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Old 11 October 2010, 12:11   #1
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Humma
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Liverpool slipways

Has anyone used the Liverpool areas for a Rib launch (Humber 5.5)
The Alfred dock or Albert dock or any other slips around that area have Lexus 4by4 not that good on wet sand but ok on concrete
Thanks Stuart
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Old 11 October 2010, 16:05   #2
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We have launched a few times into the dock and then gone out of the marina via the lock...
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Old 11 October 2010, 17:12   #3
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Humma
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Length: 5m +
Engine: Out b 75 hp Marriner
MMSI: 235068231
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by Endeavour View Post
We have launched a few times into the dock and then gone out of the marina via the lock...

Which dock Albert? Do you need permission, who takes the fee, how much, any help thanks
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Old 11 October 2010, 17:30   #4
Country: UK - England
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Hi Stu, I remember you now from Pwllheli. You need insurance and pay at the reception in the Yacht Club. Think its about £30 now inc lock.

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Old 11 October 2010, 21:13   #5
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I use the slip at New Brighton on the other side of the Mersey. There's an annual permit required but it's a lot cheaper than it's listed as. I think the council website says something like £120 but if you pay at the RYA school there then you can join their sailing club for £30 and get the permit for 50-odd quid a year. You've got a fiver a day for the tunnel too if you're going from the Liverpool side.

You can launch at most tide states except high water springs (so the leaflet says, I've never tried). It does mean driving out on to the sands if you're launching at low tide but they're reasonably solid, the jetskiers drive out in Astras and Honda Civics. It's OK if you can keep out the water as the tide cuts the sand from under you, I saw a guy in a 4x4 van badly stuck a couple of weeks ago. I usually push the trailer in by hand and tow it out on a rope, keep the car on the dry. There's a tractor as well, I'm told it's about £15 each way. Parking is free.

You also get the use of slips at Dove Point and West Kirby. The one at Dove Point is restricted to 2hrs either side of high tide, the other one is tidal too but never been so don't know much about it.


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Old 12 October 2010, 07:47   #6
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Liverpool Sailing Club have a slip at garston. It`s at the back of what was Bryant & Mays. Near John Lennon Airport.
I think it`s about £150 per year to join, though not completely sure.

Think you get 3 hrs either side of HW, again not totally sure.

If you do manage to put in on Liverpool side make sure you post how/where you did it. I`ve always thought it`s a shame the mersey isn`t more accessible from L/pool side
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Old 17 October 2010, 16:10   #7
Country: UK - England
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I have used the beach at new brighton for approximatly the last year, we have a humber 5.5 on a roller trailer and tow it with a freelander.

The beach is fine for driving on just keep to the right (nearer to the rocks) and easy to use at low tide (its steeper at low tide) as the tide rises the need to use a rope is necessary to keep the car dry as the beach levels off.

As for using it at high tide its possible on neaps (still on the sand) but for spring tides it becomes unusable as the waves break along the wall where you would be trying to launch so not easy but wait an hour and it is possible.

The price is about £75 per year by joining the club as mentioned above, which is cheaper then just paying the council as thats about £120.

For parking most just leave on the beach but for spring tides it is necessary to park up in the car park or accross the road on the pavement area.

If you need any more info il try and help.
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