Originally Posted by Mike B
JKY, Fair point on the LiPo vs Li ion. I use plenty of LiPo with remote control hele / quad copters and never had a problem, but I do treat them well.
Don't the instructions on those LiPo packs for RC say to charge outside? Don't the suppliers sell Nomex bags to charge them in? (I know in the US they do. Or at least did.)
There have been several house fires that have been attributed to LiPo batteries on those hoverboard thingies. The videos of LiPo packs being holed and erupting into flames is a little disconcerting, as well.
I'll give you that a lot of stuff is cheaper Chinese cut rate merchandise, but it seems to me that LiPo is a little too unstable for safety gear (especially when we're talking fire on a boat...)