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Old 21 June 2005, 15:36   #21
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Originally Posted by Andy
I can't believe this conversation .... anybody that does not wear a life jacket is either stupid or so up themselves that they think they don't need one, as it will never happen to them.
Every time you change an electrical plug or drive around a corner or when you dive a new site you use your judgement to limit the risks and the same should apply to wearing a life jacket
You have gained the ability to make this judgement through experience and you would rightly expect others to respect your decisions. So why do you think it is right to comment on others actions when what you get up to is equally questionable I think that all diving, which is very dangerous and lots of people die or have to be rescued, should be banned or only allowed if you keep one hand above the water while keeping your feet on the ground

Only joking to illustrate the point But hopefully you will take it, we should not judge others lest we get judged ourselves

Ps I used to dive before I became to old, fat and unfit. Des
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Old 21 June 2005, 15:57   #22
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Tend to agree Des - nanny state conditioning people too much. Personally I would INSIST on any kids on my boat weraing a lifejacket but I would ADVISE the adults!!!

Unfortunately most drowning occur in accident when least expected - people getting swept off the land seen very common - should people wear a lifejacket when walking along a prom???
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Old 21 June 2005, 16:22   #23
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Originally Posted by Jono
Whilst you are obviously a well balanced and socially graced individual...
No I am definately not well balanced and definately up myself on many occasions and as I wish to smoke, drink and have unprotected sex for many years, I wear a life jacket.
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Old 21 June 2005, 16:23   #24
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I think there is a balance to be struck somewhere between choice and the prescriptive nanny state. Nobody likes being dictated to. The problem occurs when there are preventable fatalities, often caused by idiots (lets face it there are some people that just should not be allowed in a boat).

If everyone took sensible precautions, which I think includes always wearing a life jacket, efforts could be focussed on education about more complex safety issues (e.g. safe driving, engine maintenance, rights of way) as opposed to having to bang in the message about basic safe practice.

Covering the points about swimmers drowning in the sea and reservoirs every summer - there is a massive education campaign every year, but people often are overconfident of their abilities, with tragic results.

The same applies to powerboating, which is why people should cover the basics thoroughly, so they can concentrate on avoiding the more serious mishaps that can happen. In the diving world, we have the concept of the incident pit - this is where a problem can start off with something simple like a leaky mask. No big deal in its self, but should other problems occur, you are then trying to save yourself or someone else having to clear your mask often. The end result is simple things can lead to the worst kind of incidents (bends/death). Therefore best practice is to always make sure you have the basics right. There is no reason to be complacent and ignore this for powerboating either.

Regarding incidents where you might not be able to save yourself in the water without a lifejacket, these could include:

- falling overboard at > 30 knots (lots of boats on ribnet are this fast - maybe even slower, try jumping out at speed sometime)
- falling over in the boat and banging your head - easy to do if the helmsman makes violent throttle movements
- collision with other boats - you might be the best driver in the world, but the sunseeker driver trying to get the best view of the BT Challenge start tried to ram us many times.
- rough weather - it might be calm when you go out, but conditions can change on you unexpectedly

Wearing lifejackets is best practice/mandatory for the RNLI (& all lifeguards I would imagine), powerboat racers, any commercial operation, all power boat courses, navy/MOD operations... and many more.

There is a good reason for doing things safely every time, so why take chances with something so straightforward?

I don't think it should be mandatory - its more like driving without a seatbelt - in 99.9% of situations (in powerboats at least) you are better off wearing it, so why not wear one?


ps - I agree it should be mandatory for children.
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Old 21 June 2005, 16:44   #25
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Why not give people free choice and respect their decision to answer my own question because our lives are so interfered with these days we can not see when it is right and wrong to get involved An illustration of this is how different our attitude is to that of the France, a France politician was being interviewed about the number of people that get shot each hunting season in France, I quote’ if you go hunting you might get shot’ in other words make a decision and live with the consequences In this country we would ban it, nowadays we cannot stop interfering and it is wrong and ultimately damaging to all. If our children can not access risk because we have created an environment that nannies them too much we are not doing them any favours
And as to the ways you can injure yourself on a boat, most people still die in bed go figure Des
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Old 21 June 2005, 16:56   #26
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Originally Posted by Scary Des
Why not give people free choice and respect their decision to answer my own question
I agree with that - I think the gist of what I said is that you are taking a stupid and unnecessary risk not wearing one.... I'm not stopping you endangering yourself, just encouraging you to consider the potential consequences for other people (known to you and otherwise) should any nautical problem you have be made worse by not wearing a lifejacket. Lets face it - it is hardly a hinderance, and compared to the cost of the boat, not very expensive.

As for the nanny state - take it up with your MP!

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Old 21 June 2005, 17:05   #27
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Ricky, why aren't you and Andy slaving over a hot comms console in SW 19?
Peter (nick, nick) T

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
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Old 21 June 2005, 17:07   #28
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Originally Posted by Ribald
Ricky, why aren't you and Andy slaving over a hot comms console in SW 19?
Sorry to say that Tim Henmans performance leaves us with no option but to read ribnet A different story alltogether when Sharapova is playing!


ps. have attached a few photos I've taken so far...
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Old 21 June 2005, 17:09   #29
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Originally Posted by thorper
Sorry to say that Tim Henmans performance leaves us with no option but to read ribnet A different story alltogether when Sharapova is playing!

Kournikova was the best though - ONLY time I have ever been interested in tennis!!!
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Old 21 June 2005, 17:12   #30
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Originally Posted by Ribald
Ricky, why aren't you and Andy slaving over a hot comms console in SW 19?

Henman has just dragged us through the hot coals again, and so this thread has been afternoon entertainment to relieve the pain. Nothing like a good rant about lifejackets. How about we do the same now about killcords, surely the same logic applies.

For those that are interested ... you may catch Ricky and me on this link:


This is the internet opps room for
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Old 21 June 2005, 17:48   #31
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Andy, you get all the fun!

I'm sat in a baking hot comms room doing disaster recovery testing with nobody to talk to but the latvian cleaner.

God........I'm bored.

Nevermind only another 3 hours to go.......deep joy!

Mexico and now this, what a rollercoaster job I have!!
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 21 June 2005, 23:13   #32
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and when is a lifejacket not a lifejacket ???

seems like the bit about the difference between a bouyancy aid and a lifejacket has been left out - and all the pros and cons of each.....
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