014, 19:45   #11
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What's the fishing like in the bay? And how often can you get into the Bristol Channel?
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