Originally Posted by Salty Pete
Thank you for your response.
Oldman2, I am an old man 2. However did you watch the whole video because there was a point in pulling up the pot where I stopped to hook the rope at a pre-determined point to hook over a cleat so I could check to see if the pot was around the correct way.
This didn't work very well and after that I just rapped the rope around bottom cleat and that held it in position better.
Yup Pete I didnt miss you hooking up, but it seemed difficult as you were having to keep tension on the now split to two thinner ropes to keep control of the pot. A loop in the main rope would have meant you could easily hook up the flapping un-tensioned loop while one hand keeps the pot tension in place.
Depending on how much effort it takes to lift the pot over the side, I wondered if you are doing multiple lifts in a session, could you use some leverage like a seasaw pivoted near where the rollers are so you draw the cage up to where two connected pivoting timbers are (currently vertical) and once the cage is against the timbers so the tube is protected, pulling down on the end of the vertical timbers will raise the pot and when horizontal the timbers would be resting on the opposite tube allowing you to deal with the pot contents, re-bait and release the pot gently using your timber.
This may of course be impractical for you but my idle mind likes to run riot given the chance