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Old 18 June 2009, 21:53   #1
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Loch Ness - Abriachan

I'll be holidaying for a week on the North Shore of Loch Lomond for a family holiday with bikes etc.

I am planning to take the boat - and it looks like Dorres will be suitable for launching - but it does mean running around to the otherside of the loch each time. I'm wondering if anyone here know what state the "old pier" at Abriachan is in - and if you would leave a 4m boat there in good weather?

I've read the threads on here from people who "transited" the Caley Canal but has anyone spent much time just leisurely cruising the loch? Would you recommend any of the pubs etc that might be accessible by boat for lunch?
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Old 18 June 2009, 23:29   #2
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I spent two day on loch ness whilst doing safety cover for a race from Corpach to North Kessock.

The three places we stayed was Fort Agustus , Urquhar Bay (harbour), Lifeboat Slipway campsite there stayed one night in a hotel who owns the Brachla Harbour.|loch ness|Loch Ness

Foyers is another stopping point,|loch ness|Loch Ness

Dores I believe has slip that you can use too, and campsite.

I didnt have much time to socailise since was safety cover, few good hotels in for agustus and nice b & b where i stayed.

The south side of loch is pretty barron, and would consider taking sea anchor since loch is very very deep....

if you need more info i will tax my mind more. think was 2005 last time there.


PS. If you ever looking for place to visit on Forth, Elie welcomes powerboaters, . Let me in advance i will arrange for you to get refuelled and can use club house.

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Old 19 June 2009, 00:00   #3
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Originally Posted by SPR View Post
The south side of loch is pretty barron, and would consider taking sea anchor since loch is very very deep....
mmm... hadn't considered that.
If you ever looking for place to visit on Forth, Elie welcomes powerboaters, . Let me in advance i will arrange for you to get refuelled and can use club house.
thank - might do that sometime... problem seems to be whenever I get a "pass" to go out and play - the weather is crap!
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Old 19 June 2009, 00:33   #4
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Brachla Harbour - looks like it has a slip from , as i said was not on loch looking for slips. at top of that looks supiciously like a slip!, knows nothing about it who ownes etc.

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Old 19 June 2009, 07:21   #5
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SPR - thanks thats great. The holiday cottage we have booked is only about a mile from there. I'll need to investigate it and update boatlaunch if its useable. I think that harbour is owned by the hotel across the road - so I'll see if I can work out what the story is.
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Old 19 June 2009, 08:38   #6
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Keep this thread updated please mate.
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Old 19 June 2009, 09:31   #7
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Launched the old boat at Dores twice. Its pretty good and of course it doesn't matter if the vehicle goes in the water (slip turns into pebbles). Dores inn is right next to slip of course......

Only problem is that it can get quite rough in the corner if the wind picks up - always seems to run up the loch.

We had to reccy the loch for possible launching/recovery sites for the Loch Ness Monster Catamaran race a few times (possible third race this year). For such a big stretch of water there is not much.

There is a very rough slip of sorts next to the Brachla harbour but it did not look much use.

One of the 5m rescue boats launched at Fort Augustus OK but I don't know what the slip is like - he had a Defender.

The other alternative is to go in at Caley marina in inverness and run down the river (a couple of locks to go through to get to the loch).

Will be taking the new boat across there in a couple of weeks.

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Old 19 June 2009, 10:00   #8
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Originally Posted by Richard Selman View Post
Launched the old boat at Dores twice. Its pretty good and of course it doesn't matter if the vehicle goes in the water (slip turns into pebbles). Dores inn is right next to slip of course......

Only problem is that it can get quite rough in the corner if the wind picks up - always seems to run up the loch.

We had to reccy the loch for possible launching/recovery sites for the Loch Ness Monster Catamaran race a few times (possible third race this year). For such a big stretch of water there is not much.

There is a very rough slip of sorts next to the Brachla harbour but it did not look much use.

One of the 5m rescue boats launched at Fort Augustus OK but I don't know what the slip is like - he had a Defender.

The other alternative is to go in at Caley marina in inverness and run down the river (a couple of locks to go through to get to the loch).

Will be taking the new boat across there in a couple of weeks.

thanks Richard - rough at Dorres shouldn't be a problem as with young kids and a small boat will only be going out if its very nice anyway. The downside for Dorres for me is its "round the corner" from the cottage so with kids having about an hour attention span on the boat its a bit too far to be convenient (tow boat, launch boat, play in boat, recover boat, tow boat) to do several times in a week thats supposed to not just be about the boating!

My boats only little - but I only have a normal car so I'll suss out the Brachla harbour slip and see if its worth the risk. The other option (which is where I was going initially) is to launch it at the start of the week and keep her afloat till the end - then its easy to use for a little trip to get lunch / dinner etc. Brachla harbour looks like it might be an option for that depending on their view of visitors. Their is an old pier at Abriachan which the only photo I have found of it looks rather poor - but I did wonder if I would be able to tie off to that - but not sure how exposed it is?
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Old 19 June 2009, 10:03   #9
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Originally Posted by JSP View Post
Keep this thread updated please mate.
will do - i'll try to get some pictures and detail to update boatlaunch with too.
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Old 19 June 2009, 10:59   #10
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Not sure whether you could keep the boat in Brachla harbour as the Jacobian cruise boats are flying back and forward to the castle. Also I remember that the sides of the harbour are pretty high to accomodate easy access to the cruise boats and not too friendly for us that are closer to the water. Don't remember a ladder.

You might get a small boat down the 'slip'. Its located just on the north side of the harbour by the ticket office/shed. The new ticket office might be in the way now. There used to be a 16' fletcher type hardboat in the weeds.

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Old 19 June 2009, 11:18   #11
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Originally Posted by Richard Selman View Post
Not sure whether you could keep the boat in Brachla harbour as the Jacobian cruise boats are flying back and forward to the castle. Also I remember that the sides of the harbour are pretty high to accomodate easy access to the cruise boats and not too friendly for us that are closer to the water. Don't remember a ladder.

You might get a small boat down the 'slip'. Its located just on the north side of the harbour by the ticket office/shed. The new ticket office might be in the way now. There used to be a 16' fletcher type hardboat in the weeds.

thanks I've emailed the hotel to see what the story is with either launching there or arriving there for a meal.
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Old 19 June 2009, 14:31   #12
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is Urquart Bay, this is where the Coastguard Station/RNLI Lifeboat is there is slip there but don't know if the public has access to it.


PS. When loch watch out for coloured green and red oil barrels! These are what they call Navigation Marks! they usually floating on there sides. Urquart Harbour has a channel marked into it. At least the last time i visited!
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Old 19 June 2009, 15:39   #13
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Originally Posted by SPR View Post

is Urquart Bay, this is where the Coastguard Station/RNLI Lifeboat is there is slip there but don't know if the public has access to it.


PS. When loch watch out for coloured green and red oil barrels! These are what they call Navigation Marks! they usually floating on there sides. Urquart Harbour has a channel marked into it. At least the last time i visited!
British Waterways have been very helpful this afternoon. The slipway there is not public access, the harbour is owned by the cruiser company but is open to the public and sound like it is "pay and display".
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Old 20 July 2009, 20:53   #14
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Originally Posted by JSP View Post
Keep this thread updated please mate.
OK John, here is a quick run down of my experiences last week.

I launched at the Dores Inn slipway. The slip seems to be owned by the pub rather than actually public - but there were no charges (but we did have lunch - food very good!). The staff were polite and helpful and the guy from the "Nessie spotting caravan" was particularly helpful - pointing out areas of deep water either side of the slipway where I could leave the boat with the engine down whilst sorting out trailers, cars, wives, children etc. The slip itself is reasonably narrow and the finished surface stops before the water is deep enough to get the boat off. So we found ourselves pushing the trailer in deeper (by hand as we don't have a tow vehicle suitable for immersion) - that worked OK with a little 4m boat - but those with bigger boats might find the rocky bottom tricky to push over. [Anyone planning to launch with Jetskis should note that they are not permitted to use the slipway]. Once you are launched there is an area off the beach marked with small buoys/floats which is not intended for powerboats to use except when coming and going from the slip, and then at < 5knots.

Having launched we kept the boat at Brachla Harbour on the 'North' shore of the loch. I had previously emailed the Clansman Hotel (who are at the Harbour). So armed with that information arrived at reception expecting to pay my dues - the staff didn't know anything about overnight storage of boats and sent me to the Jacobite Tours office on the harbourside, they also knew nothing - and to be honest didn't seem that keen [the harbour is mostly used by their boats]. Unearthing the original email and returning to the hotel I found "Rory", paid my £5 a night and he sent me back to Jacobite to agree where to keep it that would cause them least inconvenience. They then suggested that "if I was happy with it where is was, on the beach, I just leave it there" as it would be safest from the random antics of the Caley Cruisers boats who use the harbour. I agreed subject to the weather staying OK (but was thinking WTF have I paid to beach a boat) - it was mill pond calm at the time. He insisted he was trying to protect my boat rather than not wanting me there - but I got the feeling that although they don't own the harbour they think they do! An hour later the weather had turned and was kicking up some real waves - so I changed the plan and found a corner of the harbour (bring several fenders as its rusty corrugated metal). And think about "chaff protection" for the ropes - as one of mine was worn through about 20% overnight.

It worked out fine and we had a few trips out on the loch.

There is a slipway at the harbour but they are not allowed public access from the main road.

There is another 'public' slipway at Fort Augustus - I didn't explore it in detail - but it didn't look a whole load better, someone was recovering a reasonable sized Drascombe when we passed so it can't be too bad.

The harbour at "Urquhart bay" would also provide a safe haven - but we didn't explore it (there didn't seem to be any food in the viscinity).

If anyone is staying in the Abriachan area, the old disused pier looked like it would make a suitable makeshift mooring in all but the worst conditions. If I was going back that would be my choice - as it would save the "hassle" finding someone at Bracla who was interested - and its only a mile away if the weather did kick up. It looked fairly secure as finding it from the road was pretty tricky and overgrown.

The loch is certainly big enough to entertain a small boat for a few days and a boat is a good way to access bits of the "south" shore - where the road doesn't go. With a bigger boat or more time on your hands the rest of the canal and the other connected lochs would be worth exploring - but with a young family we didn't think these very big locks were the place to be "playing". With older kids (say 8+) this would keep them amused.

Hope that helps anyone considering a trip.
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