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Old 21 June 2007, 05:08   #1
Country: UK - England
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Leaking Tubes

need to repair a one or more leaks under rubbing strake on pvc tubes,the leak,s .seem to be 3 to5 ft along the tube so will have to pull strake back at least that far,not looking forward to doing this.
What tools do i need (hot air blower?)
What is the best way to get old glue off and clean up(tried a bit of recomended cleaner seems it hard work all the way)
Once you have coated glue on surfaces how do you apply pressure to the two surfaces that loose all shape without air in them or do you try a ballancing act and put some air in.It is pvc glue (purchased from pollymarine 3026 )is it instant contact addesive or does it give you some alignment time.
Thanks Stuart
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Old 21 June 2007, 14:54   #2
Country: USA
Town: Oakland CA
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I don't know how most people do it, but I fold the tube onto itself and clamp it between a couple of pices of wood. Leave the repaired bit on one side:

xxxxxxxxxx <----patch
Edge-on view: ________________!________________ base material

Fold at the ! and clamp as required. (Do not clamp the folded edge.)

I use vise grips or C-clamps or whatever else will hold things in place.

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Old 21 June 2007, 20:00   #3
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Humma
Make: Humber Destoyer 5.5
Length: 5m +
Engine: Out b 75 hp Marriner
MMSI: 235068231
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 273
tube repair

Pulled rubbing strake back,not all off but up to the leaking area just about a foot around leaking area,found leak under the tape pulled back tape on the tube seam, tape was stuck in place well on lower part of tube but upper had burst open. Moved tape and tube appart cleaned dried and applied mixed glue to tape and tube trying to keep apart for 10 mins hard to do no shape in a baggy tube,then pressed and held together best i could no clamps suitable,will leave over night to cure will 12hours do before pressure test.Another little problem I had while trying to do this ,had put in polymarine liquid sealant(which I have used to good effect before must depend on how big leaks are) was swilling around in there so had hold tube up while cleaning and glueing.Good fun when on the water this ribbing,thanks for reading coments please
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