Sorry to pester again, I've searched on here but can only find lifting points relating to constant use with proper brackets etc.
I recently bought a very tidy SR4 which i'm currently doing a few jobs to make perfect (OCD

) and now i'm stuck.
I want to lift it from the trailer so I can get underneath it to repair a very small chip and fully polish the hull (G3?) removing some very faint scratches also.
I have a two poster ramp at work so my plan is...
Run a strap under the bow, through the stainless eye on the front so it cannot slip.
Then run another strap under the engine in between the transom and engine and fasten both straps to the arms on the two poster ramp then send up.
How does this sound for maybe a few days?
I'm concerned that it would put to much strain on the center of the boat lifting so far forward and back.
Would more straps be needed or is this OK?
Lastly, Would I keep the tubes inflated or deflate - bearing in mind the straps would be resting on them for the duration.
Many Thanks.